Vic replied to the topic Where do I go from here? in the forum Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Writers 4 years, 4 months ago
@sam-m @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @melodyjoy @claire-h@anne_the_noob14 @joshuapior
Here it is. Finally. The end of the matter. Basically Part 3 revised. I included the entire “short story” here. Enjoy!
The tall buildings faded into a snapshot-perfect background, and her line of sight snapped into place. Her finger pressed gently against…[Read more]
Vic replied to the topic Where do I go from here? in the forum Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Writers 4 years, 7 months ago
@sam-m @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @melodyjoy @claire-h@ anne_the_noob14 @joshuapior
Finally…! Part 4 (end of Part 3 included for a little refresher 😉) Hoping to wrap this one up soonish. We’ll see. There’s potential for a longer version someday, but probably not what I’ll be focusing on. I just want to give this a satisfying finish. The next…[Read more]
Vic replied to the topic Where do I go from here? in the forum Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Writers 4 years, 8 months ago
@sam-m @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @melodyjoy @claire-h @anne_the_noob14 @joshuapior
Next part! Enjoy!
Thud, thud, whack. The heavy bag spun away from her and she wiped the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand. She bounced on her toes and continued. Jab, cross, squat. Breathe, release, repeat. Kick, punch, kick, punch. T…[Read more]
Vic replied to the topic Where do I go from here? in the forum Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Writers 4 years, 8 months ago
@sam-m @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @melodyjoy @claire-h@anne_the_noob14 @joshuapior
Let me know what you think. Still don’t know exactly how this is gonna end. 😏 Next scene is under construction and will be up soonish. Maybe by tomorrow but I’m working so it might be Monday.
Her doorbell rang and Liz jumped. Calm down! she scolded h…[Read more]
Vic replied to the topic Where do I go from here? in the forum Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Writers 4 years, 8 months ago
@sam-m @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @melodyjoy @claire-h @anne_the_noob14 @joshuapior
Sam, you just go right ahead and write your story. Don’t worry about where I take mine!! 😉 That being said, here’s the next part. There’s some clarity about theme and purpose now, but it’s still more of an as-I-go project. ☺️
Liz stared at h…[Read more]
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Guess I’ll break the ice … in the forum Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Writers 4 years, 11 months ago
Oh gosh. I have read very few mysteries XD Like, literally the only mysteries I’ve read are Sherlock Holmes lol. Oh. Actually I take that back. Is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde a mystery? Cause I’ve read that. And if any of Edgar Allen Poe’s works are mysteries, I’ve read them.
I shall do my best, though! Let’s see. Oh gee. I’m gonna have…[Read more]
A.N. Parker replied to the topic Guess I’ll break the ice … in the forum Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Writers 5 years ago
@joshuapior Good question! Hmmmm… I guess it would be Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (wings) meets Chronicles of Narnia (battles and good sides/bad sides and such)? Or Maximum Ride (wings) meets quality. 😏 *glares at the movie that TOTALLY could’ve been better*
Elisha Starquill replied to the topic Hey hey in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years ago
@joshuapior – Yes, same with me! Thus my over excitement that you actually know about him. xD
A thalassophile is a lover of the ocean, and a trinstamentalist is – in addition to being a word I made up – someone who plays three instruments (in my case, piano, guitar, and violin.) I’ve always adored discovering rare words and creating my own. 😀
Vic replied to the topic Hello! I'm new… 🙂 in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years ago
@joshuapior, hi! This is my first! 😬😳 I’m really excited though. It’s been my dream since middle school, so actually taking steps to making it a reality is really thrilling.
Yes, I absolutely love middle schoolers’ questions and genuine desire for truth.
Caseybold replied to the topic Hey hey in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 1 month ago
@joshuapior Actually no 🙁 I tried to find a Korean translation of that quote and couldn’t. The Korean in my signature translates to “Where there’s a will there’s a way”, another favorite quote of mine 🙂
@naiya-dyani I started out with an interest in anime, which got me interested in Korean Dramas. I’m also into some video gaming, and in…[Read more]
Elisha Starquill replied to the topic Hey hey in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 1 month ago
@joshuapior – Lol, what can I say? Chocolate is for mortal peasants. 😛
I’ve been attempting lots of things, mainly portraits of the cast from LoTR (because I’m familiar with their faces xD) and animals. I love concept art too! My dream is to one day draw my own characters and fantasy landscapes, but right now I cannot draw anything without a…[Read more]
Naiya Dyani replied to the topic Hey hey in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 1 month ago
@caseybold @joshuapior *randomly jumps in* Heeey, I love languages, too! 😀 I dipped my toes VERY briefly into Korean, but was scared off by the “pronouncing OOH ten different ways” factor! 😅 I’m into Japanese myself right now. It only has five vowel sounds, which I greatly appreciate! I can handle the crazy “three different alphabets” bit a lot…[Read more]
K.M. Small replied to the topic Hey hey in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 1 month ago
@joshuapior I’ve heard a lot of good things about Frank E. Peretti’s works. I’ve yet to read any, but I hear This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness are phenomenal.
It was great meeting you! See you around in the forum!
Caseybold replied to the topic Hey hey in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 1 month ago
@joshuapior The different alphabet does complicate things. I studied French and Spanish (and a little Italian, and Greek lol) in high school too. I love languages. The biggest problem for me is deciding to study just one language long enough to make some meaningful progress.
Korean sentence structure is similar to Latin and the romantic…[Read more]
Caseybold replied to the topic Hey hey in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 1 month ago
@joshuapior That would be so cool! Most of the places I’d like to travel to are in Europe as well, but it’d be awesome to go just about anywhere. I’m learning Korean now and would probably go to South Korea first, given a choice of anywhere and the funds and time to do it lol. Korean culture is fascinating to me, and the way they arrange their…[Read more]
K.M. Small replied to the topic Hey hey in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 1 month ago
@joshuapior that’s great! Congrats on an almost one-year blogging anniversary!
I mainly write fantasy, bordering on high fantasy some of the time. I do a bit of sci-fi, dystopian, and contemporary when I write short stories though. As for reading… it’s all over xD Last week I was reading Brandon Sanderson, and this week I’m reading Louisa May…[Read more]
Caseybold replied to the topic Hey hey in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 1 month ago
@joshuapior Your blog looks really cool! I started reading and will definitely come back for more 😀 Your introduction is awesome too. Makes me feel a little lame by contrast lol.
Where would you most like to travel? I’d like to travel. I’ve moved around a lot (6 moves in the last 5 years . . . ) but never outside the U.S.
What are your favorite…[Read more]
K.M. Small replied to the topic Hey hey in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 1 month ago
@joshuapior welcome to Story Embers!
Well, I did end up tracking down your about page on your blog, so I guess I got a double intro from you. I have to say: your blog is AMAZING. I may have accidentally ended up reading it for an hour and becoming very inspired for my new WIP. 😀 I also really enjoyed the Author Personality Type quiz. I’m a…[Read more]
Elisha Starquill replied to the topic Hey hey in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 1 month ago
@joshuapior – Hi Joshua! Welcome to Story Embers. What kind of art do you like the most? I’ve recently rekindled my love for it, starting off with some basic pencil drawings. I’m really enjoying it so far. I love to travel too! I’m blessed to have an international family, which has given me a lot of opportunities to see the world.
I’ll be…[Read more]
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Hey hey in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 1 month ago
@joshuapior, Hi! Nice to see you on Story Embers, you can call me Urwen. Story Embers is great, I’ve only been on here for a little while, but I’ve enjoyed it a lot. What kind of things do you like to write about?