RAE posted an update in the group Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 6 months ago
So…I need someone who is crazy about correcting grammar, as in typos, sentences that are not structured right, inconsistencies in spelling and capitalization, wrong punctuation. If your like that, would you mind editing an incomplete original sci-fi book? I know this sounds like an ad, but I need someone to help me out with my grammar. Just let…[Read more]
Jaclyn joined the group Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 6 months ago
Abrielle started the topic Short story in the forum Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 7 months ago
Hi guys! I recently finished a short story (though it is technically a little long for a ‘short story’). I was wondering, would anybody be willing to give me feedback on it? If your willing to read it but don’t have time for in-depth criticism, my big question is, is it worth turning into a full length novel?
Well, here goes.
The…[Read more]
RAE posted an update in the group Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 7 months ago
So I’ve got a problem, I like to plan out stories like crazy and many of them I will never write down but will just be added to my mind’s archives. One of theses stories will be the death of Grathmere, my hidden Antag for Guardian Angels and the following 3 books (What can I say? I wanted a complete story). The problem is, after he is defeated by…[Read more]
Hi RAE! I have returned. I shall now proceed to pepper you with suggestions good, bad, and downright awesome. (Teasing. I promise I don’t actually talk like this in real life.)
Anyways, about Grathmere. There’s always the standard ‘badguy turns good, saves goodguy, and dies’ trope. However, I’m not sure that this trope would really make much of a…[Read more]-
Grathmere is a hard character to read. He’s a Wondian Nameless Thing making a little harder for me to put on my Character Cloak. He has never tried to kill Leahae, and she didn’t even know he was such a monster until he was defeated for a while my Alpha and the other Assassin Clones. He has almost killed Alpha more than once, on purpose, but I…[Read more]
My mom thinks a prophet should show up at the final duel and preach forgiveness. Or all three should die.
Anyways… So, did Grathmere accidently give Alpha the disease or was that on purpose? I get that Leahae is a sweet person and all, but if her brother kills Grathmere when she was just beginning to get to know him, it would probably cause…[Read more]-
It’s a tough one. I like the prophet idea but getting one…hard. I also can’t see Alpha breaking down and crying, neither can I see Grathmere. All three…that would spiral into chaos for a Realn clan and a entire kingdom Leahae rules.
On purpose. It does not last forever but when he’s under the effects, he’s helpless. It can. Last hours or…[Read more]
Alpha doesn’t really have to break down and cry. Neither does Grathmere. They just both need to decide that it’s not a good idea to kill each other right now. That doesn’t mean the relationship is going to be completely healed on the spot, but it can at least open the way for it to begin.
Yeah, that last idea works. But if you don’t like it . . .…[Read more]
RAE posted an update in the group Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 7 months ago
13th Birthday Sabotage
RAENahim Nayhelm was today twenty-one. The Laxorian landscape of tall grasslands was filled with armored Realn as they prepared for the ensuing battle on the old ruin grounds of the city of Laxan. As Nahim’s hands glided through the checks of his weapons, he thought back through all the birthdays he had had o…[Read more]
RAE posted an update in the group Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 7 months ago
Hey. It’s RAE. I have been trying to write a book called Guardian Angels, a space story. Can I get some constructive criticism on the first chapter?
1. Laxan
Billowing smoke filled the air. Lava drooled into the city streets. Rock soared into the air to land on crawling Nanian bugs. Ash was mixed in with every shaking breath. They had lost. The…[Read more]-
Hi Rae! I haven’t really ever offered criticism on other people’s writing before. Apologies in advance for anything that comes across as too harsh.
First off, I like it! It’s a cool idea. For some reason, I’m getting Mandalorian vibes (do you watch Star Wars? ).
However, it does feel a little wordy. Would it be possible to get outside of the…[Read more]-
Thanks, I need all the help I can get. My big brother (C) thinks the lego sets are cool for star wars and I have watched some of them. Realn are not my version of Mandalorians though, the Fettians which C made up to be way cooler and worse for storylines (He likes making me figure out how to make up a good story, he likes thinking up the coolest…[Read more]
Why not? If you post them, I’ll read them. I can’t promise to always posting feedback though, next week I’ll be pretty busy and may not be able to keep up.
Thanks, though I might not post the 2nd chap for a while since it needs some work which I’ve got to do but after that I’m up to chap 4 in typing and chap 10 in writing. Thanks Abrielle, your replies and words give me courage.
RAE joined the group Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 7 months ago
Abrielle joined the group Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 8 months ago
Sarafini joined the group Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
BookDragon joined the group Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 11 months ago
Emma Walker replied to the topic SW RP/Collaborative Story in the forum Sci-fi Writers 2 years ago
@winter_rose also I sent the story to your primary email.
Emma Walker replied to the topic SW RP/Collaborative Story in the forum Sci-fi Writers 2 years ago
@winter_rose I’m so sorry I must’ve accidentally deleted the doc…
Lets see… General Zeinli Danu-Windu, her Padawan Goane, and Clone Captain Bo’.
There’s also her cousin, a Mando and part of a sect in the Order but not a Jedi, although he has a lightsaber. Lt. Will Danu.Then there was Agent Jaina Danu, his sister, an agent for the republic. S…[Read more]
Winter Rose replied to the topic SW RP/Collaborative Story in the forum Sci-fi Writers 2 years ago
I think the second one would be cool. It would give us a new setting to work with as well.
Yeah that might be helpful. I only skimmed a few of the older posts though.
Oh yeah, would you be able send me the descriptions of your characters again? I tried to find the file in older posts but it didn’t seem to be working.
. . . . . .…[Read more]
Emma Walker replied to the topic SW RP/Collaborative Story in the forum Sci-fi Writers 2 years ago
I guess I should go back and review what all just happened.
Emma Walker replied to the topic SW RP/Collaborative Story in the forum Sci-fi Writers 2 years ago
@winter_rose either way is fine with me lol
Emma Walker replied to the topic SW RP/Collaborative Story in the forum Sci-fi Writers 2 years ago
@winter_rose either way is fine with me lol
Winter Rose replied to the topic SW RP/Collaborative Story in the forum Sci-fi Writers 2 years ago
It looks like the last things that happened is the group with Solstice, Zeinli, Cresh, Bo’, and Rookie are in the forest planning their next course of action, and the rest of them (including the king and the prince) are on a republic ship that has just been captured by the Separatists.
My original idea was for the characters to repair t…[Read more]
Emma Walker replied to the topic SW RP/Collaborative Story in the forum Sci-fi Writers 2 years ago
Winter Rose replied to the topic SW RP/Collaborative Story in the forum Sci-fi Writers 2 years ago
I learned a lot last year, haha. It was a crazy year but it was good.
No, I see the email. I have two emails and I don’t regularly check the one I gave to you 🫤. That was my bad.
Hehe sounds super cool!! Yes, shoot me the story, I’d love to read it.
Emma Walker replied to the topic SW RP/Collaborative Story in the forum Sci-fi Writers 2 years ago
@winter_rose yeahhh wby?
Hmmm… what was the gmail you used for when I sent the sw fanfic doc…? Because I might’ve emailed the wrong person Lolol
Hehe actually… I might send you the story. It starts as a rp with a friend with rebels charas but then I wrote the rest. And I love this new character………..
lol kk
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Is this for Guardian Angels? I can do that, if you want.
Yeah, If you would really crack down on it as if it was your own work that would be AWESOME! I’ve been having some trouble. For one thing with sentences, I never got the whole ‘diagram a sentence’ thing until like really late so I sometimes have trouble. Though, on the Google Docs, you’ll have to highlight it for me since I only use Word for my…[Read more]
No problem! I took english 101 last year, and while it was boring in the extreme, hey! I kind of understand sentences better now!