imwritehere1920 replied to the topic MAJOR FORUM ANNOUNCEMENT – end of an era in the forum Announcements 1 year, 5 months ago
I almost forgot; a friend of mine has started a writers’ community (it’s free to join their forum, which they recently revamped.) If anyone’s interested in checking it out, I’ll leave the link below 🙂
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic MAJOR FORUM ANNOUNCEMENT – end of an era in the forum Announcements 1 year, 5 months ago
Ah, I’m so sorry to hear the forum’s closing. I got to meet a lot of fellow authors on here, and some of us still keep in touch from time to time. Thanks so much for maintaining the forum all these years, though Daeus! It’s been a real blessing to be a part of this group 🙂
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Hi! in the forum Introduce Yourself 1 year, 10 months ago
Hi Mia, I’m Lily! Welcome to S.E.
That’s so cool you’re writing a MG novel; it’s the genre I write in too! I hope you enjoy your time here on the forum (things have kinda slowed down, but I’ve heard it might pick back up toward the end of spring/early summer?)
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Greetings! in the forum Introduce Yourself 1 year, 10 months ago
Hi there! I’m Lily! Welcome to S.E! Ooo, turtles sound cool; do you have any as pets?
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Back for a Bit! in the forum Introduce Yourself 1 year, 10 months ago
Lol, no worries! Yikes, that’s crazy! What’s the new job you’re starting, if I may ask?
I’ve been doing well, thanks! I’ve been keeping busy helping with my friends’ book releases over the past year, etc. I hope things calm down for you over there and you’re able to enjoy the holidays with your family 🙂 If you have any prayer…[Read more]
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Hey! I finally made it!!! in the forum Introduce Yourself 1 year, 10 months ago
*starts to leave forum*
*screeches to a halt and does a double-take*
Sara??? It’s Lillian Keith!! (Or Lily, lol). Oh my goodness, you found S.E!!! So great to have you hear *hugs*. How have you been?
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Back for a Bit! in the forum Introduce Yourself 1 year, 10 months ago
Hey Taylor! Good to see you back; I’ve been absent for a long time too lol. I’m sorry to hear about that awful client, but I’m glad you got out of that situation. How’s your week?
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Hey! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 5 months ago
Same here!
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Friendly debates here! in the forum Fantasy Writers 2 years, 5 months ago
Oh dear (I hope you meant the turtle and not my characters’ head exploding *hears crashing in background* Erm, but who can tell with that crazy lot of mine? XD)
But either way, you should’ve seen my baby dragon with the hiccups! It’s a miracle the house is still standing! *hides scorched rug behind dresser* *grins*
Hey, that’s…[Read more]
imwritehere1920 posted a new activity comment 2 years, 5 months ago
Hey Brian! Long time no see *glances at calendar* Whoa, really, long time no see lol.
Anywho, how have you and your family been? How’s your writing?
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Hey! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 5 months ago
Hey Kristina, it’s Lily Keith! Small world! Welcome to the S.E forum (I was gone way to long from this forum and came back for a visit and saw your profile lol). Hope you’re enjoying the forum!
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Friendly debates here! in the forum Fantasy Writers 2 years, 5 months ago
@…everyone *grins*
Hello, I’m here! Did someone tag me?! *looks around empty room* Oops, might be a little late to the party lol. Anywho, great to see the debate thread open again. Apologies for my lateness. My characters had me…erm, detained for awhile XD.
I won’t try to catch up with all the debates, but rather, go back to the most…[Read more]
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Hi everyone! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 10 months ago
Yeah, it’s so huge! Did either of you try the zip-line at the Ark?
Oh wow, the Hoh Rainforest sounds really cool; have you visited Yosemite National Park, or seen the giant redwoods?
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Hi everyone! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 10 months ago
Yes, it is! It was so huge! Did you guys visit it?
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Hi everyone! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 10 months ago
Cool! We haven’t been to Colorado yet. I’d have to say that Kentucky was pretty amazing, or visiting Washington D.C (who knew there were so many museums on the strip!)
*facepalm* Sorry, I missed what you said to Noah lol.
Funny, my friend and I were talking about mermaid story ideas XD I’d love to check out your book; thanks…[Read more]
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Hi everyone! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 10 months ago
Hi, Annabelle! Welcome to S.E! I’m Lily; I just checked out your blog and I love the layout (I saw that you traveled in an R.V. Lol. Our family did something similar around the same year, though we only did it for a few months.) What was your favorite place that you visited?
Oh awesome! I really like Janner too.
I like your…[Read more]
imwritehere1920's profile was updated 2 years, 10 months ago
imwritehere1920 posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Oh wow, sixty is quite a long time.
I’ll be praying that you guys have a safe drive. 🙂P.s Thank you for the photo. Mt. Sunday is so majestic!
Hey Brian! Long time no see *glances at calendar* Whoa, really, long time no see lol.
Anywho, how have you and your family been? How’s your writing?
imwritehere1920 posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Brian, I’m so sorry to hear about your uncle! May I ask if you know what happened? When is the funeral scheduled?
That’s wonderful, though that he knew the Lord. How is your aunt? And how can we be praying for you this week?
Thank you for the link. I checked it out. Hobbiton is so beautiful! I couldn’t quite tell…[Read more]
Thank you, Lily. He had leukemia and was sent home on hospice. He wasn’t expected to pass so soon, though. The funeral is on Monday at 10 am CST. It is a 4 1/2 hour drive so we have to leave tomorrow.
My aunt is doing okay with God’s grace helping her. They were married almost 60 years. (Would have been 60 in June.)
I think my favorite movie of…[Read more]
imwritehere1920 commented on the post, A Reliable Test to Determine Whether Your Novel Glorifies Evil 3 years ago
“But avoiding censure isn’t the point—it’s writing according to ideals informed by your faith. People, even well-meaning people, are fickle, and in the end, you are accountable for your choices, not readers’ reactions or assumptions.”
I really liked that line, as it’s a much needed reminder for me. Thank you for this post, Gabrielle! It left me…[Read more]
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