Hobbitchild replied to the topic Middle-School Fiction: A Void left by Andrew Clements Waiting to be Filled in the forum Writers of Children's/Middle Grade Books 4 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for the tip! I probably won’t contact them, but thanks for letting me know!
Nelson is really good at writing. However, I don’t like all of her books, and I don’t think any of them gripped me like The False Prince did. A Night Divided was pretty good though. I was reading another about a girl who was smuggling books, or she…[Read more] -
Hobbitchild replied to the topic Middle-School Fiction: A Void left by Andrew Clements Waiting to be Filled in the forum Writers of Children's/Middle Grade Books 4 years, 1 month ago
I haven’t really been selling too many copies, but I think it’s going pretty well. My library ordered six copies so that’s exciting! I started the sequel, but (one death later) I didn’t know exactly where I was heading with it and got side-tracked with other projects. I’m in the middle of waiting to hear back from queries…[Read more]
Hobbitchild replied to the topic Hi! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 2 months ago
Ah, well, then you have not lived! LOL Just kidding. It’s a really gripping book, the first in the Ascendence series (I haven’t read the rest). It’s set in a fake medieval world. Not usually what I read, but the story gripped me so much that it was one of those books you can’t wait to read (and believe me, for a book to do that to me…[Read more]
Hobbitchild replied to the topic Hi! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 2 months ago
Oh, that’s sad about your book club! Hopefully it will start up again!
Yeah, don’t worry about the alternate version. It was just an idea.
Have you read The False Prince, by the way?
Hobbitchild replied to the topic Hi! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 2 months ago
I’m so glad you liked it! I started writing it two years ago, and it REALLY changed. In the original story:
There was no HANDSHAKE,
Larry, Neil, and Lewis didn’t exist,
Travis was the one with a twin, not Sadie,
Mortis was an agent who was imprisoned with Travis,
Someone who was pretending to be Travis’ mom was the person who…[Read more]
Hobbitchild replied to the topic Hello from Lydia in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 2 months ago
Lord of the Rings is the best! I recently read another medieval-y book called The False Prince. It is very well written and had me gripped (most books don’t do that to me!) However, I was disappointed by the end. I would be interested to know what you think of it! It’s part of a series, so I’m hoping to read more!
Hobbitchild replied to the topic Hello from Lydia in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 2 months ago
Lord of the Rings is the best! I recently read another book that is all medieval-y called The False Prince. I was gripped by it, though rather disappointed by the ending. Anyway, it is a very well-written book and really keeps your attention!
Hobbitchild started the topic Hi! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 2 months ago
I haven’t been on here for a while, but I was looking over an old post and had some follow-ups on conversation!
@wingiby-iggiby Did you like my book? And did you decide on self-publishing? I’ve been querying some agents with a manuscript and trying to get into traditional publishing. We’ll see!
@lonathecat How did you like my book? By the…[Read more]
Hobbitchild replied to the topic Middle-School Fiction: A Void left by Andrew Clements Waiting to be Filled in the forum Writers of Children's/Middle Grade Books 4 years, 5 months ago
I have a lot of favorite books! To name a few, I like The Lord of the Rings, The Losers Club (written by Andrew Clements), and the Mysterious Benedict Society series. What about you?
Hobbitchild replied to the topic Middle-School Fiction: A Void left by Andrew Clements Waiting to be Filled in the forum Writers of Children's/Middle Grade Books 4 years, 5 months ago
Thank you for taking a look at my book! I’m currently in the process of making it a paperback (by the way, it’s soo frustrating! I just spend 28 minutes talking to Kindle Direct Publishing trying to troubleshoot a problem).
Have you published a book?
I like to write middle grade fiction because I read it a lot! I also like…[Read more]
Hobbitchild replied to the topic I'm Publishing a Book This Week! in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 5 months ago
That is so great! You’ll have to let me know if it turns out with your book club.
By the way, it’s not free anymore, it’s 2.99. There is a paperback that will hopefully be released soon.
Hobbitchild replied to the topic Hello there in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 5 months ago
Welcome! What kinds of fiction do you enjoy writing?
Hobbitchild started the topic Last Day to Get my Free eBook! in the forum Publishing and Marketing Nerds 4 years, 6 months ago
Hey, everyone!
Just want to let you all know that tomorrow is the last day of my five-day free book promotion! It’s so cool to see all the interest in it. I’ve been working on the book for about two years, so if no one cared that would be discouraging, to say the least. But several writers have responded to say they would read it across dif…[Read more]
Hobbitchild replied to the topic What Age Are Your Main Characters? (Plus Free Book Giveaway!) in the forum Contemporary Fiction Writers 4 years, 6 months ago
It is funny and cool how ideas for books will just pop into you head. I just had that happen to me driving home from a shopping trip. Usually it starts with a thought related to whatever you are doing, then it sparks a fire of thought. Wow, did I just say that? I’m not the detailed/metaphor type. That’s my sister.
Anyway, it’s great…[Read more]
Hobbitchild replied to the topic A Little Help with Free Marketing? in the forum Publishing and Marketing Nerds 4 years, 6 months ago
@zee I will try that website. I read somewhere that posting in forums and on blogs related to your book was a good way to promote, but I’m trying to spread it out so I don’t end up spamming someone who doesn’t want my book by repeatedly sending them emails, which is what I thought spamming was.
Yes, I found out that Amazon doesn’t like free bo…[Read more]
Hobbitchild started the topic A Little Help with Free Marketing? in the forum Publishing and Marketing Nerds 4 years, 6 months ago
@zee @selah-chelyah @abigail-rebekah @beth20 @sarahfi @nancy-drew@writergirl101 @anne_the_noob14 @katthewriter @pensword
Hi, ya’ll! I have a question for anyone who has published and/or is currently publishing a book…what is the best place to market your book online for free? I’ve been signing up for forums and sharing it with people who might…[Read more]
Hobbitchild replied to the topic What Age Are Your Main Characters? (Plus Free Book Giveaway!) in the forum Contemporary Fiction Writers 4 years, 6 months ago
@zee, I’m not sure! I don’t think most people rewrite their characters ages, it was just a question that popped into my head. XD
I think it would be interesting to know if anyone has done that before. It would really change the plot of most books, I think, to make your main character go from eleven to thirty-one, but it would be an interesting challenge.
Hobbitchild replied to the topic What Age Are Your Main Characters? (Plus Free Book Giveaway!) in the forum Contemporary Fiction Writers 4 years, 6 months ago
That’s cool, how many books are you writing right now? I have one I’m currently writing and four more in my head (I wrote down a little), and one I’m taking a break from.
Thank you so much for your interest in my book! I have a goal of at least 25 copies downloaded a day, and I’m failing today’s goal. I have eighteen.
Hobbitchild started the topic What Age Are Your Main Characters? (Plus Free Book Giveaway!) in the forum Contemporary Fiction Writers 4 years, 6 months ago
Question: what age group do you usually have for your main characters? I always make my main character a kid and surround him or her with other kids. Have you ever tried re-writing your character’s age? If so, how much did it change the story?
Also, in case you haven’t heard, I published a book yesterday that is completely free on Amazon for…[Read more]
Hobbitchild replied to the topic What Is YOUR Story About? in the forum Contemporary Fiction Writers 4 years, 6 months ago
My book is called, “Memory Lane Was Moved”. It is for ages 9-12, but any age can read it. It is FREE for five days starting today! I would love it if you would tell your friends about it (especially the ones with kids)! Here is the link.
Fun fact, the Jason Bourne movies inspired this book!
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