
His Bard

  • My primary project right now is a contemporary fiction series, with a smidge of sci-fi and supernatural mixed in. I also have plans in the works for a ‘star wars style’ sci-fi, some historical fictions, one dystopian, and a small-ish fantasy.

  • Well, I believe all truth comes from Yahweh God, and I believe all logic comes from Yahweh God. But so does love, empathy, compassion, and other emotions, which as an imperfect human, I may in some circumstances write off as illogical in certain circumstances.

    So I’d have to say yes, I believe logic always equals truth. But not all of man’s logic…[Read more]

  • Jumping in here kinda in the end without reading every single previous post. But at any rate, I am an INTJ, so concerning the original post, I speak from personal experience.

    I do have a tendency to consider myself intellectually superior to most other personality types. But I do NOT consider myself to be superior to other personality…[Read more]

  • As an INTJ, I feel like many writers tend to make villains of that type a bit stereotypical, personally. We are in the top three rarest personalities, and I daresay probably the most complex and misunderstood types. Without knowing anything about your story, the only tips I can really give you is study our type very thoroughly.

    To the outside…[Read more]

  • @sarah-inkdragon You’re definitely on the right track, halfway developing characters before typing them. I’ve found many of my characters naturally take on distinct personality traits all on their own, all but labeling themselves without my help.

    If you are a contradictory and paradoxical person compared to your type, I’m curious, have you…[Read more]

  • I have used that test, yes. And enneagrams and all that as well.

    But I actually discovered (just recently) that the test has a tendency to be inaccurate. Its accurate for my own self, cause I know everything about me. But a character who only exists in my head? I’ve ended up with multiple mistypes over answering a question wrong.

    I’ve gotten…[Read more]


    No kidding, Janner Wingfeather’s fate broadsided me, and I can usually predict how stories are going to end. I don’t often get emotional over books, but that one got me closer than most.

    Rogue One was a bit numbing, really. Rather depressing. Its like, how many emotional deaths do we really need in rapid secession. Like, can we not have one…[Read more]

  • I realize I’m rather late to the discussion…
    I don’t remember a specific number per-say, but I also placed as an intermediate.

    My plan for growth are basically: keep writing, keep sharing my work with anyone who dares to read it, and keep living in the alternate dimensions that have taken over my mind.

  • I’ve planned  for three separate trilogies that all tie together for a total of nine books. All of those books are started, and their stories are fully planned out, but none are finished yet.I have started to make great headway with the first book lately, so Lord willing, I’ll get it finished someday in the not too far away future, and if it…[Read more]

  • Thanks for the warm welcome!

    Favorite project idea…I guess my most active project, The Arayoth Chronicles, can be considered my favorite. Its a complex series about a young orphan with an important heritage, an elite black ops sniper with a haunted past, and the almighty God that caused their paths to cross.

    Do you have any current projects?

  • Lots of great answers through here.

    I’m going to just toss in one other consideration. Do you know your character’s personality type/cognitive functions? Guys with Fe or Fi in their dominant or auxiliary functions can be plenty emotional. And guys who don’t, well, they’re still emotional, just not always as obviously.

    Take me, for instance, an…[Read more]

  • Greetings.

    Those of you who are in the Young Writers Community may or may not know my tagline as ‘Master Bard’. I currently lead a critique group within the community’s Green Fellowship, and I periodically show up around the common editing and feedback space.

    As can be seen, my name is David Keener, and I am a self-proclaimed bard, as…[Read more]

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