Catholic Creed replied to the topic Character Castle 2.5 in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
“Is there a priest among us?”
I turn to look at the stranger. He looks like a fish out of water. Poor guy.
“I don’t believe so but one could easily fall out of the sky at any minute.” Nathair said.
Sky. Hm. There’s that word again. what does it mean.
That being said, I do remember a time Padre Drake tumbled out of a fourth-stor…[Read more]
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Character Castle 2.5 in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
Ironically enough, Burn has never lead me wrong when it comes to his duties as a scout.
“As much as I hate to say it…” Words cannot even begin to express how much. “if Burn says we should go to the glowy pool of evil magic that absolutely will kill us, we should go…”
Burn nods vigorously out of the corner of my eye.
“Because there…[Read more]
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Character Castle 2.5 in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
I point to the glowing pool that I can somehow see.
“I pick that direction!” I say triumphantly.
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
hey. @this-is-not-an-alien. I thought this was supposed to be a one-shot story. Not Middle-Earth. lol
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 11 months ago
I’ll just deposit this here. This is far from everything – we haven’t even gotten into politics lol. But a good start…
Name of World: This Place (Kudos to whoever gets the reference. You’ve probably figured out my plot twist.)
Time period: fantasy with modern trappings (so, phones, internet, and other pieces of modern civilization that can…[Read more]
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Character Castle 2.5 in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 11 months ago
Hades adjusts his mask. “I do not know any of these people personally. Do you recognize anyone here?”
“I know Search!” Burn says happily. “And then there’s Snake-Punk. And …” His brow furrows. “Search…”
“… There were still people in those stasis chambers.”
I shiver. “Can we get them out again?”
Burn kneels over the hole – hands pr…[Read more]
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Character Castle 2.5 in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 11 months ago
“What’s your plan?”
I tip my ear in the stranger’s direction. “Didja fall through a hole in reality too? Nevermind – we already know the answer.”
Plan. Plan. Implies I’m in charge. What idiot made that decision?
Tunnels in the Abyss it was me, right? I’m the idiot. Welp. There’s more responsibility for me to pawn of on Search.
“She’s…[Read more]
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Character Castle 2.5 in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 11 months ago
“Hey! Where’d the monsters go?!”
Search facepalms. “Please stop drawing attention to yourself.
I ignore her. “Why is everyone ignoring me?!”
“Please. Shut. Up.”
“Kind Punk! Notice me!” I consider a moment. “But Snake Punk can ignore me.”
“Wait. If Angry Punk is here, I can punch him.” That would be a good day. I’ve already punched…[Read more]
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Character Castle 2.5 in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 11 months ago
@this-is-not-an-alien, @ethan-leonard, @rusted-knight, @ragnarok, @kimlikesart
Okay. It broke the prison too. And that’s a good thing but still.
What. Is. It?
Eventually, I stop rolling – Rolling. Through. Glass. Punk. It. Sucks. – and came to a stop.
Problems remaining: still don’t know wh…[Read more]
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Character Castle 2.5 in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 11 months ago
I can scream for help.
I can break the glass. (haha, yeah. Sure. Just magic up some super-strength like Drake. Right.)
Or … will the switch flip again?
Nope. It’s stuck. Perfect.
Anyway that alarm is off.
I’m just gonna … keep ignoring the glowing hearts on my arm. Why not?
I mean, ya’know punk. Why wouldn’t…[Read more]
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Character Castle 2.5 in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 11 months ago
[Nathair chooses to break the glass.]
[It trembles with each hit. But the water sloshes around you, slowing each blow, muting each hit.]
[This won’t do.]
[You urgently need air.]
[Play it smart.]
[Look for a weak point.]
[You try attacking where the glass meets the base.]
[In the process, you accidentally hit the s…[Read more]
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Character Castle 2.5 in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 11 months ago
[Do I have to be alone right now?]
[But I guess it’s fitting.]
Isn’t it funny though? When you think about it? My entire life – well, everything I remember about my life – has been spent worrying about number one.
This doesn’t change the fact that I am my own worst enemy. It’s me, myself, and I that beats me up. Me, myself, and…[Read more]
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Character Castle 2.5 in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 11 months ago
@this-is-not-an-alien, @ethan-leonard, @rusted-knight, @ragnarok, @kimlikesart
[@this-is-not-an-alien – The entire character castle is going to regret your choice.]
[You do nothing, save crossing your arms and smirking at the blinking, glowing buttons. For you are stubborn.]
[Stubborn as the foundations of this castle.]
[Stubborn as a m…[Read more]
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Dark Fantasy Among Christians? in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 11 months ago
Bold words to address to someone who literally made her first draft public. LOL.
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Dark Fantasy Among Christians? in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 11 months ago
MY books are not THAT dark! I read YOUR draft!
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Character Castle 2.5 in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 11 months ago
[@this-is-not-an-alien – you … just sit there? REALLY?!]
[You are wrong.]
[Life is not gray. It is black and white. But they mingle. A little black in the white. A little white in the black.]
[Take off your apathy-tinted glasses. See the world as it is.]
[That fox-fire you stare into dims. Winks out. And darts away.]
[The tip-tip-tip-tip of…[Read more]
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Dark Fantasy Among Christians? in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 11 months ago
Does anyone write Dark Fantasy? Tell me what yours look like.
I don’t know? I never really thought about it as DARK Fantasy. But, based off my understanding, that probably does fit?
I guess my current WIP is dark fantasy? @this-is-not-an-alien? Is Lost City of Dragons – Burn’s story – Dark Fantasy?
I know that Dungeon Punk is one of the genre…[Read more]
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Dark Fantasy Among Christians? in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 11 months ago
Why do you summon me?
This link will take you to a good article by Flannery O’Conner that might help you sort through some of your conflict. It’s kinda funny I was just rereading this today. I think the Holy Spirit must have bonked me. 😄
The main point is that if you are pursuing the art that God put in…[Read more]
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Character Castle 2.5 in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 12 months ago
[@this-is-not-an-alien, You enter the door.]
[The room is large – almost unfathomably so. Pillars reach to the roof, each shaped like thorny vines. They support a roof so far above you that it is shrouded in shadow, except for the occasional dim light from rose-shaped lanterns. The marble under your feet resembles a chess-board. Each white tile h…[Read more]
Catholic Creed replied to the topic Character Castle 2.5 in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 12 months ago
[You approach the throne despite the uncertainty. You are correct in assuming that uncertainty abounds with any decision you make.]
[As you get closer, you see a streak of light fall behind the throne – a door has cracked open just a bit. Barely anything. But in the darkness of the room, this thin sliver of light shows … things perhaps better l…[Read more]
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