


    Hi Sara! Unfortunately, I’m not sure how much I can help you, other than encouraging you to study anything you can about playwriting. If you like audio drama you have definitely got to check out “On the Night Train” by The Merry Beggars and written by Kiley Hatch. It is fantastic! She’s recommended this book. Perhaps you would find it helpful.

  • I totally understand not having the time, and I’m kind of in the same spot myself. I’m not super active on here, but a thread about stage writing could be nice, but I know that isn’t Story Embers’s focus, so I don’t know if they would want that or not.

    Best of luck with your writing!

  • Nice to meet you Abby! I’d love to talk more about our work, and I’m also open to collaboration, since it seems like we have the same goal (writing musicals) but different skillsets (songwriting/composing vs. bookwriting). My email is donahuegraham at gmail dot com

    I hope to hear from you!

  • Kite,

    That is interesting. I am writing a musical, so actually the inner monologue aspect of novels can be incorporated through songs, and that is a major part of the art form, and what separates if from plays and movies.


    I haven’t studied plays much, but for musical theater at least, I think the biggest difference from novels is that in…[Read more]

  • That is great you are wanting to write songs! When I started playing music I knew absolutely nothing about music, so it can totally be learned!


    I like different styles of music, though my background is in Bluegrass and related styles. I also love jazz, celtic, traditional “musical theater,” and some contemporary styles as well.


    I am…[Read more]

  • Hello! I am a twenty-something Christian writer located in central Virginia. I love what the Story Embers community is doing to encourage Christian storytellers.


    I am primarily a composer/lyricist attempting to write musicals for the stage. I am also trying to write the “book” (musical theater parlance for script), but my skills are not as…[Read more]

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