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  • in reply to: Guild War Calendar #91388

      @daeus-lamb So glad this exists! I kept wondering when the next word war, etc. would be. Could this schedule be posted under the Word War forum? That may help clear up some confusion going forward… The post could be edited as the schedule changes over time.

      2 Corinthians 12:9

      in reply to: Fresh Poems! #91328

        Thank you, @Evelyn !! And yes, I did take my profile picture 🙂

        2 Corinthians 12:9

        in reply to: Fresh Poems! #91255

          @Emma-starr Thank you so much!!! And you made my day 🙂 I love that you have a poetry wall! Will definitely take a look and work on some editing 🙂

          2 Corinthians 12:9

          in reply to: Fresh Poems! #91189

            Hey, everyone! I’m not sure I’ve ever posted on a poetry thread before, but I’ve been randomly writing poems this year and thought I’d come over to discuss with the people who are more experienced than I 🙂

            First question: how does one go about editing poetry, especially when you aren’t using a particular form?

            Second: Just looking for some feedback on a poem I’ve written recently (chosen at random), as I am considering the possibility of submitting on Story Embers this year.

            Note: I wrote this about a month ago… the only edit it has undergone was to ensure each stanza had the same number of lines. Thanks in advance to all willing to help out 🙂


            I have never thought of


            As a sort of music,

            Lyrics to the tune of the heart.


            Your fingers may


            Across the keys,

            The same as a pianist.


            The words may simply


            The same way music

            Escapes from one’s breath.


            I live and breath


            As some live and breath

            Rhythm and arpeggios.


            What if we all created

            As breathlessly as musicians?

            2 Corinthians 12:9

            in reply to: Dudes, how do I write guys?? #78576

              I was about to post a new topic, but went to look for a similar question first…. While I haven’t read all of the comments yet, the guys seem to have given some great input!

              I saw that @daeus-lamb said, “I sometimes see girls write who write passive guys who don’t seem to have strong yearnings or goals, but, while this might stem partly from them not understanding guys, I think it’s mainly just a run of the mill character development problem that doesn’t have much to do with gender.”

              I’m working on the possibility of writing part of my novel from a male character’s perspective, but after only a couple chapters seem to have found this problem, in a sense. I want him to be caring and a little bit insecure. But I don’t think I’ve been portraying his insecurity as guys realistically do, and that’s most of my problem. He is responsible and strong, but at his core hates conflict. I think there’s a stereotype that guys have a violent nature… Thoughts? How do I realistically portray a male character who just wants everyone to get along (at first, anyhow)?

              2 Corinthians 12:9

              in reply to: Itsy Bitsy Word-Wars #60851


                Hey! I missed this yesterday, but I can do something for a few minutes at some point today! Just let me know when you are available. I can’t do anything this evening though, likely :-/

                2 Corinthians 12:9

                in reply to: Guilds #52638

                  @catwing An art guild? I didn’t know that! Maybe I’ll have to recommend some of my art friends over that way… Also, that’s cool!

                  2 Corinthians 12:9

                  in reply to: Guilds #52633


                    WHAT?? WOOHOO that would be awesome. We could have a Rillumen crest!!

                    2 Corinthians 12:9

                    in reply to: Guilds #52631


                      Oh, that’s not too many. They should have a get to know the guilds topic where we can specifically get to know the other guildmasters and all of that fun stuff 🙂

                      2 Corinthians 12:9

                      in reply to: Guilds #52629

                        @catwing No, I’ve never heard of that before. It may be, it may not be 😉

                        How many guilds are there? At first I thought there were a lot, then I somehow got the impression that there were like 3, and now I don’t know anymore.

                        2 Corinthians 12:9

                        in reply to: Guilds #52619

                          @wordsmith @catwing I came over here because I saw the thread had recent activity…. Now I’m curious if anyone can find out who I am ha! I do know one of y’all’s real names… *refuses to ruin their anonymity*

                          2 Corinthians 12:9

                          in reply to: How do I put this? #52350


                            Sounds like a good gameplan 🙂

                            2 Corinthians 12:9

                            in reply to: How do I put this? #52267

                              @wordsmith I’ve been wondering just about the same thing, and was about to post a thread of my own when I found this one! Will definitely look into those books… Not sure that I can afford time/money for a course right now, but can read a book as I find the time… Currently trying to prepare to participate in NaNoWriMo, at least to a larger extent than I have in the past… It is so, so great that there are so many resources out there!
                              I am currently reading Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way. While it is not written from a Christian perspective and thus has some material that perhaps contradicts with our faith, she presents some really interesting and helpful ideas/philosophies about creativity, especially about writing. I would recommend checking that one out. I believe the book & workbook were around $24 on Amazon.

                              2 Corinthians 12:9

                              in reply to: Guild War Calendar #46204

                                *notices thread name* *face palm* Well, I think I figured it out…. oops. Either way I’m excited!!!

                                2 Corinthians 12:9

                                in reply to: Guild War Calendar #46202

                                  Yay!! A schedul!!! To clarify, does the “writing promp competition” refer to a guild war, or something different?

                                  Thanks so much for making this!!!

                                  2 Corinthians 12:9

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