Grace T. commented on the post, 3 Sneaky Historical Fiction Pitfalls to Watch Out for 4 years ago
Number 2. Just . . . yes. That gets on my nerves so much xDD And number 3 is a really important reminder as well. Great article!
Along these lines, this might be kind of a long shot, but do you have any tips for researching period-accurate fashion? I’ve avoided historical fiction for ages but my newest idea is a sort of historical fantasy with…[Read more]
Grace T. replied to the topic Championship Defense in the forum Announcements 6 years, 3 months ago
484 here…sorry y’all. NaNo prep is really distracting me xD
Grace T. replied to the topic WORD WAR WEEK!!!! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 4 months ago
@brandon-miller 1291 words–it was homework and I wrote the whole thing yesterday, but it’s also my favorite story I’ve written this semester, so yay! xD
Grace T. replied to the topic Regrouping in the forum Announcements 6 years, 6 months ago
Having been a terribly terrible excuse for a guild member for a terrible length of time, I shall restrict myself to option C–what I struggle with when doing settings. I feel like I err on the side of not enough detail, afraid to somehow cross the line from setting the scene to info-dumping or boring the reader. Or, my details are too…[Read more]
Grace T. replied to the topic 2018 Week 4 – Switching Lists in the forum Announcements 6 years, 8 months ago
Anyone want mine? Should be in week 3.
Grace T. replied to the topic 2018 Week 3 – The Unique but Specific in the forum Announcements 6 years, 9 months ago
Didn’t even see last week’s prompt. Oops. xD Thanks for the extension!
1. creamy floral wallpaper, flawlessly matched at the seams
2. slightly crooked lace runners on the sidetable, almost invisible under a display of graduation and Mother’s Day cards
3. cherry-wood spindleback chairs lined around a long table, dust gathering in their…[Read more]
Grace T. replied to the topic 2018 Week 1 – Description in the forum Announcements 6 years, 9 months ago
So it’s a little over 100 words and probably too character-focused. I think I found why I struggle with this. xD Will try for critiques tomorrow or Thursday–traveling two states away for my college graduation on Friday makes this week a bit hectic.
Neither industrial grunge nor coffee shops were Caren’s thing, but the others had invited her, a…[Read more]
Grace T. replied to the topic Welcome to Rillumen! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 9 months ago
@missfaeriekaiti Yes, I do have to be careful when I recommend his stuff. Even his fantasy has some objectionable elements (I haven’t read much of his non-high-ish fantasy at all). Rithmatist is the one I can usually recommend without any caveats, and Elantris is nearly as clean (if you don’t count one paragraph describing an underground cult’s…[Read more]
Grace T. replied to the topic Welcome to Rillumen! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 9 months ago
@rolena-hatfield I have read quite a bit of Sanderson. All six current Mistborn books, Stormlight, Reckoners, Rithmatist, Elantris, Warbreaker, Alcatraz, the novellas included in the Arcanum Unbounded collection, and the nonpublished, not technically 100% canon, non-graphic-novel version of White Sand. I haven’t read his novellas outside the…[Read more]
Grace T. replied to the topic Welcome to Rillumen! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 9 months ago
@rolena-hatfield Yay! Hi! I just spilled my guts fangirling over on the thread Ashly already started, but YES Sanderson. I’m probably too proud of the fact I met him nearly 3 years ago xD How much have you read? (maybe we should take this over to Ashly’s thread, idk.)
Grace T. replied to the topic Brandon Sanderson in the forum Rillumen's Writing Discussions 6 years, 9 months ago
YAYYYYY fellow Sanderfans in my guild. I APPROVE and thank you for starting this thread for me, @ashlyvye. Also, Rithmatist is awesome and really really really needs that sequel that’s been TBD for years. xD
@brandon-miller, YES Calamity was probably the most anti-climactic thing of Sanderson’s I’ve read. Elantris was his first novel, so I feel…[Read more]
Grace T. replied to the topic Welcome to Rillumen! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 9 months ago
Hi all! As far as reactions go, I guess I’m somewhere between 1 and 2. I would be 2 all the way, except I don’t know how to tell what guilds the other people I’ve interacted with (read: Sanderson fans xD) are in, and I definitely am not 3. If there’s a revolution, I’ll be hiding in a bunker somewhere till the dust settles and hoping I’m not the…[Read more]
Grace T.'s profile was updated 6 years, 9 months ago
Grace T. replied to the topic *dramatically dismounts a close relative of Shadowfax* in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 9 months ago
@josiah One of the great oldies of TPS is jealous of me? My life just got a tiny bit cooler. XD I hope you can–and I’m sure you’ll be able to ask a much more significant question than my scatterbrain managed.
Grace T. replied to the topic Good Day Y'all Mates *Sips Chai Tea* in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 9 months ago
@j-a-penrose You’re learning…Quenya…at school. DUDE. That is 1) very impressive and 2) very very very cool. I know a few phrases, but I think they’re Sindarin. Mostly I just transliterate English into Tengwar and mystify people with the doodled marginalia of all my class notes. xD And yay for YA spec fic!! We always need more good books in that genre.
Grace T. replied to the topic *Frantic Waving* in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 9 months ago
@gracelivingston I’ve only completed one novel, and it was the fairly awful one I wrote for my first NaNoWriMo–in tenth grade. Which was about 5 years ago or more. So I feel you there. xD
Grace T. replied to the topic *dances eagerly into forum* in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 9 months ago
@livgiordano I am quite relieved to meet another ISFJ writer! So many are N and/or P. They’re lovely people (and I seem to collect them wherever I go xD) but their sheer numbers can be a little daunting, you know?
Grace T.'s profile was updated 6 years, 9 months ago
Grace T. replied to the topic *dramatically dismounts a close relative of Shadowfax* in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 9 months ago
@sam-kowal Yeah, I’m still not over it and it’s been almost 3 years. xD
Tentatively. Progress isn’t moving quickly because I really need to work on the antagonist’s motivations and machinations. Also, this one’s not really fantasy–it’s a sort of superhero story with a non-powered protagonist with anxiety, powered teens who use their powers for…[Read more]
Grace T. started the topic *dramatically dismounts a close relative of Shadowfax* in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 9 months ago
Hi everyone!
To keep this brief, I’m an ISFJ creative writing major graduating in May and slated to start my MFA this fall; I hope to go into editing but for now any temp job that comes my way I will take because a master’s degree is not free. I love reading basically any genre out there–I’ve been focused on fantasy, but I’m trying to throw in…[Read more]
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