F.C. Tait's profile was updated 6 years, 1 month ago
F.C. Tait replied to the topic Completely Random Thread That Is To Continue The Any Guys Out There Thread… in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 2 months ago
@theinconceivable1 So, I haven’t posted on this thread before but I just noticed you said you’re thinking of leaving SE. I’ve been thinking about if for a while and decided to. Do you know if it’s possible to delete your account or remove yourself from a guild, or were you planning on just not logging on? I’ve looked for both options and I can’t…[Read more]
F.C. Tait replied to the topic WORD WAR – November NaNo Special!!! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 2 months ago
WOOHOO! You guys are amazing! 😀
F.C. Tait replied to the topic {Story Theory – Week 10} Strong Female Characters in the forum Announcements 6 years, 2 months ago
I love the physically strong female characters (as long as they have personality as well)! It’s sad how much hate they get, especially from people saying girls can’t win fights against guys. I mean, the whole point of learning a martial art or using a weapon is to use something other than brute force, so it makes no sense to write off girls at…[Read more]
F.C. Tait replied to the topic {Story Theory – Week 9} Discussion: How Much Research Should Fantasy Writers Do? in the forum Announcements 6 years, 2 months ago
The more research the better! Doing a lot of research means:
1) Your world will be accurate (and let’s face it, most fantasy worlds are more similar to the real world than different from it). You avoid jarring the reader with impossible situations (that should still be impossible in your world) or weird and illogical combinations of time periods…[Read more]
F.C. Tait replied to the topic WORD WAR – November NaNo Special!!! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 2 months ago
If only I could count all the words I wrote in college assignments as well 😛
I got 33929. I’m quite pleased with that, except for the fact nearly half of it is going to be deleted, because it was for a novel that isn’t going the way I want so badly that I need to start again from scratch haha.
I can’t wait to find out what our total is!
F.C. Tait posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago
That always happened to me at first but it stopped for some reason.
F.C. Tait replied to the topic {Story Theory – Week 8} Seven Tips for Writing Unique Characters in the forum Announcements 6 years, 2 months ago
This is great! I usually find characters the most fun part of writing 😉
My character Isbyl Startide:
1) Always has an art project on the go
2) Constantly moves her hands, so fiddles with her necklace or hair if there’s nothing else to do
3) Acts calm and confident but secretly suspects she’s a failure
F.C. Tait replied to the topic {Story Theory – Week 7} World Building in the forum Announcements 6 years, 2 months ago
@jane-maree I’ve actually read a lot of great advice for how to world build, I’m just so overwhelmed by the whole thing that I’m finding any excuse not to sit down and fix it (currently my lack of non-lined paper for map drawing is a good one).
F.C. Tait replied to the topic {Story Theory – Week 7} World Building in the forum Announcements 6 years, 2 months ago
My world-building process so far:
1) Create functional but cliched fantasy world
2) Delete several races for being too cliche and add a new one instead, thus messing up all the history already made up
3) Create dozens of inconsistencies by writing several stories in the same world and changing things for plot convenience
4) Hit head off…[Read more]
F.C. Tait commented on the post, How Should Christian Authors Depict Sex? 6 years, 3 months ago
This has been a great and inspiring series, and this article in particular is very well written and thought-out. Thanks so much!
F.C. Tait replied to the topic {Story Theory – Week 6} The Three Act Plot Structure in the forum Announcements 6 years, 3 months ago
I thought I had the 3-act structure nailed… until I decided to write a duology with multiple POVs. That’s scrambled my brain. I’ve also confused myself by trying to start in medias res, because the inciting incident has essentially already happened when the story begins.
I am quite pleased with my characteristic moment, though. It basically…[Read more]
F.C. Tait replied to the topic Leetle Teeny Weeny Baby-Length Fiction in the forum Meraki Writing Discussions 6 years, 3 months ago
@mairin-atha I liked it! It was so beautiful and mysterious. I didn’t have that much to say but I left a couple of comments on the doc. 😉 Nice work!
F.C. Tait replied to the topic Time Zones for Sprints in the forum Meraki Writing Discussions 6 years, 3 months ago
I’m in GMT, in Scotland. Suspect I’m the only one, but sprints aren’t really my strong point anyway 😀
F.C. Tait replied to the topic {Story Theory – Week 5} Plotter vs Pantster (and why I think they don't exist) in the forum Announcements 6 years, 3 months ago
@jane-maree Might not be so great when I come to edit it 🙁 Thanks though!
F.C. Tait replied to the topic Flash Fiction in the forum Meraki Writing Discussions 6 years, 3 months ago
@mairin-atha thanks so much!
F.C. Tait replied to the topic {Story Theory – Week 5} Plotter vs Pantster (and why I think they don't exist) in the forum Announcements 6 years, 3 months ago
Hmm, I’m not really that consistent with plotting. I always plot in my head, and I have a great memory for stories and characters so writing stuff down is usually more about organising than remembering for me. I used to always write a vague outline before I started writing, and then add details as I went.
I tried plotting in great detail, but I…[Read more]
F.C. Tait replied to the topic Flash Fiction in the forum Meraki Writing Discussions 6 years, 3 months ago
@jane-maree Thanks so much, that’s really helpful!
F.C. Tait started the topic Flash Fiction in the forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Hey guys!
I decided to try my hand at flash fiction and I’ve written two pieces, one based on a painting and one on a song. I’d really appreciate it if you could give me some feedback on one or both of them.
I know a lot of you are busy with NaNo just now, so don’t worry about it if you don’t have time.…[Read more]
F.C. Tait replied to the topic {Story Theory – Week 4} From Theme to Character Arc! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 3 months ago
@theinconceivable1 I’d love to know if you do find one 😉
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