Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) replied to the topic Any Camp Nano Poets? in the forum Poetry Discussions 4 years, 9 months ago
@evelyn *looks up with ink smudged all over my face and a hand cramp*
Sure. Sure it is. XD
Also, I have found out that I am indeed a pantser. lol
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr)'s profile was updated 4 years, 9 months ago
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) replied to the topic Any Camp Nano Poets? in the forum Poetry Discussions 4 years, 9 months ago
@evelyn ahh thanks for checking up on me. :))
So I started out editing a TON of poetry and writing a lot of poetry.
Then, I was like, “why not just start my novel?” I’ve always wanted to write stories, but they’ve always been much harder for me and I would give up after a week or two of plotting.
HOWEVER. This time I’m not giving up on the…[Read more]
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) replied to the topic Any Camp Nano Poets? in the forum Poetry Discussions 4 years, 9 months ago
@naiya-dyani @eden-anderson @cassandraia Thanks, guys!! It’s hard for me to remember who is an official //poet person// and who just likes dabbling. haha
Thanks!!! 🙂
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) commented on the post, Home 4 years, 9 months ago
Beautiful, Katelynn! 🙂
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) replied to the topic Any Camp Nano Poets? in the forum Poetry Discussions 4 years, 10 months ago
@evelyn Me too! It’s so satisfying. 🙂
I think I definitely need to take more walks. My happiness level is affected by fresh air more than I’d like to admit. It shouldn’t make me THAT much happier. XD But it does.
We be frens now. 🙂
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) replied to the topic Any Camp Nano Poets? in the forum Poetry Discussions 4 years, 10 months ago
@evelyn Thank you!!
I actually have a very similar editing process to what you both have advised, which is actually surprising me! lol
This is my usual process:
1. I write the poem in my poetry notebook that I keep on my bedside table. I keep it there for a few days in case I have a new idea to add.
2. Then, I type it up on my computer and…[Read more]
Emma Starr replied to the topic Writing free verse poems in the forum Poets 4 years, 10 months ago
@anne_the_noob14 Such a fun poem!! I liked the banter. ;P
For tips….free verse is, well, free. I used to think that meant that you wouldn’t use any poetry techniques in free verse, but now I realize that free verse really opens up my writing to use the full variety of tools.
I use free verse as an opportunity to ruthlessly cut out any…[Read more]
Emma Starr replied to the topic Does anyone want to read this slightly depressing poem? in the forum Poets 4 years, 10 months ago
@urwen-starial Thank you so much for being strong enough to be vulnerable and share this. I think all poets have a poem that in some way reflects the theme of this one. It’s raw, and you understand exactly what is going on in your mind. I really respect that. 🙂 It’s also great poetry, so I think this is a powerful poem–not necessarily…[Read more]
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) joined the group Poets 4 years, 10 months ago
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) replied to the topic Any Camp Nano Poets? in the forum Poetry Discussions 4 years, 10 months ago
@sir-leeds Thank you so much for your thoughtful answer. 🙂
The word count goal has a conundrum for me. You brought up a great point that stories and poems are so different. I think that word count might work against my poetry. I’m not sure, but it seems like stories are better for word count goals.
This month I’m going to log all of the words…[Read more]
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) commented on the post, Don't Be Afraid to Show Readers Your True Self 4 years, 10 months ago
Great article, Mariposa! Fawkes is a great example of this. 🙂
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) replied to the topic Newest But Eventually Older Critique in the forum Poetry Discussions 4 years, 10 months ago
@w-o-holmes I’m a little late to the discussion, but I want to say that I love this poem! I think the word choice is especially good. When reading it, it just feels good in your mouth, if that makes sense. The physical aesthetic of it rolls off the tongue well.
Fabulous work!
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) started the topic Any Camp Nano Poets? in the forum Poetry Discussions 4 years, 10 months ago
Hey guys…so I’m a poet…and I’ve always pretended to be allergic to NaNoWriMo and Camp NaNoWriMo. This was because I was thought, geez, a poet like me can’t do that.
Update: A friend of mine has, in fact, convinced me to do that.
I’m going to tackle a poetry editing goal and (I hope) a word count goal this month. So here I am.
I need…[Read more]
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) replied to the topic Fellow Instagram users in the forum Art Discussions 4 years, 10 months ago
@theswordinthebook My blog account is @sevenbillionsmiles and my personal (which I also share art on) is @emmahugabee. 🙂 I share @sevenbillionsmiles with my younger sister Eve.
I’m going to give all these accounts a look!
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) replied to the topic I NEED YOUR HELP! ANSWER THESE 4 QUESTIONS!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 10 months ago
@phoenix @evelyn @kate @sir-leeds @deeprun @taylorclogston
Thank you all so much!! Your answers are all thought-provoking. Here are some of my thoughts…
@taylorclogston I used secular literature as a very general term. I define Christian literature as a work that is by a professing Christian. So I defined anything other than Christian as…[Read more]
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) replied to the topic Fresh Poems! in the forum Poetry Discussions 4 years, 10 months ago
@evelyn Thank you!! That’s one of my favorite images too. :)))
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) replied to the topic Fresh Poems! in the forum Poetry Discussions 4 years, 10 months ago
Here is a poem I wrote yesterday. 🙂 @evelyn @k-a-grey @libby @h-jones
the blankets are
heavy on my chest
so heavy
heat fuzzes over me
the monochrome
with streaks of color
at the lines
fast forward
at the forefront
of my mind
but the round browns overwhelm,
puddling through the cracks
the warmth…[Read more]
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) started the topic I NEED YOUR HELP! ANSWER THESE 4 QUESTIONS!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 10 months ago
I’m conducting a survey, and I would appreciate it SO much if you answered these questions:
- Do you believe Christians should read secular literature (literature produced by non-believers)? Why or why not?
- How should a Christian approach reading secular and/or non secular) literature?
- Can (secular and/or non secular) literature be a source…
Emma Huckabee (Emma Starr) replied to the topic Gail Carson Levine in the forum Rillumen's Writing Discussions 4 years, 11 months ago
@corkybookworm yesssss I love that book! Thanks so much for sharing her blog! I’ll have to go check it out. 🙂
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