
Linyang Zhang

  • Andre: How long  are we gonna let him do that?

    Shen: Just give him a minute.

    Corin: *pushing on a door that clearly says ‘pull’*


    Ben: Okay. You take the ones on the right, I’ll take the ones on the left.

    James: But there are twice as many on the right.

    Ben: I know. I can count.


    Camreigh: I love this picture of the Zodiacs. We were…[Read more]

  • Andre: Shen won’t come out of his room again.

    Corin: Just tell him I said something.

    Andre: Like what?

    Corin: Like anything factually incorrect.

    Shen, arriving a few minutes later: Did you say that the SUN is a PLANET-

  • Camreigh: I miss the old days.

    Seeker: Back when we were in the Zodiacs together?

    Camreigh: No, before I met you.


    Dante, t-posing in the doorway: Greetings, parental figure.

    Adrian, without looking up: Hello, problem child.


    Andrew: Hey.

    Hypnos: Yes?

    Andrew: I can’t sleep.

    Hypnos: Well, I can. Goodnight.


    Ben: Somebody is…[Read more]

  • @anne_the_noob14 XD


    Rainan: When I first met you, I did not like you.

    Devon: Uh-huh.

    Rainan: But then we spent almost almost a year together.

    Devon: And?

    Rainan: It did not get better.


    Japeth: Do not fear death; fear the state you will die in.

    Ryoga: *whispering* …New Jersey?


    Zedek: How do you plead?

    Rachel: *looks over…[Read more]

  • @naiya-dyani Thank you~

    Soren: The real treasure were the memories that we made along the way.

    Ana: I almost died!

    Carlos: Ah, yes, that was my fondest memory.


    Natasha: Sorry I’m late. I was doing…stuff.

    Aine: *running in, noticeably disheveled* YOU SHOVED ME DOWN THE STAIRS!


    Jude: Sorry, can’t come tonight. Got the bubonic…[Read more]

  • @urwen-starial Not sure if you’re welcoming me but thank you!


    Hathach: *choking*

    Leif: Quick! Call 911!

    Equanimity: I’m trying, but the 9 won’t work!

    Leif: Turn the phone upside down and use the 6!

    Equanimity: Great idea!

    Hathach: *momentarily stops choking* What-


    Hathach: FOUR MONTHS.

    Equanimity: What is it?

    Leif: Oh it’s not t…[Read more]

  • Shatterer: I found a blank notebook. What should I put in it?

    Raven: Put spaghetti in it.

    Shatterer: I am taking suggestions from everyone but you.

    Rainan: Put spaghetti in it.

    Shatterer: I am taking suggestions from everyone but you two.

    Adonis: Put spaghetti in it.

    Shatterer: I am no longer taking suggestions.


    Shen: Truth or…[Read more]

  • Scourge, reading off of a fortune cookie: If you kill a killer, the amount of killers in the world remains the same.

    Oryn, mouth full of Chinese takeout: Kill two.


    Cleopas: If you’re fortunate enough, your insides will never see light.

    Nathan: Not if I swallow this light stick!

    Cleopas: Nathan no-

  • Wrote a story (*・▽・*) Feel free to read here : https://www.webnovel.com/book/16433603005917105/Yanhua

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