Active 4 weeks, 1 day ago-
Daeus Lamb replied to the topic Looking for Fantasy/Sci-fi Recommendations in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 1 month ago
For Sci-Fi, check out the Ender Saga and Asimov’s original Foundation trilogy (the prequels are also good, though not as good as the trilogy. I don’t recommend the sequels.)
N.D.Wilson’s Ashtown Burials series is phenomenal. Christian author and super creative. Intense, original, and timeless.
The Six of Crows dulogy is a gr…[Read more]
Daeus Lamb replied to the topic Why is Christian Sci-Fi Scarcer than Fantasy? in the forum Sci-fi Writers 3 years, 1 month ago
Your points raise good questions though, Taylor. That’s the way things are. But should it be?
For instance, I don’t believe in aliens, but does that mean I can’t include them in fiction? I tend to think I can. Fiction is, by definition, not real. I also tend to doubt that AI will ever be able to fully mimic human intelligence, but I would have n…[Read more]
Daeus Lamb replied to the topic Why is Christian Sci-Fi Scarcer than Fantasy? in the forum Sci-fi Writers 3 years, 1 month ago
@taylorclogston *blinks* People believe the tower of Babble was a space ship?
Daeus Lamb wrote a new post, How to Make a Character Come Alive 3 years, 2 months ago
What makes a character come alive?
Writers have been asking this question for ages as they attempt to convince readers that little markings on a page are actually living, breathing people. This is no easy […]
Daeus Lamb replied to the topic Horror Story Ideas in the forum Horror writers 3 years, 3 months ago
I have a vague idea for a story that might be horror, though it’s more likely suspense. Interested to see what others have to say. I never care to watch any horror, no thank you, but I might have some interest in books. I certainly like to broaden my reading.
Daeus Lamb replied to the topic Controversial Opinion: "Reading makes your writing better" is bad advice in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 3 months ago
@lrc and everyone else
I’m kicking myself I didn’t see this earlier. I read a lot of this discussion, but haven’t got the chance to read all of it. I want to come back and do that if I can.
I don’t see any point repeating what everyone has already said, but thanks @lrc for bringing this topic up! Even through I don’t agree, I love the out of the…[Read more]
Daeus Lamb wrote a new post, 17 Ways to Approach Your Story from a Fresh Angle 3 years, 3 months ago
Are your characters flopping over like wet cardboard? Is your plot fizzling in the middle or bouncing around without direction? Maybe the problem and solution is simple: you need different tactics, like when […]
Great article, Daeus! I especially appreciate the advice to try different approaches to figure out which ones work best for you. The fact that almost every point is supported by an SE article is great.
THIS IS AWESOME!!!!! I WOULD LOVE TO TRY OUT EACH AND EVERY THING ON THIS LIST (except I’ve already tried pansting, and it doesn’t really work for me unless I’m writing a short story or a bit of microfiction)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN’T WAIT TO GET STARTED THANK ‘EE KINDY SIR!!
These are great ideas! I write primarily for the stage and screen and writing a book as a screenplay first is a fabulous idea! That’s getting on my todo list. Thanks!
I enjoyed reading all these different ideas! So many fantastic tips, and like you said, many that I wouldn’t have come up with on my own.
Daeus Lamb changed their profile picture 3 years, 5 months ago
Daeus Lamb commented on the post, How Monet Gives Writers the Secret to Crafting Intoxicating Scenes 3 years, 6 months ago
Mmm. You know, I have never read book two in that series, so I’m not qualified to speak about the series as a whole.
You’re right about the scripture. I reviewed the draft I sent in and I think my wording there was convoluted and confused our editor. Let me see what I can do with that.
Daeus Lamb wrote a new post, How Monet Gives Writers the Secret to Crafting Intoxicating Scenes 3 years, 6 months ago
Over a period of one year, famous artist Claud Monet dedicated himself to painting a set of haystacks during various seasons, weather conditions, and times of day. Sounds monotonous, right?
On the contrary, […]-
Thank you for the article, Daeus! I loved your first two points especially, and I was literally just this morning thinking “I wish people wrote about motif more.”
Your third point was weird for me, though. The Rothfuss example is specifically one of my least favorite openings ever because, two books in, I don’t think it gives accurate story promises, or really gives us a good idea of who Kvothe, is or even shows us a hint of the kind of prose we’ll be seeing. Kvothe and the opening’s narrator have fairly different prosaic styles, and I’ve always thought the opening and the interludes serve as contrast to the main story, in tone along with other elements. Prologue Kvothe is tired and jaded and somewhat humble (at least, more grounded, maybe), while young Kvothe is vibrant and arrogant and idealistic.
Then once you added the verses from Isaiah I completely lost the thread and I’m not sure what it has to do with prophetic openings.
Am I completely missing the point?
Mmm. You know, I have never read book two in that series, so I’m not qualified to speak about the series as a whole.
You’re right about the scripture. I reviewed the draft I sent in and I think my wording there was convoluted and confused our editor. Let me see what I can do with that.
This is lovely. 🙂
Compelling advice, as usual. Thank you.
One more brilliant article by Deus cuts through thick clouds. Thank you. For writing on a foundational topic. Offering vibrant recommendations, examples, and advise-for-this-moment. I wonder where to apply all I learned… 😉 I loved looking up Monet’s haystack series too
Thank you! -
Really enjoyed this article, Daeus!
Daeus Lamb replied to the topic Strategies Outlining Epic Fantasies/Giant Novels? in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 6 months ago
@morreafirebird Well, there’s no reason it couldn’t be done, but since it didn’t work for you last time, I feel like if at all possible outlining before hand will be worth it.
If you’re unsure what goes between the mid point and the third plot point, it might be a sign your midpoint isn’t strong enough. The mid point is when your character…[Read more]
Daeus Lamb replied to the topic How do I prevent outlining from becoming a creativity killer? in the forum Plotting 3 years, 6 months ago
Hey Natalie!
The crazy thing is, each person is different, so I can’t really give you a one size fits all solution, but I could give a couple suggestions and maybe one will help.
First, if you don’t mind writing short stories (they’re great practice!) that might be an excellent way to find your groove. You can try full own…[Read more]
That’s great advice. I do love writing writing short stories because I ALWAYS pants those, and it’s so much fun. By the time I’m finished I look back over it and realize there are parallels, symbolisms, and balance that wasn’t the intention in the beginning. So far, the novels I’ve finished have followed the same process pattern … I just start…[Read more]
Daeus Lamb commented on the post, 4 Lessons Christian Writers Can Glean from the Horror Genre 3 years, 6 months ago
I’m one of those guys with the vivid imagination. 😄 Point 1 really struck me though. I’m going to have to dwell on this.
Daeus Lamb replied to the topic Early review copies available for The Songkiller's Symphony in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 6 months ago
@chalice Well, I’d put it at the length of about one and a third of The Hobbit.
Daeus Lamb replied to the topic Early review copies available for The Songkiller's Symphony in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 6 months ago
@rebekah12 Yeah! While I’m currently targeting both teens and adults, I wouldn’t be surprised if my main audience ended up being teens. Fire away. I’d love to have you review it.
Daeus Lamb replied to the topic Early review copies available for The Songkiller's Symphony in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 6 months ago
@sparrowhawke Oh, dear! I edited the link. Let’s see if it works now.
Daeus Lamb started the topic Early review copies available for The Songkiller's Symphony in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 7 months ago
Hi friends!
Would you like a free, early review copy of The Songkiller’s Symphony?
It’s my debut, epic fantasy novel filled with
- Original fantasy races
- Themes of misguided heroism, suppressed pain, and trust
- Epic magic systems
- Poetry
And more of course. It takes some inspiration from Sanderson, though it’s more of a traditional quest…[Read more]
Daeus Lamb replied to the topic FORUM GUIDELINES in the forum Guidelines & FAQ 3 years, 7 months ago
@obrian-of-the-surface-world If your post disappeared when you clicked the submit button, my best guess is you got automatically logged out between when you started the post and when you clicked publish.
If a post disappears after it was published, that’s weird, but we have had posts disappear when posted before, so I doubt it has anything to do…[Read more]
Daeus Lamb replied to the topic FORUM GUIDELINES in the forum Guidelines & FAQ 3 years, 7 months ago
@obrian-of-the-surface-world That was a tech glitch.
Daeus Lamb commented on the post, 2 Ways Writers Can Portray God in Fiction (and Which Is Better) 3 years, 8 months ago
I like me some direct theophany. 😎
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