Ashley Tegart started the topic Historical Research for Fantasy Novel? in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 8 months ago
Hi all,
Question for any fantasy writers who have based a fictional world on a particular historical period! What resources do you use for research? A few months ago I finished a draft of my fantasy novel, and I need to now iron out some of the world-building details. I’ve settled on a pre-World War I based setting, as my fantasy world is similar…[Read more]
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic Dark Fantasy Among Christians? in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 9 months ago
Hi Natalie,
I’m not sure if “Dark Fantasy” has specific genre connotations, but I would say my current WIP is of a darker tone for sure. The overall atmosphere is fairly moody and guilt is a prominent theme. I’ve got some monsters and tried my hand at writing creepier scenes as well. It’s different from anything I’ve written before, but I found…[Read more]
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic Looking for Fantasy/Sci-fi Recommendations in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 9 months ago
Popping back in a year later. Don’t mind me! 😀 Thanks for the recommendations, everyone! I read and loved Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. I’ve also read some of N.D. Wilson’s books and loved those as well.
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic Newsletter Help in the forum Publishing and Marketing Nerds 3 years, 2 months ago
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic Foreshadowing in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 2 months ago
A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens is one of my favorites, but I’ve struggled to get into some of his other books. I’ve also enjoyed what I’ve read of the Bronte sisters. I’m not totally sure if GK Chesterton counts as Victorian, but I love his Father Brown short stories.
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic Looking for Fantasy/Sci-fi Recommendations in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
Thank you for the recommendations, everyone! 🙂
I love The Space Trilogy! I also read the first two books of the Wingfeather Saga, but not the other two, so thanks for the reminder to finish the series! 🙂
I’m actually reading the old Thrawn trilogy now! I’m partway through the final book and have really enjoyed…[Read more]
Ashley Tegart started the topic Newsletter Help in the forum Publishing and Marketing Nerds 3 years, 2 months ago
Hi, all,
So I’m wanting to start an email newsletter soon. A couple of years ago I had one with MailChimp, but really didn’t like that service much. I want to try one again, especially since I’m on a mission to build an author platform without social media. I would love some advice from anyone else who has an email newsletter!
1) What service do…[Read more]
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic Fantasy Is NOT the Same Thing As Magic in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for the tag, @noah-cochran
I’ve been watching this thread from afar while busy with midterms and papers, so hopefully my contributions are coherent (I also hope to catch up on the other threads soon). 😛 I feel like this debate has gone beyond how we define magic and is delving more into different presuppositions about what makes fiction C…[Read more]
Ashley Tegart started the topic Looking for Fantasy/Sci-fi Recommendations in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 4 months ago
Hi, all,
Does anyone have recommendations for epic fantasy or sci-fi books or series (or even movies/TV series)? I’m trying to find something along the lines of Lord of the Rings, Avatar the Last Airbender, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, etc: big-scale plots, rich world building, heroes and villains, very thematic etc.
Thanks! 🙂
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic Conflict and the End of Fiction in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 4 months ago
Hi, @taylorclogston
I wasn’t tagged but I hope it’s all right if I join the discussion! I read your essay.
Like you, I’m often frustrated with the lack of emphasis on beauty in most writing advice. I love Tolkien’s works, and one of my favorite things is that they are beautiful. His prose is exquisite. He takes the time to describe ordinar…[Read more]
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic How Do You Organize Your Writing? in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 4 months ago
I like to print out my drafts, if I can! I find that I notice different things when I read my draft digitally vs. on paper. I don’t color-coordinate my brainstorming notes, but I do color-coordinate the notes I make in my printed draft. I tend to lose my notes because I can’t remember where in the notebook (or even which notebook) I…[Read more]
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic Foreshadowing in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 4 months ago
Okay, I’ve been busy with homework and haven’t had time to reply. I’m now trying to reorient myself as to what threads I was commenting on. 😛
Thanks! 🙂 Do you like Victorian Era British lit?
Thank you! I’ll keep everyone updated. 🙂 I don’t have a newsletter yet, but I do have a blog. I’m pretty…[Read more]
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic Foreshadowing in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 6 months ago
My book is epic fantasy, set in a world kinda drawing from an 1800s feel (I’m not trying to “recreate” a historical period, just drawing a bit). I don’t have a good plot summary worked out yet, but there’s political tension, a murder trial, mysterious monsters appearing at night, philosophical debates, and someone has a secret…
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic How do I prevent outlining from becoming a creativity killer? in the forum Plotting 3 years, 6 months ago
That’s awesome you found a nice journal! Yes, a good pen and journal makes all the difference. I love sitting at a coffee shop with a mocha and my pen/notebook! 😃
For my current WIP the bands I listen to a lot are Project 86 and Red, both Christian rock bands (especially when I’m brainstorming). I don’t always listen to music with…[Read more]
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic Strategies Outlining Epic Fantasies/Giant Novels? in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 6 months ago
Hi, @morreafirebird
Nice to meet you! 🙂
I honestly don’t have any thoughts either way on dividing the story into four parts, on if it will work or not. 🤷♀️
I don’t know if this is helpful, but I recently had issues with drafting after my midpoint as well. I had a clear climax scene in mind and my outline included general notes on how eve…[Read more]
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic How do I prevent outlining from becoming a creativity killer? in the forum Plotting 3 years, 6 months ago
Hi, Natalie!
I do pretty extensive outlining and planning before I start drafting (as in, multi-page outlines and synopses after filling part of a notebook with various notes). I’m also not one who finds the rough drafting process very fun; rather, I find it unbelievably stressful (because it’s the most time-consuming stage of the process for me…[Read more]
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic How Do You Organize Your Writing? in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 6 months ago
I hope it’s okay if I reply without being tagged! 🙂
I do almost all of my story notes (initial brainstorming, world building notes, outline, etc) on paper. I have a designated “ideas” notebook for my WIP where I keep all of my notes (which often becomes disorganized if I fail to flag important pages). I always type my synopses on the compu…[Read more]
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic Foreshadowing in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 6 months ago
My current WIP requires a ton of foreshadowing, so I’m having to hone this skill as well. Some parts of foreshadowing I plan in advance while other elements fall in place while I’m drafting. I think I’ve used all five techniques listed above. XD
One thing I like to use for foreshadowing….hmm. I don’t know if there’s a name for it. But I like to t…[Read more]
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic Your Type of Fantasy in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 6 months ago
The monsters don’t eat anything thematic, necessarily, but their role in the story ties into the book’s larger theme. I’m about to start doing some revisions and will end up weaving in more thematic/symbolic significance!I can’t find the post in the thread, but I did get an email about America…[Read more]
Have you ever read Washington Irving (The Legend of Sleepy Hollow), Henry James (The Turn of the Screw), Edgar Allen Poe (The Purloined Letter), Mark Twain (A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, Tom Sawyer), Nathaniel Hawthorne (House of the Seven Gables), Walter Farley (The Black Stallion), O. Henry (The Gift of The Magi), John Steinbeck…[Read more]
Ashley Tegart replied to the topic Your Type of Fantasy in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 7 months ago
Oh, I love Dostoevsky! Crime and Punishment and Demons are two of my favorite books.
The monsters come out at night and hide themselves in shadows and mist. According to my world’s lore, they devour everything and leave worlds behind them in a state of darkness and decay. There may also be some other kinds of creatures later…[Read more]
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