Active 2 years, 3 months ago-
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Motifs and recurring objects in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 7 months ago
@rose-colored-fancy Oh my goodness, I was just thinking about this a few days ago! This is literally like my favorite thing that authors do. Almost all good stories have it, if you look close enough.
The thing that makes me so excited about motifs is that they bring you back to a previous place, and that they can be anything. The Lord of the…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Story Quote Game in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 7 months ago
@kylie-wingfeather Love that quote!
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Your Type of Fantasy in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 7 months ago
@devastate-lasting Oh, I’d love to try writing fantasy like yours sometime. I really admire that style as well. Maybe I’ll get to it eventually.
My favorite things I’ve created so far are probably the Moltan’s…lava people that turn to rock when exposed to water…because their culture is really fun and strange. And the Ticaur (the tiger…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Minimal in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 7 months ago
I’m a Panster, so I can’t really speak for Plotters.😄 But, the difference I see is that Plotters like to have everything mapped out before they start. They like to see that this story is going in a good direction and will be successful. Pansters, on the other hand, just go by their gut and know that “It’ll turn out good somehow.”
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Your Type of Fantasy in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for the tag @imwritehere1920
@devastate-lasting This is such a cool topic!
I have two different types of fantasy worlds in my stories, but they have similarities. One is your typical Narnia-ish feel (castles, mythical creatures, dragons, magic spells, etc.) and the other is what’s called Adventure Fantasy. It’s really just fantasy with no…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Needing Christian Writer Friends in the forum Introduce Yourself 3 years, 7 months ago
Wow guys, there’s some pretty deep, profound stuff on here. I have to say I have felt just like most of you sometime in my life. I’m really impressed by the way ya’ll are opening up and sharing some of the insecurities of life.
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Character Voice Analysis in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 7 months ago
@noah-cochran Arghh, Prof. this is like perfect. Like my favorite style. Honestly. I love how much pain there is, how much we are inside the character’s heads, and how much they’re “rubbing” on each-other. And the setting… If you even need someone to read your manuscript, I volunteer.😄
Anyywayyy…as for the voices. I agree with Rose that…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Howdy Al! in the forum Introduce Yourself 3 years, 7 months ago
@noah-cochran Professer, sir, I am delighted to meet you. And I am doubly delighted that you live on a farm and love cats…considering the fact that I have 10 at the moment (outside) and also convinced my parents to adopt a blind one for inside.😁 We don’t have sheep, just a few cows, pigs, and rabbits. I wish we had chickens…how many are you…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Better Out Than In in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 7 months ago
I’m glad I could be a bit of help. Life can get so overwhelming sometimes (especially with COVID and all that), but God is with us.
One thing to remember when writing is that it is as much for you as it is for readers. There will always be someone who is ahead of you and has the “perfect” writing life. For example, I see people on…[Read more]
@arindown Great points you’ve made. Really resonating with my thick troubled head.
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Howdy Al! in the forum Introduce Yourself 3 years, 7 months ago
@noah-cochran Hello, Professer.
Thought I’d jump on and just say hi. I am Gracie, fantasy writer, farm girl, and huge fan of Lord of the Rings. I’m 77k words into my first novel, and it’s going slowly, but I’m hoping to finish the first draft in the next few months.
I’m trying to think of questions nobody else has asked.😁 What is your favorite…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Intro in the forum Introduce Yourself 3 years, 7 months ago
Hello! I’m Gracie, teenage writer girl who loves cats, art, and anything story. My favorite books are Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien), Wingfeather Saga (Andrew Peterson), and a ton of older classics (Where the Red Fern Grows, Little Women, Anne of Green Gables, etc.) I don’t usually add the Bible to that list, even though it’s…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Better Out Than In in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 7 months ago
@tanyacreative Hey Tanya. These are some good questions…ones that I feel like all of us have to answer at one time or another.
For me, shelving a WIP depends on whether I’m just having a flash-inspiration for a different project, or whether I actually need to wait on it. I have a story that’s been banging around in my head for like 5…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Completely Useless Character Game in the forum Characters 3 years, 8 months ago
Goodnesss.🤣 You were so much closer than you thought.
1) Name: Promise Wetterling (very old-timey)
2) Age: Around 65 😁 You were like spot-on.
3) Career/Role in Story: Warrior/Head of Secret Service. So yes, she’s an older woman who’s getting back into the adventure. Not so much in fighting, but in leading. She is the g…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Completely Useless Character Game in the forum Characters 3 years, 8 months ago
@lonathecat Wow! We need to start bugging Rose into making Faye’s middle name Lilia.😄
@rose-colored-fancy I love this character now.😍 I’m so impressed by the artwork and how much we could read from it. Good job.
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Completely Useless Character Game in the forum Characters 3 years, 8 months ago
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Completely Useless Character Game in the forum Characters 3 years, 8 months ago
@erynne This is so cool. And fun.
@rose-colored-fancy Let me see… (probably gonna ruin this)
1) Name: Something soft, but with a lot of heart to it. Like Ella, Gwendolyn, or Lilia.
2) Age: Either early teens or early twenties.
3) Career/Role in Story: Side character, probably a supporting role
4): Personality: Quite, intuitive, a lover of…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) commented on the post, 4 Factors to Consider Before Including Physical Manifestations of God in Fiction 3 years, 8 months ago
This is such an important topic. Thanks Rose!
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Hello, Blessed Writings in the forum Introduce Yourself 3 years, 8 months ago
@olivia Yay! How’s life going for you? I saw that you are taking writing really seriously (every day) now. Good job! I’ve been trying to take it seriously, but it’s hard (long) work. I’m supposed to be finishing my first draft in August.
@melancholicwriter Don’t worry, I totally understand about being “proud” of being INFP. I am too. And yes,…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Hello, Blessed Writings in the forum Introduce Yourself 3 years, 8 months ago
You’re an INFP? *high fives* So am I!
Just out of curiosity, what does having this personality mean to you? I don’t know a lot of people with my personality (besides Anne Shirley, Frodo Baggins, Shakespeare, Tolkien, and other great dreamers I never got to meet😊) and it’s fun to see what other people see us as, and how we view…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Tell Your Plot In 60 Seconds in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 8 months ago
@irishcelticredflowercrown *clapping* Yes! Don’t let all the humans die…we’re not perfect, but we’re fascinating.😉
@dakota *trying not to cry* Love this so much. Now I’m itching to touch the darker side of the Outrider’s arc…
@rose-colored-fancy Liorah, yes!😄 This Liorah girl sounds like someone I’d like. My favorite characters are the f…[Read more]
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