Active 1 year ago-
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Audio Cinema in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
I’ll see if I have time to record something next week. I have two exams this week and then a two-week break until the start of next semester, so I’ll work on finishing my short story during that time and hopefully have it recorded as well 🙂
As far as answering questions goes, I’ll have to do that as I’m able. I hardly have time to sit for…[Read more]
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Audio Cinema in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
I would love to submit one! I have a short story I’m working on draft 1 of, and I could fit it into a couple scenes 🙂 So I may read it when I’ve finished. :))
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Audio Cinema in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
I cried at the ending
Simply wonderful. And your voice is perfect for that narration!!
I’m in the middle of yours now. I’ve gotta pause and continue it later, but I absolutely love it! And your accent as well! And I agree with those who’ve said you read it beautifully. I…[Read more]
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
I took it myself just now and got…
14 points for Stilton
12 points for Dharin
11 for Gwen
10 for Greyl
9 each for Werrley and Wiggins
7 for Dana
6 each for Kylian and Brodie
And 5 each for Vulferym and Marek
So. I’m trying to think about how accurate that was. I think pretty accurate. Stilton, Dharin, Gwen, and Greyl are…[Read more]
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
I can’t see there’s any way for me to put a PDF here lol so I just pasted it all in. Hopefully the format isn’t too terrible…
1. If you had to go on a dangerous quest, which would you bring?
a. Weapons
b. Food
c. A good friend
2. What would you rather do?
a. Save the world (even if it hurts)
b. Live in peace
c. Lead an adventurous…[Read more]
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
@joelle-stone I finished it! Lemme know who you get and if there’s anything I should change 🙂
Lemme see if I can figure out how to attach a PDF…
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
@joelle-stone Also if you don’t mind, I may steal some of the questions on there to make my own character quiz with 🙂
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
@joelle-stone So I took your character quiz! 🙂 According to it, I’m most like Rebere (11 points), followed by Alaia (10 points) and Lytt and Valent (both 9 points).
I think Rebere isn’t the best fit. I am, however, protective and determined – and I hope I’m reliable 😛
Alaia is accurate except for the naïve and gullible part.
Lytt…[Read more]
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
@joelle-stone Also, if you wanna get in touch with me easier, to talk about books or whatever, email (liviryddle04@gmail.com) is the best way 🙂 I don’t always remember to check my notifications from SE.
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
@joelle-stone *deep breath*
I LOVE IT!!! Dharin was perfect! 🙂
I WANT MORE!!! I want to read more about Riure!! I love her!
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
HIIII!!! *hugs*
Yep, I’ve met Cathy! 🙂 *hugs her too* And hellooo everyone else! 😀
Wonderful! I’m glad y’all are doing a lot of
torturingbuilding characters still!And ooooo!!! I’m pulling it up and reading it right now!! 😀
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
Aaaa I’ve gotta squash the urge to go try to read everything that happened since I left! XD
I miss y’all! Life is under control, just very busy 🙂 But I thought I’d pop over here real quick to see how y’all are doing!
I see some new names :))
Livi Ryddle started the topic Critique Opportunity (non-fiction) in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 2 months ago
Hey guys! As some of you may know, Rachel Rogers and Wordsmith have started their own publishing company (hazelgracepress.com)! 🙂 (They have also published a book, “The Broken Paintbrush,” written by Rachel and Wordsmith, and illustrated by another wonderful mutual (non-SE) friend – you should definitely order a copy!)
But! They are also looking…[Read more]
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Research of less-than-desirable topics (wounds, wound complications, etc.) in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 6 months ago
I have a talking owl, so don’t worry – I’m not judging a talking raven 😛
Water hemlock treated with charcoal! I am pleased with myself. I actually knew that bit of info already 😀 I read a book once, where a girl found water hemlock, didn’t know what it was (thought it was a turnip or something) and was…[Read more]
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Stories and Fantasies in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 6 months ago
@joelle-stone Ah cool! I’ll keep this thread in mind! I haven’t had a whole lot of time to write, but I do have a short story I could use critique on at some point 😀
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Research of less-than-desirable topics (wounds, wound complications, etc.) in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 6 months ago
Of course! And lemme know if you find anything useful… I could use it for one of my own fictional poison plants XD
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Stories and Fantasies in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 6 months ago
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Stories and Fantasies in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 6 months ago
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 6 months ago
@kimlikesart Hahaha XD But now… you are 😛
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