A. D. S. replied to the topic Posting my art for the first time! in the forum Art Critique 5 years, 10 months ago
Thanks so much guys for the feedback! Yeah I’ve been drawing probably like one or two things each week. I hope to get faster at my sketches, but I suppose that’s where the practice comes in and such.
A. D. S. started the topic Posting my art for the first time! in the forum Art Critique 5 years, 10 months ago
Hey everyone,
This is my first time posting on the art section so I’m a little nervous. I’ve always thought of myself as more of a writer, although I’ve enjoyed doodling for a while. Now I’ve gotten into sketching a little bit. Does anyone have advice for how I can improve my drawings? Here are some that I’ve done recently. Thanks!
A. D. S. replied to the topic New Year Resolutions! in the forum Apprentice Island Writing Discussions 6 years, 1 month ago
I haven’t decided on a school yet, but I got accepted to two private Christian schools, and I am very excited to see which one God leads me to.
Yeah something I learned through NaNo is to take advantage of the two minutes here, five minutes there that might usually be used to scroll Pinterest. Jotting a few notes here and t…[Read more]
A. D. S. replied to the topic New Year Resolutions! in the forum Apprentice Island Writing Discussions 6 years, 1 month ago
Thanks Audrey for the encouragement! Bullet points can be really useful too, and I think sometimes more attainable than an abstract goal. My school starts tomorrow too. I’m going to graduate from high school and into college this year. Is it hard to keep up with writing and a college work load? Are you majoring in writing, or d…[Read more]
A. D. S. started the topic Our Annual Theme? in the forum 6 years, 1 month ago
Hi guys, I’m new to the forum pretty much as of this year, so I’m not familiar with this concept, but the idea of a annual theme sounds really cool. Do we know what our theme is for 2019 yet?
A. D. S. replied to the topic New Year Resolutions! in the forum Apprentice Island Writing Discussions 6 years, 1 month ago
Second draft?! Congrats! I’m just trying to make it through my first one. I don’t have any experience with editing a second draft, but I’m sure yours will turn out great!
100 words a day sounds like the perfect New Year’s resolution. I might copy that. Haha
A. D. S. replied to the topic Help with Good, Grabbing Plotlines in the forum Apprentice Island Writing Discussions 6 years, 1 month ago
Oh! Yes, plot lines can be really hard for me, so this thread caught my eye. I feel confident on characters, but plot and setting can be more difficult for me. I think that’s a good reminder to look at the theme/concept of the story to flesh out the setting and plot.
A. D. S. replied to the topic Welcome to Apprentice Island! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 1 month ago
Hey everyone,
Just joined the guild and I am so excited.
I’ve been writing since I can remember, but haven’t actually finished a novel, though I’ve plotted countless ones. My goal is to show myself I can finish a book and make my ideas become a reality that others can appreciate. I tried NaNo this year and finished half of the traditional 50k w…[Read more]
A. D. S. replied to the topic The Old Switcheroo in the forum Characters 6 years, 1 month ago
What do you guys think about the reverse character arc, where the character goes from being a villain to being a hero? Do you think there’s room for both arcs in one story? And what are some ways that the two arcs can foil each other without being predictable?
A. D. S. replied to the topic Role Play for Learning in the forum Characters 6 years, 1 month ago
Suddenly, at that moment someone crashed into the person Kayto was talking to. The man and lady in white were sent tumbling down a hill. The newest arrival, a boy with auburn hair, jumped to his feet, before wincing in pain and falling down again. The boy got up again and followed after the others.
Kayto didn’t want to follow these weird s…[Read more]
A. D. S. replied to the topic Role Play for Learning in the forum Characters 6 years, 1 month ago
It’s a made up Union. It’s essentially a dystopian government and I couldn’t come up with a better name. Lol
As for where Kayto is, I think I might have misread what happened up to this point in the story.
So I’ll let you guys decide where to put him. Maybe whoever post next can clarify that.
A. D. S. replied to the topic Role Play for Learning in the forum Characters 6 years, 2 months ago
(Hey guys, it seems like I’m late to the thread, but mind if my MC and I pop in?)
(Kayto is a boy about 16 years old. He grew up in the Union being trained as a soldier his whole life. He has black hair, brown eyes, and is always wearing his white Union uniform.)
Kayto blinked twice in the bright light. When his vision cleared, he found h…[Read more]
A. D. S.'s profile was updated 6 years, 2 months ago
A. D. S. changed their profile picture 6 years, 2 months ago
A. D. S.'s profile was updated 6 years, 2 months ago
A. D. S. replied to the topic Tormenting a Character in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 2 months ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi Kayla,</p>
(I’m kinda new to this forum so I don’t know anyone yet, so hi everyone.)I would say that the best way to torture a character is to use something that would personally hurt them. So could your main character just punch the jerk character in the face? Yes, and it would hurt. But does your main cha…[Read more]