Abbey Bishop replied to the topic Hi! in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 7 months ago
First of all, welcome! We’re so glad to have you here. Second of all, I see that you like both acting and singing. Now, I’m a bit of a musical connoisseur. (Musicals are actually an obsession of mine.) I just have to know, what’s your favorite musical? Play? What shows have you acted in? Would you like for me to recommend some u…[Read more]
Abbey Bishop started the topic Uncle Brandon in the forum 6 years, 7 months ago
Hi, guys. If you could pray for my uncle, Brandon, that would be very much appreciated. His dad died a couple weeks ago and he doesn’t have good coping mechanisms. Brandon is autistic and mute. I was just informed today that he was suspended from his daycare for a few days because of his behavior. He’s been picking at chairs and destroying them,…[Read more]
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic *deep breath before the plunge* in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 7 months ago
Absolutely! I love showing both sides of the coin.
I was really hoping that you would say fantasy! There actually is a second thing that initiated my motivation. It was a series of lectures by Brandon Sanderson for his Fantasy/Science Fiction class.
I reccommend giving…[Read more]
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic Happy Birthday to our fearless leader! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 7 months ago
Ooh! Happy birthday!
It’s also my best friend’s birthday today too! @jane-maree, are you sure you’re not a 15 year old boy who looks like this?
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic *deep breath before the plunge* in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 7 months ago
You can upload anything you want to Wattpad. Poetry, short stories, novels, and some people also have portfolios of their art, etc. You probably haven’t heard of it because it’s mainly known for cliche teen fiction and poorly written fan fictions. Although it is a smaller population in comparison, there are still millions of users…[Read more]
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic *deep breath before the plunge* in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 7 months ago
Brandon and I are so honored to have inspired your profile picture. To answer your question, I write a little bit of everything, but I favor fantasy above all others. Although, I like to say that I also write science fiction, because the one book I actually feel passionate about writing belongs to that genre.
I couldn’t help, but…[Read more]
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic So… I guess people make a new topic to introduce themselves? in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 7 months ago
I can’t dance at all either! Yet I somehow get roles in musicals…
All Suburban’s must have had about 300 kids in my particular choir. It’s a rather interesting experience. All of the high schools in St. Louis County (there’s a whole lot of them) can have students audition to participate in the group. (I think they have band and orchestra groups…[Read more]
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic So… I guess people make a new topic to introduce themselves? in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 7 months ago
@graceabounds2129 I personally need to expand my range. I can barely sing under the staff. I can reach a pretty good distance above the staff, but I’m always flat. I’ve mostly been a first soprano, but that’s only in terms of what voice part the choir needs.
I’ve never heard of those songs before now. They’re both beautiful pieces. My heart…[Read more]
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic *deep breath before the plunge* in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 7 months ago
Welcome! I noticed that you also have a stuffed animal as your profile picture! I have a feeling that we’re going to be great friends!
I have a little question for you: Out of all stuffed animals, why did you choose that particular one?
On another note, I’m so glad that you’re sticking to writing despite your mother’s worries. I…[Read more]
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic Poetry Help Wanted…….please!! in the forum Poetry Discussions 6 years, 7 months ago
I know nothing about poetry, but it seems like you’re trying to hard. If you were able to write good poetry before, that skill won’t just vanish.
Don’t worry about whether or not anyone is accepting your poetry. All you should be doing is writing poetry that YOU love.
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic I am Twin in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 7 months ago
I knew very well that Thom is a nickname, but I had a small hope that you had the nickname as your actual name.
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic Help!!! My characters need names!!! in the forum Characters 6 years, 7 months ago
Gjest Ubel is amazing! It sent chills down my back when I read it!
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic Help!!! My characters need names!!! in the forum Characters 6 years, 7 months ago
The name “Ubel” is Germanic and literally means “evil”. @raemarie What do you think?
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic {2018 – Week 6} Describing: Characters' Physical Appearance in the forum Announcements 6 years, 7 months ago
@jane-maree Thanks! Those are great suggestions. I guess what I really need to do is finish figuring out what features my Tjantes do have. They definitely don’t have hair, but I have no idea if they wear clothes or even have ears. I have work to do!
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic {2018 – Week 6} Describing: Characters' Physical Appearance in the forum Announcements 6 years, 7 months ago
“Jasity?” a voice stuttered, interrupting her thoughts. She looked up at a familiar cherry-red Tjante that repulsed her. His bland gray eyes had a brightness in them that reminded Jasity of the alien.
“What business do you have speaking my name?” Jasity retorted, feeling flames rise in her chest.
The brightness in Japper’s eyes faded, yet he…[Read more]
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic GUILD WAR – Smol Children and Character Voice in the forum Announcements 6 years, 7 months ago
I think our protagonist should be happy and bright, but also sad and suffering. The protagonist can see and describe everything in an extremely positive way, not at all understanding what a dire situation they’re in.
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic So… I guess people make a new topic to introduce themselves? in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 7 months ago
Hey, Lindsey! I saw that you said that you like singing. I have a few questions in regards to that.
What voice part are you? (I’m a soprano!) What’s your favorite style to sing? What’s your favorite music genre to listen to? Do you ever sing for an audience?
On another note, if you’re ever looking for some pretty choral solos…[Read more]
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic *Doors burst open* Well, better late than never! in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 7 months ago
I am only extremely discomforted by my sense of touch. Although, I’m finding that my eczema influences how bad my reaction is. If my skin is healthy, I only get a slight sensation. Although, if my skin is the littlest bit dry, the sensation easily overwhelms me.
I would love to get tested again, but it’s not financially practical at…[Read more]
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic Novel Swap in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 7 months ago
@parker I should have some time on my hands later tonight. If not, I can definitely start tomorrow.
Abbey Bishop replied to the topic *Doors burst open* Well, better late than never! in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 7 months ago
@ajaj2000 Did you say you were an aspie in your introduction? Because there’s a possibility that I might be one myself.
I had a developmental delay when I was younger and the doctors said that it wasn’t caused by anything. I’m pretty sure that they misdiagnosed me. After doing some research, I found out that many doctors misdiagnose autistic…[Read more]
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