How to Improve Your Writing Every Second of the Day

May 24, 2021

The enemy of writing is time. It limits productivity and advancement. For many writers, a conflict exists between the hours they spend (or wish they could spend) on their latest story ideas and the other responsibilities in their lives.


But what if all of life could be devoted to writing? Sounds too good to be true, doesnโ€™t it? Well, it isnโ€™t. You donโ€™t have to be free of distractions or hunched over a desk to set off brainstorms, flex your imaginationโ€™s muscles, and spiff up your style. In fact, your results may be more fluid when you arenโ€™t pushing words onto paper, because the pressure to excel wonโ€™t be as high.


Once you learn flexible, creativity-inducing habits, any activity or setting can transform into an opportunity for writing growth. Here are four that have personally enriched my craft.


Habit #1: Think Like a Poet

For the past few years, Iโ€™ve regularly played ultimate frisbee at a park. The sky is usually gorgeous. And the best part?


The cloud formations change continually. I treat this as a challenge to describe every curve, shadow, and wisp with equal cleverness. Over the years, Iโ€™ve come up with more than a hundred metaphors that range from blueberry stains to moth-eaten trousers to bleeding battleships on a foamy sea. Every time I walk outside, itโ€™s a chance to test and hone my figurative language skills.


You donโ€™t need to choose clouds as your subjectโ€”anything that fluctuates can serve as a prompt for pizzazzy prose. You can engage in this exercise while watching your kids play, driving to work, and washing dishes, plus dozens of other situations where your mind is mostly idle. Pro tip: invite a friend to join you and make it into a game.


Habit #2: Edit Your Own Sentences

Normal people enjoy hobbies like skiing, chess, and chatting with friends. Weird, right?


Real fun is when you pause your internal monologue while youโ€™re brushing your teeth to remind yourself that โ€œthis hour is really too late for me to be going to bedโ€ could be better phrased as โ€œI should go to bed earlier.โ€


Then you realize โ€œcould be better phrased asโ€ would become more succinct if you tweaked it to โ€œwould flow better as.โ€


And when you start nitpicking other peopleโ€™s sentences instead of just your own, you can buy a T-shirt that says, โ€œBlame my editor for teaching me this.โ€


I actually do reword my thoughts sometimes. It freshens up my voice so I donโ€™t develop verbal tics that might annoy or confuse readers. You can do the same with emails, journaling, or any other task that involves communication. Begin by studying a few articles on how to write beautiful, smooth, and concise prose. Memorize the techniques thatโ€™ll help you the most and keep an eye out for moments when you can practice what youโ€™ve learned.


Habit #3: Use Truth as Inspiration Wherever You Find It

I often daydream about stories during church. Should I feel ashamed?


Iโ€™ve decided not to. The sermons ignite my story embers like a match. Maybe King Saulโ€™s mistakes kickstart a meaningful backstory for my villain, or the Beatitudes hint at how I could portray the virtue of meekness without sounding preachy.


I donโ€™t take traditional (boring) sermon notes because I know the myths I concoct as Iโ€™m listening will carry the teachings of Scripture with me to my grave.


Life lessons and notable events abound even outside of church walls. For instance, Iโ€™ve given one of my characters struggles that mirror my own (e.g., reluctance to acknowledge fears, frustration with fate, obsession over goals). Some of these Iโ€™ve conquered and others I havenโ€™t yet. Look for similar truth sparks while youโ€™re sitting in a pew or wrestling with a problem. When you turn personal revelations and experiences into stories, youโ€™ll not only become wiser but also more masterful at building compelling themes.


Habit #4: Fix Poor Storytelling (in Your Mind)

Writers definitely never fritter away time reading. They couldnโ€™t hate anything more. So, if a parent or spouse forces you to read a book, try surviving by critiquing the contents to prove youโ€™re stronger. Books need to understand whoโ€™s boss.


Every story can stand refining, even after publication. Maybe the author does too much telling, the romance isnโ€™t fully convincing, or the ending isnโ€™t as powerful as it could be. When I read K.M. Weilandโ€™s Behold the Dawn, I pretended that the plot didnโ€™t rely so much on the protagonist info-dumping about the state of his soul. When I read Lord of the Rings, I loved the ending, but since Iโ€™m such a dramatic type, I envisioned an extra cataclysmic/eucatastrophic finale at Mount Doom instead. (Both of these are stellar novels, by the way, so donโ€™t jump to the conclusion that Iโ€™m knocking them.)


Passive reading is for plebeians. Active reading is weight training for the grand colosseum we call an empty page. Aim to pinpoint at least one weak area in every novel you consume.


The Day Remade

While Iโ€™d hardly recommend focusing your every thought on writing (youโ€™ll lose all your friends that way), incorporating storytelling discipline into everyday life spices up your routine and shapes you into a writing ninja.


Which of these habits are you going to implement today? Would you add any to the list that I didnโ€™t mention? Share your own strategies in the comments below.


  1. Brianna Storm Hilvety

    โ€œBlame my editor for teaching me this.โ€ I feel very called out. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    By the way, I used to do the cloud exercise a lot back when I wrote stories. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Daeus Lamb

      Yes, you’re very much to blame. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. Sesame Street

    Lol… How can you describe clouds while playing ultimate? Now that’s a mental maneuver I’d like to learn. Sadly, I am already the one getting distracted from the disc by anything and everything. (And yes, that is a very badly worded sentence…) Correction: I’m afraid I’m already too good at getting distracted to implement your guidance. Maybe that’s not any better lol… ๐Ÿ˜€

    Thanks for the great article Daeus!

  3. Christopher Babcock

    Loved this article, Daeus! I especially agree with what you said about critiquing books as you read. I’ve been compulsively doing this since I was 17. Sometimes I need to just shut it off and enjoy the story, but often it’s really helpful for me as I attempt to improve my own craft.

  4. Rachel L

    Thanks for this! It’s very encouraging and intriguing. Glad to know I’m not the only one who daydreams in church! Finally decided that’s how my brain works and it’s still a way to worship God. Thanks!

  5. Arindown (Gracie)

    Good article!

    I find that whenever I’m alone, I work through scenes, building character voice (out-loud๐Ÿ˜), and filling in details from my surroundings.

    I also work to find story everywhere…learning how story effects media, dinner, how-to books, laundry, and even how we talk. Our whole society is practically built off of story.

    And critiquing other’s work…๐Ÿคฃ Lately I found myself going scene-for-scene through the latest Mandilorian episode I had seen, adding tension and internal-conflict to all the dialogue. Abbie Emmons is ruining me.๐Ÿ˜

  6. Lydia Lobb

    Wow, I do almost all of these, thinking I was a bit cooky and the only one. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Now I have justification for doing them. ๐Ÿ˜‰


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