
Romance Writers

What romances would you recommend?

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  • #134103

      Okay, I’m really confused by some things in this thread (and sub-forum in general). ^^;; I’m past adolescence and writing romance, so I guess part of my confusion is coming from this angle.

      What on earth do you all mean by “weird stuff” and “kissing,” or am I clueless? By “kissing,” are you talking graphic description of one of the many ways a kiss can be enacted, the mention of it, or… I’m at a loss for what “weird stuff” means.

      I’m sorry, I’m just confused and not trying to pick on @jsclingman or the rest of you. I do notice there’s heavy aversion to romance as a Christian genre or A-Plot (primary dramatic question/thread) in this sub-forum which is specifically geared to romance writers. And “clean romance” as a definition appears to be shifting like sands the more I poke around here.

      + His mercy in your dark.

      J. S. Clingman

        @legomaiego I wasn’t really trying to redefine “clean romance”. I was just looking for a romance that wasn’t too romantic, if that makes any sense. I’m a newcomer to the romance genre—and at least at the time of writing the initial post in this thread—I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I wanted “romance lite” (shall we say) without excessive mushiness, extreme sentimentalism, and vividly-described physical acts of affection. I hope that answers your question. 🙂

        Believe. Hope. Love.

        Tasha Van Kesteren


          I do have to agree with where @legomaiego is going. And even though I gave some books with romance that weren’t too romantic, they aren’t really romances. If you are going to read a romance you will most likely have to deal with kissing, romance, etc. It’s just kinda part of the romance part of romance…

          "Courage is found in unlikely places." JRR Tolkien

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