
Horror Writers

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      Someone’s gotta start something. Anyone here have a horror story they’re currently writing? Or an idea that’s saved for later?

      Any good horror books you’d suggest? I read several Ted Dekkers a while ago, but he managed to alienate me enough that I’m leery to read anything else by him.

      Sam M

        @pensword I have yet to write an actual horror story, but I had an idea for one I might do sometime -it’s basically a reverse Carrie story. So, in Carrie by Stephen King, a group of people are cruel to the protagonist, and then Carrie tries to get revenge on them and things go wretchedly awry (or that’s my understanding of it…I, uh, haven’t actually read it…). In my story I thought it would be cool if, after being mistreated by the other characters, the protagonist (Harley) still saves them from the actual villain in the story.

        I haven’t read many horror books yet, but I am also open to suggestions! I did read Frankenstein by Mary W. Shelley some years ago (if that counts as a horror novel) and that was pretty interesting.

        The Inkspiller

          @pensword So, the WIP I just finished the first full draft of yesterday (hurray!) kind of has horror elements to it. I mean, the broader novel it’s set in definitely skews much towards historical fantasy than horror, but its magical elements are much less “whimsical fantasy” and more on the side of “what would it actually be like if someone could forcibly take control of your mind and body”.

          However, my reading experience of horror is rather more limited. Most of my inspiration for horror stuff has come from media and video-games – namely the brilliant voice acting of Wayne June, who has also done a lot of Lovecraft audio books. So it would be nice actually to have a group that specializes in horror (or at least has an interest in experiencing it) to help me figure out how to write good spine-tingling horror without just beating my head against the anvil of revolting physical imagery. Shock-schlock does not translate well across paper.

          Non nobis Domine, sed nomini, Tuo da gloriam.


            Heyyy. I write horror. At least I’m trying.



              I actually haven’t read much horror either, besides classic horror. Frankenstein and Dracula are both good, and there’s a super short second vampire novel called Carmilla that was interesting. I think the only modern horror I’ve read was a book called Prodigal Son which is part of a Frankenstein retelling series sort of thing by a guy named Dean Koontz. It’s the first thing I found that was actually unsettling at times, but I did enjoy it. (There are some content warnings if anyone decides to look into it.)


              That sounds super interesting.

              I’d be willing to help toss around ideas. I’m not great at it I don’t think, but I have noticed some things in the book I mentioned above so I have some half formulated ideas anyway.


              Hey, welcome!

              The Inkspiller

                @pensword, @phoenix, @sam-m, So there’s an entire website devoted to H.P. Lovecraft; since most if not all his works are old enough to be in the public domain, his stuff is available for free reading. He is kind of the progenitor of cosmic horror, so if you’re into writing about terrors which transcend human comprehension and absolutely dwarf our mortal existence, he might be worth a look at. Bear in mind, Lovecraft was an incorrigible atheist during his life until his death, and his conception of deity in his works was that of terrible, alien beings in an uncaring universe, indicative of his view of God should he theoretically have been disposed to say there was a God. I find his views ironic – the deities which he imagines seem to reflect the powers and principalities of this material world from which God has rescued us in faith. Anyways, I’ll leave it there, as this is rapidly turning into an essay that I am not prepared to write!


                Non nobis Domine, sed nomini, Tuo da gloriam.

                Sam M

                  @pensword Cool. 🙂 Thank you for the recommendations! I’ve been meaning to read Dracula one of these days.

                  Thanks for the website link. 🙂 👍

                  Vivian Grant


                    I experimented with horror, and though I like the genre it’s hard (for me at least) to keep from putting unnecessary gore into my work. The plot of my horror story is fine, but while writing it I got caught up in the excitement and did a gore-overload. Does anyone else have a similar problem when writing horror?


                    Dracula is amazing! It is one of the few books that I read more than once, when usually I read a book once, love it, and then just remember it fondly.




                      Thanks for the link! I’ll have to read a story or two sometime.


                      I have not actually written anything I’d call horror yet, although I have some ideas. I could see how that’d be difficult though. I think with other stories I’ve gotten the advice of focusing more on what the characters are feeling, rather than what they’re seeing. And that drives the emotion of a story more than just the violence of the scene anyway. I’d imagine horror would have a similar trend.


                        I don’t write much horror other than some supernatural themed books which could freak someone out, but they’re more fantasy than horror. I love the It movies, and I can’t find anyone else in my bubble who does, so… yep.


                          Hey guys! I’ve never read any horror novel per se, but I kind of find the book I’m writing turning into some kind of psychological/supernatural-ish thriller. I can’t quite tell if it’s actually scary or not, but that’s probably because I’ve read it a bazillion times.

                          I say I won’t buy any more books until I’ve finished the ones I have, and then I laugh at myself.

                          Sam M


                            Hi, Laurel. 🙂 Your story sounds interesting. What’s it’s about?


                              @sam-m Hi! It’s about three middle schoolers lost in the woods after a tornado, kind of playing around with the nerd, class clown, and school bully dynamic. One of the characters is separated from the other two and isn’t sure if he’s dead or alive, which is where the psychological bit comes in. For the other two, the story follows the reconstruction of the accident and figuring out what’s lurking in the woods. I’m not sure if the planned second part has as much horror/thriller potential (when they start trying to find their way out of the woods), but I’m really enjoying playing with that element in Part One!

                              Are you working on anything right now?

                              I say I won’t buy any more books until I’ve finished the ones I have, and then I laugh at myself.


                                Also, I’m seeing a ton about Dracula and I just finished it for class! Jonathan and Mina Harker are lowkey relationship goals

                                • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Laurel.

                                I say I won’t buy any more books until I’ve finished the ones I have, and then I laugh at myself.

                                Sam M


                                  Hi, Laurel. 🙂 Your story sounds super interesting! I’m especially intrigued by the psychological part. I love mysteries. Incidentally, I’m working on a mystery novel right now, where the protagonist is trying to solve his parents murder and take down the crime boss who killed them (and a lot of other people).

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