
Historical Fiction Writers

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  • #150303
    Betty Wojtowicz

      Good morning, all! I’m writing a western historical romance, currently on my third revision. My working title is Finding Her True Love, but I’m not sold on it. It’s about a 1870’s Boston socialite, Kate MacGregor, who runs away to escape a forced marriage. She ends up in a small town in the New Mexico Territory, where she faces danger and adventure, and finds the love of her life. My original title was Kate’s Journey to Love, but I’m not sure about that either. Any suggestions?

      Kaytlin Phillips

        Oh, New Mexico is so beautiful! Are you setting it in the plains or mountains? Both are so gorgeous! That’s where we went on vacation last year.

        You could try just Kate’s Journey, I personally find it slightly cliche when a romance title always includes love in the title, but that’s just me…lol…

        Um, Loves Long Journey…or even thinking about other aspects of the book. Like how she meets her true love. You could reference other titles in the genre and read them to find out how the title fits, that might help as well!

        Kaytlin P.

        Betty Wojtowicz


          Good morning, Katylin! Hope you’ve been having a good week.

          I set my story in the fictional town of Pineville, near the foothills of the mountains. I was originally thinking of calling the book Kate’s Journey, but there’s another book with the same title. The books aren’t anything alike, though. I suppose it doesn’t matter that they’d have the same title. I’ve done searches that have turned up multiple books with the same title. Love’s Long Journey might be a good option, too.

          Thanks for giving me some ideas!


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