
Fantasy Writers

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  • #118642
    Joelle Stone


    Really?!? COOL!!!! *sigh* I’d love to do that stuff, but the problem is that a lot of Tolkien’s books have an almost completely male cast. Since half of my youth group is female, that wouldn’t work too well… 🙂 But I can still dream! 🙂


    Wait, Jazzyfresh is here?! Did I miss the re-starting-up of the animal collaborative story (Escape From Ackerley, I think it was called. . .)???

    Hwæt! Wē Gār-Dena in geār-dagum, pēod-cyninga, prym gefrūnon, hū õā æpelingas ellen fremedon!

    Joelle Stone

    HI REBEKAH!! Kinnan here. 🙂 BTW, just finished chatting with Jana on the doc, and she might be coming over here too. 🙂 Another fendril rider.

    Joelle Stone

    I told someone that I was going to tag them, so I’m going to do that here if it’s ok with everyone. 🙂


    Rusted Knight


    Don’t cut out Tom Bombadil like they did the movies. He was cool and mysterious. And the Barrow wights. Don’t forget that little adventure before they got the Bree.

    The Devil saw me with my head down and got excited. Then I said Amen

    Joelle Stone


    RIGHT!!!! My sis and I were so disappointed about that. Although I kinda get it with a time crunch. But cut out most of Arwen’s scenes, and you have at least 10 minutes more time. 😐

    Joelle Stone


    TRQ: have you read the Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson by any chance?

    Rusted Knight


    No I have not read the Wingfeather Saga. I guess I ought to add it to the list.

    The Devil saw me with my head down and got excited. Then I said Amen

    Joelle Stone


    Oh, ok! Yeah, they’re very good, but I’ve noticed that either you don’t like the Saga or you do. I can’t find someone with an in-between. 🙂

    Abigail Rebekah


    Thanks for the tag 🙂

    It’s nice “seeing” you again xD

    How’s your writing going?

    ~ Laugh. Drink Coffee. Smile. And Write ~


    Well Joelle, my sister is playing Aragorn. All you gotta do is throw a bit of mascera or eye shadow on for a beard, get a hat, and BOOM! you got any character you need.


    I honestly dont remember Tom Bombadil, though i should as i have read the books. Oh well.


    Joelle Stone


    I’m almost done with my first draft. You?

    Abigail Rebekah


    That’s cool! Is your story a novel?

    I’m in the editing stage for my novella at the moment. Hopefully soonish I might start recruiting some beta readers!

    ~ Laugh. Drink Coffee. Smile. And Write ~

    Joelle Stone



    Recruiting beta readers is always fun. I was hoping to join Ydubs this registration, maybe get some beta readers on there, but things didn’t work out. Maybe next season!

    Abigail Rebekah

    Yeah, it is a lot of fun!
    Aw, I hope you can join next time!

    Story Embers is good for getting beta readers too, though! I had a few people from on here beta read my short story a while ago. One of the girls in particular was really great at it; her feedback was super helpful!

    ~ Laugh. Drink Coffee. Smile. And Write ~

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 418 total)
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