
Fantasy Writers

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  • #117207
    Rusted Knight


      Pectus excavatum aka funnel chest. The bone in the center of the chest is pulled in by cartilage or genetic defect. That limits the heart and lung’s maximum capacity. I’ll be down for a bit but the surgery is a removeable pin so I ought to be able to enter the Marines after a few years.

      The Devil saw me with my head down and got excited. Then I said Amen

      Mischievous Thwapling


        Oh, that makes sense.  That’s awesome you can still enter the Marines!

        "I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell."


          Nice! Awesome you want to join the Marines

          Mischievous Thwapling

            Starting tomorrow and lasting all the way until august 16th, I won’t be able to post.  Well, I might be able to pop in once or twice, but most likely not.  See you guys in two weeks!

            "I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell."


              I know nothing about foot-ball except that it is played with a ball that should be called a hand-ball and everybody is crazy about it. That’s the extent of my knowledge.

              Let me just share some weird facts, because I know everybody likes weird facts, lol:

              Snails have their thousands of teeth on their tongue (radula); so when they bite you they are not biting you but licking (rasping) you. FWI, it doesn’t hurt. It tickles.

              Ancient Roman surgeons were trained to block out the screams of human pain.

              It would take 1,200,000 mosquitoes, each sucking once, to completely drain the average human of blood.

              I light the arrow, pull the bow,
              Shoot that fire right through my soul.

              Mischievous Thwapling

                Lol, I know, right? Why is it called football?

                Wow, I never knew those things! That is so cool! You’re like an archive full of mind-blowing facts, Wingiby. How do you remember all them?

                "I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell."



                  *takes bow* Thank you! But I must say I Googled the last two *smiles sheepishly* However, I remember some snail facts. Like they can’t hear, can’t see very well, but can crawl over a razor blade.

                  I light the arrow, pull the bow,
                  Shoot that fire right through my soul.

                  Mischievous Thwapling

                    Wow! Crawl over a razor blade?! I never knew snails were so amazing.  And, lol, don’t worry.  Even then, I’m throughly impressed with your knowledge of snails.

                    "I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell."



                      Oh man, that sounds like it’s gotta hurt. I hope your surgery goes well! And joining the Marines sounds like an awesome goal!


                      I know, right?! They are really cool creatures. And thanks!



                      I light the arrow, pull the bow,
                      Shoot that fire right through my soul.

                      Mischievous Thwapling


                        You’re welcome 😛 And they definitely are!

                        "I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell."

                        Dashuri Halad


                          What a coincidence that two Falcons fans are both on here. How do you think the dirty birds are going to do this year?

                          "When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty."



                            Irish Dancing! Yes!! So fun! (:


                            I’m sorry about your chest. I will be praying for it to go well. Can you tag me after it’s over?

                            I’m glad you’ll still get to join the Marines some day.


                            Ancient Roman surgeons were trained to block out the screams of human pain.

                            Was surprisingly helpful. Thanks.

                            Did you know that Roman Surgeons carried a tool kit containing arrow extractors, catheters, scalpels, and forceps.

                            Or that they used to sterilize their equipment in boiling water before using it?

                            The Romans also performed surgical procedures using opium and scopolamine to relieve pain and acid vinegar to clean up wounds. (Scopolamine is a poisonous plant.) (:


                            'Forth now! And fear no darkness!'


                              Nice to see another Falcons fan!

                              So with the addition of Gurley, and Julio Jones, Calvin Ridley, and Matt Ryan, i think we’re going to have a decent year.



                                Man, I guess Romans were ok doctors for the ancient world! I’m just glad we don’t use poisonous plants — I wonder how many operations went wrong….

                                I light the arrow, pull the bow,
                                Shoot that fire right through my soul.

                                Rusted Knight


                                  I wouldn’t worry about it. I mean we use rattlesnake VENOM TO MAKE THE ANTI VENOM and botox is the DEADLIEST NATRUALLY OCCURING POISON IN THE WORLD. You don’t hear that when you need them.

                                  The Devil saw me with my head down and got excited. Then I said Amen

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