
Fantasy Writers

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  • #117119

    This is just a place we can just talk about whatever we want.

    Had a really great football practice, and hope we have a season! How are y’all in your various states, @mischeviousthwapling, @joellestone, @wingibyigiby, @kyliewingfeather

    Mischievous Thwapling

    Oh, this is a good idea, Peter!

    That’s great about your football practice! I’m glad it went well, and I really hope you have a good season, too!

    I’m good, nothing really to report except that I have a friend from out-of-state coming on Saturday for 2 weeks, so I probably won’t be able to post much while she’s here, if at all.

    "I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell."

    Beth Darlene


    Do you like football?

    I like basketball! I don’t really play it, but I and my friends just shoot hoops!

    Jominkreesa! For the weirdos who know what it means! 😉 I love you guys!


    I don’t have much to say except that we’re moving tomorrow and I probably won’t be able to post. Also, one of my snails had escaped the container I was using to house them temorarily while I cleaned their main tank, and he was lost in our bedroom. Then, when we moved our dresser, NO!!!!!!! He was crushed.. 🙁 🙁 🙁   And he could’ve still been alive (before he was crushed)! When snails see that the habitat they’re in isn’t ideal — they don’t have enough food, water, temperature, etc. — they go into estivation up to several weeks. I saw the shell and thought it might have been one of the shell I collected, but then I saw his foot!!!

    I light the arrow, pull the bow,
    Shoot that fire right through my soul.


    Oh sorry to hear Wingiby! Maybe you’ll find a new one in North Carolina



    yep, i’m playing my freshman year for my high school. I play receiver and Linebacker. Ok nice! My dad and sister and i play pickup in our church’s gym once or twice a week

    Kylie S. Pierce

    Hey everybody! This morning, when I was getting out of the shower, two fire trucks, an ambulance, and several police cars showed up at my neighbor’s house! Turns out, a friend who was recovering from surgery was staying at their house and something happened. The neighbor’s daughter (who has the same name as me; no, it’s not Kylie.) heard him coughing and then he fell. He died 🙁.

    On a completely different note:

    My Irish dance workshop in Atlanta went well. I learned a new Traditional set dance called Job of Journeywork. I really like it, but it’s complicated.

    Any way, how was y’all’s week?

    "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.

    Mischievous Thwapling


    That is soo sad! I’m so sorry! 🙁


    Oh my!  That is so sad and scary!!  I feel so bad for them.


    But that’s great about the dancing.  I never did dance or anything like that but I have a cousin who competes in some pretty intense stuff like that.

    My week has been pretty good.  Something random I did: I melted chocolate chips and poured it over peanuts, then sprinkled sea salt over it, and made a yummy chocolate desert thing! I liked it.

    "I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell."

    Arindown (Gracie)


    You play football??? I have high-school football in one of my stories. Would you mind if I asked you questions once in a while?

    Do you like receiver or line-backer better?

    really like football (actually my whole family does) and it kinda leaks into some of my stories.😄

    "If I'm gonna break, I'll break like the dawn." -Nightbirde

    Mischievous Thwapling


    I LOVE football, too! Now, I hope this question doesn’t spark hostility (like it so often does) but who’s your favorite team? Mine’s the Kansas City Chiefs. Ha, ha, that’s right 😛

    "I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell."


    Sorry that happened Kylie. 🙁


    For sure Arindown! Wait a sec, just wondering, are you a girl or boy?

    So right now prolly Receiver, but thats because when we are on offense, i get to catch and run, linebackers cant do contact yet cause of COVID. But once we do get to tackle, i would probably enjoy them evenly, becuase they’re both awesome!


    Arindown (Gracie)


    I’m a girl.😊 Sorry, the name is a little confusing.

    Yeah…how does that work with COVID? I play church softball, and they don’t allow any tagging on runners or hand-shaking, but you can use the same balls and bats. It’s kinda annoying.

    GO CHIEFS!!! Actually, I was born in Kansas, so I have a special place in my heart for that team. But, in my family we all pick different teams (friendly competition, ya know) and I usually go with the Panthers (because their colors are awesome).

    How do you feel about the Patriots?😉 This is the question that usually sparks arguments for me. I’m willing to say Belichick is awesome, but I’m (evilly) looking forward to seeing how Brady does with the Bucs.😄

    "If I'm gonna break, I'll break like the dawn." -Nightbirde


    Ok nice! I’m glad to hear you like the game so much!

    Great! I was rooting for the chiefs in the super bowl.

    Ugh…Panthers. My favorite team is the falcons, so we’re divisional rivals, but at least i have the satisfaction that we beat them twice last year. 🙂 But no, they do have great colors! One thing i like about them.

    Oh, and the patriots. I dont like them. 2016 Super Bowl is still fresh in my mind. Belichick is okay, but in my mind, there are some better coaches out there.

    And yes, i believe Brady and Gronk will give the Buccaneers a small boost, but honestly, Brady is gonna die if he keeps playing much longer. Dont expect much from them.


    So when we’re on the practice field, we dont have to wear masks, and while we’re supposed to keep social distanced, it’s really impossible. So its kinda a try-to thing

    Rusted Knight

    Please no one laugh because this will blow your minds. I live in good old Alabama and know pretty much nothing about football. My biggest encounter with the sport is the annual Thanksgiving/family reunion game. That game is in serious trouble because of a large, block tomato patch with six foot lattice in front of the one end field. That and I am slatted for chest surgery in late October so I can’t play even if we could.

    The Devil saw me with my head down and got excited. Then I said Amen

    Mischievous Thwapling


    Oh no! You’re getting chest surgery?! Why? Do you have heart problems? And of course I won’t laugh! Even though I love it, I’m not very good at football 😛

    "I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell."

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