
Fantasy Writers

Share Your Setting!

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    Arindown (Gracie)

      Every character is partly shaped by their setting.

      I just thought it would be fun for everyone to share a little about some of their story settings…that would include (at least in my mind😄) geography, culture, clothing, and technology.

      Don’t be afraid to post maps or drawings.

      Have fun!

      "If I'm gonna break, I'll break like the dawn." -Nightbirde

      Arindown (Gracie)

        Just tagging a bunch of people that might be interested.

        Sorry if I tagged you and you find it annoying.😆

         @tal @beth20 @lucy @claire-h @katja-r @melodyjoy @rusted-knight @thedarkninja03 @ariella-newheart @anne_the_noob14 @kristianne-hassman @writergirl101

        "If I'm gonna break, I'll break like the dawn." -Nightbirde


          I don’t yet have a polished map of my world, but I’ve been working with a rough pencil sketch for the time being.

          Note: This map has slightly changed geography from the newest version of the sketch. This is an outdated scan.

          We (my cousin and I)  managed to put together a good collection of unique (in my opinion, at least) elements for my story. I made up the very basics of a language, so several of the names have meanings. There are what we call air paths; currents in the air like sea trade routes. There are also dragon-like creatures, but they’re called skreel instead of dragons. I can say more if anyone wants to hear more, I just don’t want to annoy anyone with too much 🙂

          “Always believe everything you see on the internet.”
          -Abraham Lincoln



            It sounds really cool. I’d be interested in hearing more!

            The air paths sound interesting,.. how do they work?


            'Forth now! And fear no darkness!'


              I think stuff like this exists in real life, but they’re places air flows in a certain direction, like a sea current. They occur high up, so they’re used in conjunction with skreel to get around very quickly.

              As far as other information, here’s some of the more interesting aspects.

              • The sun rises in the West.
              • All cardinal directions are capitalized, so they’re more like places than directions.
              • To explore what I said about the language a little bit more, there are certain words that appear often. One of these is “ra” which means land and is used as a prefix and suffix. The world’s name is Jolara, or shining land. Obviously, jola means shining or shine. This word is also used in Jolkala, or the Castle of Light. Kala means castle, and it used in Kala’Teer. This is translated Castle Teer, because its a castle built in a city called Teer.
              • There are two swords that were forged at the beginning of time, and they will be used in the villain’s death at the end of the world. These are called Tir Begit and Tir Finit, and they also have meanings, but I’ve gone deep enough into my translations for now I think.

              “Always believe everything you see on the internet.”
              -Abraham Lincoln



                Oh! Prince (king) Luke’s sword is Tir Finite!

                That all sounds really cool.

                How do you create a language?


                'Forth now! And fear no darkness!'

                Livi Ryddle


                  Very cool idea!!

                  This gives me a chance to see if I have my setting fleshed out enough XD

                  M’kay, so I’m just gonna give some random bits of setting info as I think of them…

                  – There are many, many forests, and not so many open places, in the country that my MCs live in.

                  – There are also a lot of seaports; much of the water near the shorelines is plenty deep for large ships to dock. This becomes important later in my story when some slave-traders are introduced.

                  (I’ll be back in like ten minutes…. gotta eat my toast 😀 )

                  “Enough! Be quiet! I can’t hear myself think! I can’t hear my teeth chatter!"

                  Livi Ryddle

                    Alrighty, back with more…

                    – If it was set in our world, we would probably call that point in time the 1600s. But some things are more advanced, and some less so, than the 1600s, and they don’t use the same dating system as we do. But just as a general idea of the era, think ~1600s. (Or even think something like Lord of The Rings era. I know that Tolkien set up his own timeline of stuff, but just thinking about it right now, the technological advancement is roughly the same, and kinda the clothing style as well.)

                    – As far as the government is concerned, there’s a king (Raldimir, I believe I named him) over this country, and then he’s set up some people over each of the Quintants (North, East, South, West, and Middle) as sort of “lesser princes” or something.

                    – There’s also a guy, Commander Vulferym (his name is still a WIP), who is in charge of five trios of bounty hunters, essentially. What they do is go out and basically arrest people that normal guards (police) don’t have the authority to arrest. So they’d go arrest mayors and maybe even those “lesser princes”, whereas the normal guards aren’t high enough up on the totem pole to be able to do that.

                    (Not sure if the government counts as part of the setting or not lol)

                    – There are lots of islands around, and many of them are popular places for pirates and slave-traders to take shelter.

                    –  Many of the trees are very old, and have been around longer than anyone can remember. If anyone builds a town around one, it’s supposed to be protected and nurtured by the townsfolk.

                    – As far as culture is concerned… gosh. This makes me realize I really don’t have much knowledge of my setting XD

                    Anyways, there’s some stuff! 😀

                    “Enough! Be quiet! I can’t hear myself think! I can’t hear my teeth chatter!"



                      I made an inventory of sounds and started making up and combining words. I was trying to follow a guide I found, but it went way over my head so I just have the very basics. If you’re interested in making one, there’s a guide here.

                      You could also just make up some words, give them meanings, and combine them.


                      “Always believe everything you see on the internet.”
                      -Abraham Lincoln


                        (Very long, none need feel compelled to read)

                        Okay, so far I just have names and their meanings. No language per se (thanks @tal by the way). But I do have a culture forming, it’s definitely a work in progress though.

                        Tribal people, natives, of the earth more than we are (I assume).


                        Huwana – Feminine – Of The Heavens

                        Omaru – Masculine – Dirt’s Son, or Son of Soil

                        Bengali – Masculine – Warrior, or Fierce

                        Zicari – Masculine – (A new name introduced to their people. The man’s life, and how he lives it, will determine the name’s meaning.)

                        Disano – Masculine – One With Lordship (ish)

                        Juyu – Masculine – Young One, or Inexperienced

                        Ragila – Feminine – Delicate

                        And a few more.


                        All but a man to a man say hello to one they respect by taking the one they revere’s left hand, and holding it to their right cheek.

                        The highest honor that any may bestow on another is to kneel, and kiss the other’s feet.

                        When someone dies before or after sunset their body is laid against the threshold of their home.

                        When someone dies the whole tribe mourns with loud wailings, for they all are one family (if not by blood, then by a tight cord of love). They get into three circles, and rock back and forth. The chief of the tribe is in the center, leading the lament. The second circle is all his wives and unmarried children. The third circle is all the rest of the tribe. (Sadly, the third, and second are almost always the same size.)

                        Once the circle has cried for a time all go and gather wood in the surrounding jungle. They then made a large square of kindling (big enough for the body). A large rock has been placed near the village previously; the square of wood is set behind this rock.

                        The eldest male relative or husband of the dead carries the body from the doorway of their home at sunset and lays the body on the sticks gathered. He then, (the whole village watching), lights a fire with a stick and piece of the dead’s clothing, then sets the flame in the woodpile. All then step back and stare silently as it all burns.

                        Women work in the home, be it cooking, cleaning, sewing with rawhide, or weaving baskets. They make extraordinary baskets.

                        Men gather food and take care of the fields together.

                        Girls remain children, until, well, yeah. Until their mother says they have become women. From the ages of eight to twelve, it depends on the child. The woman is then no more allowed to play without work. The mother begins training her child in women’s work. The woman is married off at the ages fourteen to sixteen.

                        Boys become men when, well, the same. When their fathers say they are men. These new men, from ten to fourteen, are still allowed to play, but tempered with much work in the fields. They are no longer allowed to enter the home of their mother or else be cast from the tribe. All such men (those who have never been married i.e. ‘bachelors’), all live in a single mud home, where they will remain until they build a home, and take a wife.

                        The day a young man builds his home, he is able to accept a wife. The father may set a stunt of bravery, humility, or kindness (or all three) before handing over his daughter.

                        gods? I haven’t figured out what I’m going to make them believe quite yet…

                        Weapons: Spears without metal tips. Rock daggers. Very primitive, and very hard to make. But those who take the time to fashion such a weapon are esteemed. A man before becoming the head of a tribe likely will have to make one. His father may throw it out if not done to his satisfaction. (I have a folk tale for them about that). (: Slingshots are also a favorite weapon.

                        They respect those who have gray or white hair like they are gods. Wisdom, and those who bear it have higher honor than the head of each tribe (then again, the head usually does have wisdom.) That, or he quickly learns it.

                        All know of herbs. Their medicinal properties, and their nourishment.

                        That’s about it so far.

                        If you’ve taken the time to read this many thanks! If you don’t mind letting me know what you think, i.e. suggestion, questions, or something else, I’d be much obliged!



                        'Forth now! And fear no darkness!'



                          I really like your world!

                          There are also dragon-like creatures, but they’re called skreel instead of dragons.

                          Cool! Can you tell us more about them?


                          Hmm, languages! I used to be a conlanging nerd, though I used a YouTube guide. It was addicting, so I stopped when I realized I spend too much time on it… Maybe I’ll create a ”sketch language” for my setting, but no one is interested in my exotic phonology, rich grammar and creative writing system.



                          Wow, you really took time to flesh them out! How are they called?

                          Hmm, they seem very pagan. What’s your story about? How many stories do you have, by the way?

                          To develop them more, I recommend using SE’s ultimate worldbuilding quiz. You can find it in resources.


                          I don’t have a WIP currently, but I have a few ideas for a setting… I’m strange, I know.


                          I want to involve biology in my world! Because, well, biology. The most interesting area of science. For example, I want to have magic that’s involved with genetics (and so, we will have genetically engineered ultra soldiers, mutant monsters, and so many cool things!). I think I’ll combine this magic with the idea I talked about in Beth’s Magic systems.

                          Another cool idea I have, is monsters, called the <b>Abominations</b> (I have no idea if it works in English as in Hebrew), that eat un-atoned sins, and bring famine, diseases and so on by the way. It’s pretty preachy, so I’m not sure I’ll include it, but it’s an interesting idea to play with.

                          I also have an idea of a culture called The Dwellers of the Sands by themselves, and Sandwellers by their neighbors (I guess it sounds almost the same thing in English. In Hebrew, the second title sound much more belittled). They are nomads that live in the desert. I have to develop them more, because I want them to be distinct from generic desert nomads, like the Bedouins and the Tuareg. I’ll flesh them out and come back 😉

                          You don't need to see the wind itself in order to hear the rustling leaves.

                          Arindown (Gracie)

                            @tal Wow! I love your map and all the dragon things, and language, and swords.🤩 That is all so awesome. I especially love your way of naming things (because I just randomly name my places…😉).

                            Old trees, pirates, and bounty hunters? Sounds like someplace I would like to visit.😆 I love how your government system is set up. Also, I totally count government as part of setting, because it’s part of the culture, right?

                            *gulps* WOW! You have so much thought out! Your culture sounds actually really believable, like something I could read in my history book. And all the tradition…😍 I wish my societies were that developed.

                            I like your ideas…especially the genetic engineering one.😁 Sounds like a great set-up. And the Sandwellers sound really cool. How do you imagine them?


                            "If I'm gonna break, I'll break like the dawn." -Nightbirde

                            Arindown (Gracie)

                              I have two different fantasy “worlds” but I’m just going to do my most developed and favorite one. It’s set in a midivil-ish time.

                              My country (compared to the rest of the world, which my sister made up) is called Northwain (my profile picture is the official Northwainian symbol). It is most Northern country in the world, and is made up of 5 territories (including Arindown😄 which means “Lamp of the North” or something like that). It has ocean on two sides, and lots of mountains.

                              The people there are generally taller, and blond, with light eyes. They are very loyal to their king (or queen), and have a very regal society.

                              The military is a very important part of their lives, and all young men are required to join at a certain age. They have Mounted Archers, Infantry, Sea Troops, a Secret Service, and the Black Cape Guards (I made up the name a long time ago…😁). Their “Guards” are their most important and secret part of their military. They train for years to, as one of my characters would put it, “be able to be thrown into any situation, anywhere, and win.” I would parallel Northwain’s Guards with the US Navy SEALs.

                              Also, other things Northwian is known for is their shaggy dogs, their lime pie, their Shaggybacks (camel/cow-ish creatures for riding), their snow gems (pretty much diamonds) their snow, and blue (kinda the national color).

                              That was an information dump.😆 Maybe I’ll post a few of my drawings later.

                              "If I'm gonna break, I'll break like the dawn." -Nightbirde



                                Sure! I’ll just paste an excerpt from where one of my characters sees one.

                                The majestic creatures were a grandiose blend of bright green and smoky gray scales. Their bodies were hunched over like a roadrunner. A pointed, hawk-like head turned to gaze at him with dark, beady eyes. To compliment all of this, burnt orange feathers that reminded Bollick of the sunset they watched the previous night covered the skreel’s wings. It was a truly amazing creature.


                                “Always believe everything you see on the internet.”
                                -Abraham Lincoln

                                Livi Ryddle


                                  Woah! I like it all! Especially the “funeral” part.

                                  *grins* I have more than once wished that I could visit my world XD

                                  “Enough! Be quiet! I can’t hear myself think! I can’t hear my teeth chatter!"

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