
Fantasy Writers

SE Forum Eulogy Project (anyone in?)

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  • #158224

      Like so many people here, I’m pretty devastated about the recent announcement.  That being said, I trust that the SE staff has good reasoning for this change, and I trust that God has His hand on the situation.  I suppose ultimately this wonderful blessing might have only been meant to prepare us all to step into the callings that God has prepared for us (I know it certainly was for me.)  But….that doesn’t make it any less hard 🙁

      So, in light of the recent events, I’ve had an idea to put together a blog/Instagram/newsletter project compiling testimonies of how the SE forums have impacted people here as a final hurrah of sorts to help us process this.  I’m not exaggerating when I say that this forum became a second home of sorts for me, and was a steady encouragement through difficult family and social dynamics.  While I’ve been painfully aware that people (myself included) were moving on from the forums, this just feels like the final nail in the coffin of a wonderful stage of life.  I want to give the SE forums the send off they deserve, as well as give people a chance to connect outside of the forums before they close.  My plan is to gather all of the people with blogs, newsletters, writing/bookish Instagram accounts, and to kickoff an SE tribute train where everyone can get a chance to both pay their respects to the forums and how God has used them to impact so many lives, as well as get a chance to follow and engage with other people from SE!  And if anyone wants to participate but doesn’t have any social media, I (and I’m sure others) would be more than happy to host your tribute on my blog!

      , @irishcelticredflowercrown, @this-is-not-an-alien, @emily-waldorf, @inkhorn, @e-n-leonard, @ethan-leonard, @mamaauthoress

      *laughs as one fey*

      Emily Waldorf

        Thanks @calidris for starting this thread. As far as I can judge on a spur-of-the moment decision (I only just now figured out about the forums’ closure), I will not have much to say on your blog, but thank you so much for the offer, and I would like a link to your blog. 🙂

        I also wanted to say, I know of this really great christian writers’ site where y’all should go. It’s called ChristianWriters.com and here is the link. I encourage you all to come on over; we could even make a character castle there, in the “groups” section. There is such a great community there–please, join us! (it will obviously be a little different than SE, b/c it is a different site, but different doesn’t = bad, nor does it mean it’s completely dissimilar.)

        Quoth the raven, "Nevermore!"

        Emily Waldorf

          p.s. the only social media I have is Facebook and a probably-soon-to-be-abandoned blog called Silver Pen Strokes

          Quoth the raven, "Nevermore!"

          Brian Stansell

            Hi @caledris,

            I just wanted to let some of y’all (Texas slang for “you guys and gals”) that Kaytlin Philips @kaytlin-philips  has a pretty good monitored Forum type blog site at:

            …if any of you want to try signing up there (yes, it’s free too).

            They have writing games and contests, challenges, and writing topics too.

            Spread the word, y’all:

            , @irishcelticredflowercrown, @this-is-not-an-alien, @emily-waldorf, @inkhorn, @e-n-leonard, @ethan-leonard, @mamaauthoress, @calidris, @everyone

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Brian Stansell. Reason: added a tag
            • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Brian Stansell.

            Brian Stansell (aka O'Brian of the Surface World)
            I was born in war.
            Fighting from my first breath.

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