
Fantasy Writers

Research of less-than-desirable topics (wounds, wound complications, etc.)

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  • #107034
    Livi Ryddle

    Hey all! I want this topic to have a few uses…

    (Also, this is probably not the est topic for squeamish people, or people who mind a bit of gore. And @daeus-lamb , is it ok for things that could potentially be gory to be discussed? If not, please let me know lol. I would kinda think it’d be ok as long as there’s a disclaimer at the beginning?? Is this ok?)

    First, those of us who have extensively researched things (specifically things that require elaborate Google searches) for our WIPs (or other reasons), that other people would like to research as well but can’t make Google cooperate, can briefly describe what it is they’ve researched, and people can either ask questions directly to the person who has done the research, or ask what site was used. (please tell me that made sense…)

    Secondly (and this is kinda an extension of the first thing), if there’s somebody who’s collected tons of notes about bullet wounds, say, and they notice someone has a question about bullet wounds, they can answer that for ’em.

    Sound cool? K, cool.

    So now I have a question… Has anyone researched wound infections? I have a character who has an open wound that got infected, and what I basically would like to know is this… What is the infection like from the inside of the wound? Like, does it get into the bloodstream? Do “streaks” of it run through the muscles? If I was to, like… (and this is a bit gory. I’m so sorry. Please don’t hate me)… cut a chunk of infected limb and look at it from the underneath side, what would I see?

    This is kinda important to the development of the story… so like… And really, I don’t mind researching it myself. I have been doing so. But you know how Google is with detailed searches…

    “Enough! Be quiet! I can’t hear myself think! I can’t hear my teeth chatter!"

    Linyang Zhang

    @anne_the_noob14 My advice is to either a) Have a doctor friend, or b) Look for a post on the subject on Pinterest or Instagram. At least that’s where I get most of my information, though I never use it. 🙂

    "I set a melody upon the scenery I saw outside my window;
    It's beginning in my spacy world."
    - TK

    Livi Ryddle

    @devastate-lasting Ah! Good ol’ Pinterest… *nods*

    (I love your profile pic!!)

    “Enough! Be quiet! I can’t hear myself think! I can’t hear my teeth chatter!"

    Naiya Dyani

    @anne_the_noob14 Great topic!

    Tai: Yeah! Real great! Or you could just, you know, let us live normal, peaceful lives and avoid the whole issue to begin with!

    Ignore him. Anyways, yeah, usually I only need so much detail for these things, but I did some research into treating arrow wounds for my WIP. So though I may not be able to offer a ton of detailed advice, I can share a few tips with anyone who needs them. 😉

    I wish I could help you out on that one, Livi! Honestly, whenever I deal with that kind of detailed stuff. . . I usually just skim over it, cap over it later, etc. Whether that’s from research laziness or personal squeamishness. . . I’ll leave that up to you to decide. XD

    Hearts are like matter--they can be beaten down, torn, and burned, but they cannot be destroyed.

    Livi Ryddle

    @naiya-dyani 😀

    Gwendolyn, to Tai: You don’t even wanna know what she’s planning for me… *glares at me*

    Ooh! Arrow wounds!! *gets evil gleam in eyes* I’ve actually never considered arrow wounds before. Obviously they’d be different than sword or dagger or bullet… Heheh. Now I want to have somebody get shot by an arrow…

    All my characters: *facepalm* Oh no…

    *coughs* Um. Moving on. 😛

    *nods* You’re good! That’s kinda what I do… and because of usually both of those lol. I’m definitely not as squeamish as some people are. In some ways. Like… I watched the first Jaws movie and was fine. But touching a live earthworm? Heck no. So I’m weird like that lol. Some things I can totally handle, others are nuh-uh. And also… research laziness is my downfall XD

    “Enough! Be quiet! I can’t hear myself think! I can’t hear my teeth chatter!"

    Naiya Dyani

    @anne_the_noob14 Keh, the arrow wasn’t a pleasant experience for my children! So what do you think I did? Skimmed over it. 😉

    Dari: >:/ Yeah, YOU can skim over it, but we can’t.

    Me: Oof. . . I’m sorry, buddy. . .

    Also! If anyone has done poison research! Another child of mine gets poisoned during the story. He survives, but I’m thinking he needs to have some. . . you know, after effects. Lingering damages from the poison, even though he recovers in the general sense. Anyone have any ideas?

    Everyone: *glares*

    Me: Okay, maybe you guys should just leave this thread. . .

    Hearts are like matter--they can be beaten down, torn, and burned, but they cannot be destroyed.

    Livi Ryddle

    @naiya-dyani *grins* I’m beginning to see a pattern here.

    Gwen: Yo, Dari, I can also relate to being poisoned.


    Gwen: I know! I’m not blaming you! You couldn’t help it! It was Livi’s fault!

    Me: *backs up slowly and nervously* I’m just gonna… be… over there… *edges away*

    Ooh ok. So, I haven’t done poison research… but I think it’s a really cool topic. Maybe a certain poison damages the eyes and leaves someone color deficient, or  something like that. Is this an actual poison, or is it one you made up for the story?

    “Enough! Be quiet! I can’t hear myself think! I can’t hear my teeth chatter!"

    Linyang Zhang

    @anne_the_noob14 (Thanks! I found it on Pinterest)

    "I set a melody upon the scenery I saw outside my window;
    It's beginning in my spacy world."
    - TK

    Naiya Dyani

    @devastate-lasting Aaaaa yes the profile pic. . . so lovely. . . *gazes at it for several seconds before finally shaking herself and returning to what she was doing*

    Poor Gwen XD. Oh, and Dari wasn’t actually the one that got poisoned. Will I tell you who it was? . . . not necessarily. 😉 I’m trying to think. . . *counts* I believe 6 of my main characters have a serious medical sitchiashin at some point in my story.

    Grace: We would have been just fine with none, thank you.

    Me: But if no one got hurt or sick in your world, you wouldn’t have a job! You’re literally a healer!

    Kiet: *laughs nervously*

    Grace: Honestly, sometimes I think we could get by just fine if the only person injured–*squints at me*–was you.


    Grace: *rolls her eyes* I was kidding, okay?


    Me: you have an awful sense of humor

    *coughs* Anyway. The poison is unique to my world, but it can be similar to a real-life one. It’s called kasero, and it can kill you in a matter of hours without treatment. Part of me is leaning towards it having an effect on the heart afterwards. Like, given certain triggers like stress or strenuous activity, you get shooting pains in your heart.

    Hearts are like matter--they can be beaten down, torn, and burned, but they cannot be destroyed.

    Livi Ryddle

    @devastate-lasting *grins* Pinterest is lovely 😀

    Ah! *nods* Let’s see… I think actually (at the moment… heh) only Gwen has had something bad happen to her. Medically bad, I mean.

    Heh. Pretty sure all my characters relate to Grace.

    Oh nice! Hm. Yeah, I like that idea about triggering heart problems. *nods*

    “Enough! Be quiet! I can’t hear myself think! I can’t hear my teeth chatter!"

    Naiya Dyani

    @anne_the_noob14 *snorts* My character doesn’t. He was perfectly happy having no side effects.

    I, on the other hand, wasn’t happy with stretching realism. 🙂

    *twists mouth* I guess it is pretty crazy how many people get hurt in my story. . . hopefully it doesn’t feel like a stretch, since all of the situations are at least pretty reasonable.

    Hearts are like matter--they can be beaten down, torn, and burned, but they cannot be destroyed.

    Livi Ryddle

    @naiya-dyani XD I bet!

    *nods* I completely understand 😛

    *grins* Hey… I think it’s totally fine. Think about The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings… people die. And get hurt. Just so long as you make the scenes realistic. 😀

    Gwen: There was absolutely no need for that happy face just then.

    Me: You know I love you

    Gwen: *laughs* *tries to speak but ends up laughing more*

    Me: *glares* Perhaps you need a drink of water.

    “Enough! Be quiet! I can’t hear myself think! I can’t hear my teeth chatter!"

    Naiya Dyani


    Tai: *joins Gwen’s laughing fit*

    😒 I think we should banish our characters.

    Hearts are like matter--they can be beaten down, torn, and burned, but they cannot be destroyed.

    Daeus Lamb

    @anne_the_noob14 I think someone’s written a whole handbook on wounds for writers.

    Livi Ryddle

    @naiya-dyani Me, too… XD

    Ooh! Do you happen to know the author?

    All my characters: NOOOOOO DON’T TELL HER

    “Enough! Be quiet! I can’t hear myself think! I can’t hear my teeth chatter!"

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