
Fantasy Writers


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  • #135890
    Joelle Stone

      Hey guys! As a frequent Cdubber, I have found that “sprinting” and “racing” are extremely beneficial in my motivation for writing. Sprinting is for collaboration and encouragement, and racing is for those competative people who think contests make everything better. *cough cough* *whispers: “That would be me.”* *cough cough* If you haven’t ever sprinted or raced before, here’re the rules:

      Sprinting – Writing With Others

      1. Write a comment saying that you’re starting to sprint at so-and-so time. To make time-zone conversions easier, skip the hours and say something like, “Starting at :25” instead of “Starting at 9:25”. Hopefully that makes sense. XD Tag some people to sprint with you and you’re on your way!
      2. After you’re done writing, post your word count and/or time and the last line you wrote. Then the people you tagged can cheer you on your success!

      Racing – Writing Against Others (Nicely)

      1. Write a comment saying that you’re starting to race at so-and-so time. To make time-zone conversions easier, skip the hours and say something like, “Starting at :25” instead of “Starting at 9:25”. Make sure you add a finish too, i.e. “Racing for one hour from :25 to :25!” Hopefully that makes sense. XD Tag some people to race against you and you’re on your way!
      2. After your time runs out, post your word count and/or time and the last line you wrote. Then compare your scores with others’ to see who got the best word count and time!

      If you have questions, feel free to tag me! Have fun, and let me see smoke come from those pens – er, keyboards! 😉

      Joelle Stone
        Joelle Stone

          Done! I got 445 words in 20 minutes. Last line:

          “The question is, would this be different?”

          • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Joelle Stone.


            Great idea! Thanks for tagging me!

            I’m definitely the kind of person who needs the slight pressure of “I said I’d do it and it’ll be embarrassing to say ‘and then I didn’t'” Soo, let’s give this a try!

            Sprinting for 20 minutes from :30-:50. Goal- 300 words, at least.


            Success! Wrote 525 words in the given time. Last sentence: “The house had always existed in my memory as a place of safety and comfort.”

            I might do another sprint later. This actually helped a lot to keep me focused!

            • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Rose.

            Without darkness, there is no light. If there was no nighttime, would the stars be as bright?



              Great job on your sprint! You write fast! *Applause*

              I’m starting another 20-minute sprint at :35. Goal- 400 words at least.

              *Some time later*

              Done! I wrote 419 words, so not quite as much as last time. I had to check something earlier in the manuscript.

              Last sentence: “I peered up at the low branches, and sure enough, a large raven was looking down at me, its black head tilted in curiosity.”

              • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Rose.

              Without darkness, there is no light. If there was no nighttime, would the stars be as bright?

              Joelle Stone


                Woohoo, good job!! You write fast as well. 😉 *has the feeling Liorah’s about to get into serious trouble*


                I do believe your comment was eaten up by the Internet Monster, but I got an email for it, so at least that’s working right. XD

                It was a little late for me, Joelle. Sorry I missed it. Hope you got some good writing in, though.

                No problem! That’s how it goes a lot of the time. 🙂 And I did!



                  Woohoo, good job!! You write fast as well.  *has the feeling Liorah’s about to get into serious trouble*

                  Thanks! OOoh, you bet she does XD

                  I’m going to start a 20 minute sprint at :40. Goal: 400 words.

                  Update! Started 5 mins later because of technical issues but I wrote 556 words!

                  Last sentence:

                  “I knelt beside one, careful not to touch it.”

                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Rose.

                  Without darkness, there is no light. If there was no nighttime, would the stars be as bright?

                  Joelle Stone


                    Well done!! I’m gonna sprint now if you want to join. 😉 (Also gonna tag @rebekah12 @crazywriter @this-is-not-an-alien @jasmine @kylie-wingfeather @irishcelticredflowercrown and @kimlikesart.

                    Starting at :20 and sprinting for 30 minutes. 🙂

                    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Joelle Stone.
                    Joelle Stone

                      Done! I went ten minutes over and am now late for bed, but I got 1253 words as a bonus!! FINALLY it seems like my Writer’s Bock is breaking down. 😀



                        Done! I went ten minutes over and am now late for bed, but I got 1253 words as a bonus!! FINALLY it seems like my Writer’s Bock is breaking down.

                        Woohoo! Go you! That’s amazing! *more applause* Sorry I didn’t see your message at the time, time zones got in the way 😉

                        Without darkness, there is no light. If there was no nighttime, would the stars be as bright?


                          Starting a 20-minute sprint at :55. Goal, 400 words.

                          Managed 550! Last sentence: “I hurried back to where the flowers grew.” (Okay, that’s actually the second to last, but the last one is spoilers XD)

                          • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Rose.

                          Without darkness, there is no light. If there was no nighttime, would the stars be as bright?


                            *is tagged twice and still forgets to reply XD*

                            00-24; 268 words (redrafting); last lines;
                            Funny how enough ‘trouble’ can make you lose sense of humanity.
                            Just another statistic, another one of the mass to be classified.
                            Just a thought, and he doesn’t know whether to believe it…

                            52-33; 404 words (drafting)

                            01-50; 755 words (redrafting; last lines;
                            Leander lets out a breath and lays out the letters sealed to dry.
                            “What I believe doesn’t matter at this point,” he says in an even voice “it’s what’s best for the kingdom.”
                            And so now it’ll be a dance between two puppeteers then?

                            To be a light to the world you must shine in the darkness.



                              Woohoo! Great job! You got so much done! Ooh, those sentences are intriguing!

                              Sprinting from :05 to :25. Goal- 400 words.

                              Finished it! 509 words. Last sentences: “If I fell, I was going to break something. Namely, one of my bones. I wasn’t too worried about the rocks breaking. They seemed fairly sturdy.”

                              • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Rose.

                              Without darkness, there is no light. If there was no nighttime, would the stars be as bright?


                                Starting a 20-minute sprint at :46. Goal, 400 words.

                                Finished the sprint and the chapter! 556 in this sprint, and the chapter is 4800 words. Whoops? XD That’s going to take a ton of editing… I’ll have to split it up in a second draft.

                                Last sentence, “My foot slipped from the precarious hold and I fell into empty air.”

                                Quite literally a cliffhanger.

                                • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Rose.

                                Without darkness, there is no light. If there was no nighttime, would the stars be as bright?


                                  I’m going to attempt to draft once more! 20 mins, goal 400 words. Starting at :00.

                                  Update! 447 words! Though, writing them was hard. XD Last sentence: I couldn’t do this anymore.

                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Rose.

                                  Without darkness, there is no light. If there was no nighttime, would the stars be as bright?

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