
Fantasy Writers

City Seekers (Seekers of Londima)

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  • #119658
    Joelle Stone


    Great, thanks! (Nice signature.)



    Thank you! I have a whole bunch more I want to change it too, so I’m going to give each signature a few days, lol

    Also, I’m trying to find it, but I’ve hidden it away somewhere…. *sigh* Hopefully it’ll turn up soon….

    I light the arrow, pull the bow,
    Shoot that fire right through my soul.

    Joelle Stone


    Ha ha, cool quote! Andrew Peterson! 🙂


    Does anyone remember where we left off so we can start again instead of remaining in this lull?



    No Idea.😐

    Beautiful things don't ask for attention

    Kylie S. Pierce

    Didn’t the Five just find that little girl after getting attacked by Momma Hhborgen?

    "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.


    Ahh, yes. I think, was Holly carrying her or was that someone else?

    Beautiful things don't ask for attention

    Kylie S. Pierce

    I think it was Holly.

    "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.

    Joelle Stone

    Wow, I can’t remember anything, but that rings a bell. Yeah, I think so.

    We have another problem. I have the poem I wrote for the map written down, but not everyone else’s (I don’t think). I’ll try to find it and post it, so we have some kind of jump-starter, if @wingiby-iggiby can’t find her doc. 🙂

    Joelle Stone

    FOUND IT!!

    #1 – by me:

    Be ye friend or be ye foe

    Hark to all my dire words

    There is hidden far below

    A path to the new world


    I once dwelt in its mansion

    But now it is no more

    I once laughed by its fountain

    But now it flows no more


    But hark! Some hope hath sprung

    The seekers who art brave

    Shall find the city of this song

    And great treasure to be saved


    You may be young, you may be old

    Hark and thou shalt divine

    Where Londima lies silent, cold

    To be found by seekers five


    One will clear path with melody

    She is one of three


    One has fire at her hand

    To protect the band


    One has ears and eyes quite sharp

    And doubt stays his heart


    One has spying yet to do

    He is one of two


    One has heart of gold and smile strong

    She seems weak to some


    So be ye friend or be ye foe,

    Hark and heed my foresight

    The five shall find the path below

    And lead Londima to light


    #2 – by Kylie:

    Under mountain, over stone, 

    through the deep waters unknown, 

    travel careful Five


    Child thought weak, 

    thou shalt find what most desires


    Child spy, 

    be thy warned, trouble doth lie


    Child elf, 

    lead with care, lest you come to broken beyond repair.


    Child full of song,

    guard against that which is wrong


    Child full of golden fire, 

    burn away the thorned briar


    All ye children with gifts at hand, 

    protect each other, protect the band!


    #3 – by Wingiby:

    You never saw such a Five

    They make you feel like you’re alive

    Indeed, they’ve come to set you free

    So you can be who you were meant to be


    One in whom strength is hidden,

    Just yearning to come out.

    His power is great and he will ride

    It soon without a doubt.


    Music is a weapon strong,

    Used to right many wrongs,

    And the one who wields its power

    Will soon learn of evil’s bower.


    They thought she was weak,

    But I dare you to rethink

    For in the one who is now strong

    She is the light, the newborn fawn.


    From anger deep within its lair,

    You my boy, shall find it there.

    Pain does hurt, and evil stings,

    But you will find these desperate things.


    And the the fiery, sharpened one,

    Your work is yet to be done.

    Still evil finds its way,

    It is the one you have to slay.


    Do not fear, you great five!

    It is a gift to be alive,

    And with that gift you will restore,

    Our land, our heart, forevermore!


    I’d forgotten about the talent around here… 😉

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Joelle Stone.
    Joelle Stone

    And we have such different styles… Hm… 😉

    Also, did we decide who was going to write the 4th piece?

    Kylie S. Pierce


    I forgot about the talent of our fellow writers too. And also, in my poem, when it says

    Child thought weak, thou shalt find what most desires

    I meant to put desire, not desires. Anyway, just lettin’ you know.

    "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.

    Joelle Stone


    Aha, I shall fix that. 🙂

    Joelle Stone

    Nvm, for some reason I can’t edit that even though I literally JUST put it up there. :/



    Thank you! I really like my previous quote too (you know I’m constantly changing it!) And thanks for posting those poems; I can’t find our story in all my docs! Maybe I forgot to copy it, or it’s really really hidden, I don’t know. Darn it!


    AWESOME profile!!!!!


    I light the arrow, pull the bow,
    Shoot that fire right through my soul.


    Yay! We got the poems!


    Beautiful things don't ask for attention

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