
Fantasy Writers

City Seekers (Seekers of Londima)

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  • #143124
    Joelle Stone


      Sadly, though, I’m not really on here much anymore. I’m still in this story and one other, but other than that I’ve kinda disappeared. BUT I do answer my tags. It just might take a week or so. XD

      Anywho, WELCOME!!! I would LOVE it if you joined the story, especially since I can’t think of how to make Lagoron lose without killing him at the moment. XD

      Denali Christianson


        *laughs gleefully*

        I will so join!!!

        Also, you should get on more. *hint hint* 😀

        Anyyyyways, should I make up my own character or play one that’s been abandoned (if there is one that’s been abandoned…)

        And then I’ll go and read everything and try to make what’s-his-name lose! 🙂

        "The darkness is seldom complete, and even when it is, the pinprick of light is not long in coming."

        Joelle Stone


          Also, you should get on more. *hint hint*

          *coughs* Someone may have over-committed herself and may have booked all her time… 😉

          Anyyyyways, should I make up my own character or play one that’s been abandoned (if there is one that’s been abandoned…)

          Totally up to you! We only have one charrie who’s been abandoned – Jason. I’m sure you can find out about him as you read. 😉

          Denali Christianson


            *coughs* Someone may have over-committed herself and may have booked all her time…

            Yeah, cuz that’s totally not something I would ever do… 😉

            Cool. I think I might just create my own and then go from there! Could you maybe summarize what’s happening since I was never a part of this story on the Wingfeather forum so I’ve got absolutely no clue what’s happening?

            *grins sheepishly*


            "The darkness is seldom complete, and even when it is, the pinprick of light is not long in coming."

            Joelle Stone

              Cool. I think I might just create my own and then go from there! Could you maybe summarize what’s happening since I was never a part of this story on the Wingfeather forum so I’ve got absolutely no clue what’s happening?

              So our five characters (Lagoron the elf (me), Holly the minstrel (Jasmine), Jason the boy (originally OREO’s, but she’s not here any more), Arla the spitfire (Wingiby-Iggiby – not sure if she’s still here either), and Nora the golden-hearted (Kylie)) set out on a quest to find the four pieces of an ancient map that will lead them to the lost city of Londima (an ancient Elven city said to hold the three greatest treasures of their world – a Bow, Tree, and Harp). Londima was destroyed by a vicious monster thousands of years ago (like even before Lagoron was born), but it was prophesied that a mysterious Five would come and reunite it. We’ve been on our quest for a while now and have found two (?) pieces of the map, each with a different prophecy on it.

              Oh, there’s also a puppy named Bramber who adores Lagoron, hates Jason, and causes trouble for everyone on planet Earth. 😛

              Thwapling’s character is named Ian  – not sure what his backstory is, but he met up with the Five when they were attacked by shapeshifters that had caused problems earlier on. Ian has the third part of the map and also an arrow from the great Bow. (Right, guys?)

              Aaaaand… I think that brings us to where we are now. 😉

              Denali Christianson



                I’ll show back up in like a week with a character that will be super cool and it will be great and hmmm…

                *starts plotting*

                Okay so yeah…

                "The darkness is seldom complete, and even when it is, the pinprick of light is not long in coming."

                Joelle Stone

                  *thumbs up*

                  Denali Christianson

                    Hi everyone!  Update: I am destroyed with too much work. Therefore I will still show up with an awesome character at some point but it will probably take me longer to create said awesome character…

                    Okay see y’all around!😁

                    "The darkness is seldom complete, and even when it is, the pinprick of light is not long in coming."

                    Joelle Stone

                      Aw, ok! *totally hasn’t done that to myself either* Take your time!

                      Kylie S. Pierce






                        Happy New Year y’all!!!!!

                        *Cheers* *Lights sparkler* *Dances around*

                        "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.

                        Joelle Stone

                          HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

                          Kylie S. Pierce






                            So… What should we do now? Battle, find maps, get supplies???

                            "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.

                            Joelle Stone

                              Oof, sry I haven’t been active. #life XD

                              Kylie S. Pierce


                                I’m right there with you. We started Mock Trial this semester, and it’s a handful.

                                "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.

                                Joelle Stone


                                  *fistbump* Join the club! What’s Mock Trial?

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