
Fantasy Writers

City Seekers (Seekers of Londima)

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  • #118862
    Kylie S. Pierce

      Hey y’all! I just found out that everyone except Oreo is on here, so I thought it might be time to start up again!
      ~Kylie Wingfeather


      "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.


        Yay! 😃

        Beautiful things don't ask for attention

        Kylie S. Pierce

          Where is everybody? Jasmine and me are on here, but where are Kinnan and Wingiby? Maybe the tagging didn’t work?




          "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.

          Kylie S. Pierce


            "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.

            Kylie S. Pierce


              (please, oh, please let this work!)

              "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.

              Kylie S. Pierce

                Ahhhhhh! Why! Won’t! It! Work!

                "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.

                Mischievous Thwapling

                  Here let me help you 😀


                  "I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell."


                    Yay! Hi, y’all! I’m glad we’re mostly all here (a tear for OREO. 🙁 Alas!)!

                    I just wanted to say that my life is picking up speed, and apparently I am also picking up collaborative stories. I am involved in, how many? yeah. So I’ll try to post, but I don’t know how often I’ll be available. I just wanted to let y’all know so you aren’t left scratching your heads in perplexion as to where I disappeared to. 😉

                    I light the arrow, pull the bow,
                    Shoot that fire right through my soul.

                    Kylie S. Pierce

                      Do y’all wan’t me to copy every thing that we’ve written on here? (Yes, I do know that the forums are gone (Alas!) but my mom has everything we’ve written on her computer, and I’m sure she’d send it to me.)

                      On a completely different topic… Yayyy! If Kinnan gets over here, we’ll have everybody except Oreo (and she said she would join when she was older, so another yay for that!) on here! Hallelujah!

                      ~Kylie Wingfeather

                      "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.

                      Joelle Stone

                        Aha! I am here! Sorry y’all, I haven’t been getting emails from the various forums I’m on, so I had no idea it was here until I was tagged! But yay! I was literally just thinking about how I’d like to start up the Seekers of Londima again… But OREO!!! :C Lagoron’s only male companion (other than Bramber, of course :P). :C


                        Actually, yes! I’d love to reread what we’ve posted before, plus it’s good for consistency’s sake. 🙂


                          Oreo will eventually be able to join but it’s gonna be a while.😐

                          She says Mischievous Thwapling can join if she wants.

                          Beautiful things don't ask for attention

                          Mischievous Thwapling

                            Really?!! I could? *bounces up and down in excitement*

                            "I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell."

                            Joelle Stone

                              Sure, let’s have Thwapling join! *bounces with Thwapling*

                              Also, did someone say that they had a Doc or something with the entire story on it? Could they post that story again so we have a reference? And did anybody manage to save the bios for our characters by any chance?

                              Mischievous Thwapling

                                Yay, thanks for letting me join, guys!  And @joelle-stone, yes, I also think it would be nice to have the story on here.  I started reading this story on the Wingfeather Saga website, just ’cause I thought it looked cool (and I’m a nosy person, lol), but I didn’t get to finish reading it ’cause (Alas!) the site shut down. *a tear and sniffle*


                                "I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell."


                                  Yay! Thwap! You can join!!!!! *bounces up and down*

                                  think I have everything for the story, but it might take a while to try to copy and paste it over, and it’ll probably be a mess. I’ll see if I still have it. 😉

                                  I light the arrow, pull the bow,
                                  Shoot that fire right through my soul.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 204 total)
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