
Fantasy Writers

Character Castle 2.0

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  • #158108

      So I did type up something but the site won’t let me post it, what can I do?

      O light to us that wander here
      Amid the world of woven trees!


        Post it in parts, maybe?

        Do not be anxious about tomorrow; tomorrow will be anxious about itself.



























          *taps mic*


          Anyway now that the Forums are going to be shut down I downloaded and compiled the entire Character Castle 2.0 into one folder so that everyone can keep the stuff they wrote and all the happy memories of this place as it dies…slowly…painfully…like my childhood innocence.😕

          But here’s the Castle downloaded it works offline and will still exist after the forum is torn down. (Now I uploaded it onto my OneDrive and *that* might mess up a couple pages or something so if you notice any issues please tell me!)

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Cathy.

          To be a light to the world you must shine in the darkness.

          Denali Christianson

            *screams loudly*






            Also yes my childhood innocence is… well… *moment of silence*


            Thank youuuu for doing this and for being awesome and I shall go stare long and longingly at the many pages I wrote of Niarok and Yila being stupid and adorable XDDD

            "The darkness is seldom complete, and even when it is, the pinprick of light is not long in coming."

            Emily Waldorf

              @this-is-not-an-alien Thank you!!

              Also, everyone: I’m hoping to start a Character Castle 2.0 on this Christian writer’s site, if I get enough people from SE interested.

              Quoth the raven, "Nevermore!"

              Denali Christianson


                I’ll join!!! I finally have time for such things and Niarok and Yila want out of my brain XD

                "The darkness is seldom complete, and even when it is, the pinprick of light is not long in coming."

                Emily Waldorf

                  @denali-christianson made!

                  Quoth the raven, "Nevermore!"



                    I’d love to join, but unfortunately, I’ve got to wait until I’m eighteen . . . See y’all in a couple months🙃!

                    Do not be anxious about tomorrow; tomorrow will be anxious about itself.

                    Emily Waldorf

                      @abrielle Aw, shucks! I’m sorry; I forgot about that rule. :'( Make sure you come–I’ll be waiting for you! In the meantime, my email is emilywaldorf2021 at outlook dot com (at and dot are the appropriate symbols. Apparently spelling it out keeps your information safe from malevolent robots online??? IDK 😀 ) If you want to reach out. If not, that’s totally ok!

                      Quoth the raven, "Nevermore!"



                        Thanks a bunch!

                        Do not be anxious about tomorrow; tomorrow will be anxious about itself.

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