
Fantasy Writers

Character Castle 2.0

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    Rhianna, the Loki

    Appearance: Rhianna is short and slender, with straight black hair and green eyes. She looks about twelve, half the time. The rest of the time, she looks closer to twenty.

    Personality: Passionate in whatever she does. She isn’t generally very good at thinking through things. Always very cheerful.

    Background: Rhianna is very good at accidently getting herself and other people into trouble, hence ‘the Loki’. Usually, she can get them back out of whatever mess, but she recently incited a revolution that did not quite go as planned. She’s having difficulties with that one. Rhianna does not really have a family, and while she has a few friends, she has more enemies.

    Other: As an Accidently Created Being, the full extent of Rhianna’s powers are unknown, even to her.


    Do not be anxious about tomorrow; tomorrow will be anxious about itself.



    Appearance: He is about a head taller than Rhianna, with blue eyes and dark skin. Silvery circles trace a curve beneath each eye, matching the color of his hair, which is short and spiky like a hedgehog’s quills. In all other aspects, Denari is pretty average.

    Personality: Very quiet and shy. Doesn’t talk a whole lot. Loves beautiful things and is very loyal to his friends. Definitely not a leader.

    Background: Denari is apprenticed to a minor Wind named Eagle. This means absolutely nothing because one can’t learn to be a Wind. However, he and Eagle have become quite attached to each other. Denari is also a being that existed before the creation of the world he now lives in, and he has found it difficult to adjust to a place where everything from the language to the landscape is foreign.

    Other: Since he is from another world, Denari may also have unknown abilities. He often searches for other beings like him, but his search has been unsuccessful so far. Also, Denari speaks by picking out the words he needs from other people’s minds.

    Do not be anxious about tomorrow; tomorrow will be anxious about itself.


    Am I going to be able to post?


    Apparently, my longer posts aren’t able to get through…


    Oh no! That’s so frustrating!

    Can you post stuff in parts?

    Do not be anxious about tomorrow; tomorrow will be anxious about itself.



    We shall see if this works…I’ll try to post my two characters’ profiles but will have to write up their scenes next week.

    And may I just mention that Rihanna is quite the character (pun intended).

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Inkhorn.

    Now for my first character: Cahira (who is around 18)
    Appearance: 5′ 6″; Asian features with a thin face and straight black hair that come to her shoulders; rather scraggly
    Personality: A busybody with a big ego. Observant of people’s faults and quirks which she quickly corrects. Extremely sensitive. A diligent worker and sometimes offers sound advice.
    Background: Her father, an important official within her country, has arranged for Cahira to be married to the emperor’s heir, which Cahira sees as only an opportunity to spread her influence.
    Other: In the habit of speaking formally and has perfected the regal walk


    Name & Age: Conroy; 7 years old
    Appearance: 4′ 3″; Asian features but has curly light brown hair with dark brown eyes
    Personality: Gravitates to whichever person seems to be in charge. Impulsive with few manners. Enjoys learning, especially about wars. Comfortable speaking to adults but unsure in interacting with kids his age. Quick to notice suspicious activity once given a standard for “normal.”
    Background: When he was six, he innocently reported his parent’s frequent trips to the border, which started a chain of events that led to their and his older brother’s imprisonment. He’s unsure of his feelings towards this, not knowing which authority to obey and avoids thinking about it. Since then, he has been adopted into a government official’s family, giving them regular updates of the lives of the students and teachers at his school.
    Other: Has a good ear and a sweet singing voice though he rarely sings



    Your characters sound like fun! Conroy seems kinda sad though. Just curious, are either of them main characters?

    And may I just mention that Rihanna is quite the character (pun intended).

    😁 Thank you! I am very fond of Rhianna.

    Now let’s see if we can get Denari in here.


    Ari stood in the doorway of the inn, frowning out at the whisps of fog that obscured the road.

    “Eh, young Ari,” the innkeeper called from within. “Ye won’t be travelin’ in that, will ye?”

    Ducking his head, Ari shrugged noncommittally. The man came over to stand by him.

    “That there’s a heavy fog,” he commented. “Won’t no one be on the road today.”

    “I can’t stay,” Ari said, his voice soft and unsure. “If I keep to the road, I’ll be fine, right?”

    “Dunno lad,” the innkeeper replied. “Them mists are strange things. I’ve heard tell of many a traveler gone astray in them.”

    A stubborn cast came over the boy’s face and he repeated, “If I keep to the road, I’ll be fine.”

    The innkeeper glanced sideways at Ari and bobbed his head. “Mebbe ye would at that. Winds know, ye’re a strange enough one yeself.” Giving him an encouraging pat to the shoulder, the man went back to wiping down tables. When he looked up again, the boy was gone.

    ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~            ~          ~          ~

    Ari paused just outside the building. He almost stole one last backward glance, but something told him the fog had already hidden the inn from view. Instead, he reached into his pocket and rubbed the glass figurine there twice, for luck.

    “Foolish Denari,” he muttered to himself, already regretting his decision.

    Mists can’t hurt us, the Kraken whispered into his mind. Goya is a far greater risk.

    Shaking his head, Ari started off down the road.

    The fog muffled all the ordinary sounds, even the sound of his own footsteps came as if from a great distance. It was easy enough to tell where the pebbled road was; Ari wondered what had happened to the travelers the innkeeper had mentioned.

    Hard as it had been to judge his progress down on the plains, it was far harder in the fog. Ari had been walking for what felt like hours when he came upon a cliff. Warily, Ari came to a halt. The road led straight into the rock.

    He was not afraid. No, Ari rarely felt fear, though he was, as a rule, quite cautious. However, staring up at the impossible cliff face, something overruled even his normal caution.

    With a whispered prayer, Ari closed his eyes and walked straight towards the cliff.

    A gust of wind, a taste of sunlight, and Ari opened his eyes to find himself in a great hall.

    Before he could get a proper look at this strange new place, a deep voice was booming his name.

    “Denari, give up your most treasured possession, or take part in my fashion show.”

    Ari slipped his hand into his pocket to make sure the Kraken was still there. Luckily, he was not required to give a response to the disembodied voice, for at that moment, Rhianna the Loki burst in with all her usual flare. Ari backed into a shadow and stayed there, feeling very lost.

    Of course, Rhianna would start by angering the ruler of this place and inciting a rebellion, Ari couldn’t help thinking. Hesitantly, he followed her and her two victims behind the curtain.

    ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~            ~          ~          ~

    “Well, that was fun!” Rhianna exclaimed to her companions, spinning to face them. The smile was abruptly wiped off her face when she caught sight of a pair of electric blue eyes watching her and her newfound friends.

    “Denari?” she asked.

    Ari just blinked solemnly at her.

    “I supposed I’m not dreaming, then,” Rhianna said.

    Ari shook his head and added, “Seriously, a revolution? Isn’t that a little overkill, Rhianna?”

    “Who wants to dream about a fashion show?” Rhianna retorted defensively. “Where’s the fun in that?”

    “Where’s the harm?” Ari returned.

    Stumped, Rhianna changed the topic. “Since when do you wear an earring?” she demanded, pointing at the clear glass bead dangling from Ari’s right ear.

    Ari avoided the question by spreading his hands and asking plaintively, “Where are we?”

    Do not be anxious about tomorrow; tomorrow will be anxious about itself.



    Cahira is my main character while Conroy is a side character. Conroy’s backstory had been pretty underdeveloped for a while, but once I started diving in, it got heavier (more than I intended). 😅


    The dramatic entrance of the young woman diverted Cahira’s attention, which was soon captured by the woman’s declaration of freedom. As the woman, Rihanna the Loki, dodged the exasperated Lord Castle, Cahira took note of the people around her. Pink hair, porcupine hair, coiled hair, sculpted hair- a sharp hiss escaped Cahira while she silently cursed the arrogant dolt of man who had now won yet another victory over her in tripping her thinking pattern.

    Still, she admitted to herself, perhaps I was a bit harsh on the young man. He may have lashed out at me in that manner to cover his insecurities. The poor- “Gah!” Cahira shrieked as Rihanna yanked her off her feet, dashing to the stage.

    “Well, that was fun!” the girl exclaimed, twirling around.

    Cahira was too busy trying to calm her galloping heart to disagree.

    “Denari?” Rihanna murmured, her voice dropping abruptly.

    Cahira glanced towards the man standing close by. Porcupine hair.

    “I suppose I’m not dreaming then.”

    Cahira snorted since scoffing took too much air

    “Seriously, a revolution? Isn’t that a little overkill, Rhianna?” the man, apparently named Denari, chided.

    “Who wants to dream about a fashion show? Where’s the fun in that?” Rihanna snapped back, hands on placed on her hips.

    “Where’s the harm?” Denari shot back.

    Despite them realizing they were not dreaming but instead in a different world, Rihanna and Denari were handling it well. No, even better than well. They were handling it fashionably, which snipped away at the rapidly disappearing fuse of Cahira’s patience.

    “Since when do you wear an earring?” Rihanna suddenly demanded. She pointed at the offending object dangling from Denari’s ear.

    Denari ignored the question, asking the question that Cahira had long been expecting. “Where are we?”

    Before Rihanna could concoct another ridiculous claim about their surroundings, Cahira jumped in. “We are in a castle that this governed by Lord Castle, whom Rihanna had the sense enough to enrage with her reckless actions out of her ungrounded belief that she was in a dream.”

    Rihanna’s eyes gleamed. “This better than any dream I’ve ever had!”

    Denari asked another sensible question. “Is there any way we can go back?”

    “No, we are trapped here until Lord Castle sees fit to send us back,” Cahira declared, her voice taking a melancholy tone as she reveled in her position of knowledge.


    Abrielle, you can change your characters’ responses if they’re not, well, in character. 😉


    They’re great Inkhorn! I like. However, Rhianna would be lying through her teeth about it being the best dream ever. She’s not been in it long enough for it to take that prize. You probably noticed that she isn’t averse to telling whopping fibs though, so it’s completely in character.


    “…we are trapped here until Lord Castle sees fit to send us back,” the young woman said melancholically.

    Those words, naturally, piqued Rhianna’s intention. Perhaps if the young woman had realized this, she would have been more careful in what she said. The catastrophic potential in this scenario was beyond enormous. So wrapped up in plotting was she that she barely responded to Denari’s muttered, “Since when does Rhianna have sense?”

    “Since I got to the palace before you did,” she retorted vaguely.

    Ari made a sound suspiciously like a snort, which surprised Rhianna. She glanced at him for a moment in puzzlement; Ari had always been such a quiet chap.

    He was in the middle of asking the young woman what her name was (belatedly remembered manners, Rhianna smirked), when Rhianna cut in abruptly.

    “What you mean is that we have to kill Lord Castle in order to get back, right?” she demanded.

    “That is most emphatically . . .”

    Rhianna shushed her. “That’s what you meant. Trust me, this is going to be good.”

    Ari had wandered off and was peering around the curtain with a worried expression. “Uh, Rhianna?”

    She ignored him. “What’s your name?”

    With a regal air, the girl answered, “My name is Cahira.”

    “Where’s that other person I grabbed?” Rhianna demanded, as if she’d misplaced something important. “There needs to be three of us.”

    Cahira rolled her eyes. “There are three of us, genius.”

    “Ari doesn’t count,” Rhianna retorted. “Obviously he’s not going to follow me around.”

    “Wonder why,” Cahira muttered.

    “Rhianna!” Ari repeated more urgently.

    “By all four Dragons and eighteen Winds, what is it Denari?!” A resounding boom punctuated the end of her sentence. In a flash, Rhianna was at Ari’s side.

    “Aha!” she crowed. “The army has arrived!”


    Feel free to change things up as it works for you! Also . . .

    Conroy’s backstory had been pretty underdeveloped for a while, but once I started diving in, it got heavier (more than I intended).

    lol isn’t that how it always works?🙃

    Do not be anxious about tomorrow; tomorrow will be anxious about itself.



    I apologize for not writing a post earlier. This summer is a bit more hectic than usual. 😅


    “Aha! The army has arrived!” screeched Rhianna with such force that Conroy nearly tumbled off the stage. He yelped, flailing his arms in attempt to regain his balance. He grasped the thick red curtains, pulling them around him to recreate his hiding spot. The curtains had proved to be a useful shield from the eyes of the hysterical.

    A confused silence lay thickly over the hall once the woman’s words settled in on the audience’s minds.

    Conroy dared to peek out from behind the curtains.

    Before the stage was a band of thugs armed to the teeth. They were identical in height and dress with every inch of their armor being covered in spikes or sheaths for their knives.

    Conroy whimpered, ducking back into the curtains.

    “I don’t think they’re here to help you, Rhianna.” Conroy heard someone state. He nodded his head in agreement or maybe that was just him shaking with fear.

    “By Lord Castle’s command you are to begin the fashion show,” one of the thugs growled, threateningly rolling his barbed shoulders.

    “I’d rather begin a rebellion,” Rhianna replied breezily.

    “You have no choice. You will start the fashion show whether by your own will or not.”

    “Rhianna! There will be no rebellion! There is no reason for a rebellion! Would it be such a horrible thing to participate in the fashion show?” Kahira cried in exasperation.

    Conroy snickered softly, imagining Kahira tugging at her hair.

    “No reason for rebellion?” Rhianna exclaimed.

    “Here we go.” Conroy heard a muted voice mutter.

    Rhianna grandly cleared her throat before diving into her second speech for the day. “This ruler is forcing innocent people to participate in a fashion show! He is violating our right to the freedom to choose our own paths in life! With this person in power, we cannot grow to become the people we are meant to be! There will be no progress! No betterment of life! Our society will remain stagnant, which will later lead to its collapse. Are we to allow this to happen to us? Are we to stand idly by, ignoring the opportunity to rise up in resistance? Never, I say, never! So, who will stand by me in opposition to this tyrant? It is never too late to join. Why, even you guards can join my cause! Will you fight for freedom or the oppression of the innocents?”

    “The oppression of the innocents,” the thugs replied in unison.

    “Then our rebellion can begin with taking you down,” Rhianna declared, unphased.

    Conroy suddenly found himself jumping to his feet, striding to the center of the stage. Before him stretched a thin extension of the stage.

    “What’s going on?” he whimpered.

    “The fashion show has begun,” the familiar voice of the castle boomed above him. “Here we have Conroy Linston modeling Flower Power.”

    “What?” Conroy shrieked. He watched in horror as clothes began to morph into a flowing garb swirling with flowers encircled by wreaths of leaves. He felt himself heating up under the cool silk of his robes.

    He waltzed down the stage, his face contorted into a patronizing smirk.

    At the end of the extension, he turned slowly, allowing the audience to revel in Conroy’s flowery glory.

    Finally, he began to walk to the back of the stage, now cleared of all people. The curtains beckoned him like a finish line to a weary runner.

    Five steps left.





    The castle relinquished its hold on him.

    Conroy took full advantage of this by leaping behind the curtains with his robes billowing behind him.

    He collapsed backstage, noticing with relief that his clothes were returning to normal.


    I have no idea how fashion shows go, so hopefully I wasn’t too inaccurate. 🙃 Again, you can change anything that’s out of character (though that speech was fun to right 😆).

    E. N. Leonard

    @inkhorn @abrielle

    My character has been raring to go for this XD


    Where are all these new people coming from? This place is so confusing. I’m honestly glad Frey got pulled away because he made that even worse.

    Then one of the new ones starts shouting about revolution, and I can’t help but giggle at her. Apparently the Nightingales aren’t the only crazies in the universe.

    ”This ruler is forcing innocent people to participate in a fashion show!” she shouts.

    I laugh. “What if we want to? I sure do!” Maybe a little to aggravate her, I flip the pink ends of my braids over my shoulder. I’m tired of plain black clothes.

    Out of nowhere, the boy I’d been concerned about earlier is draped in outrageously flowery silks and dances down the catwalk.

    Me next? Please…And can I choose? Or help others? That would be so fun! But the boring, rough black cloth begins to flow smoothly under my fingers, and I look down to find myself in an ombré dress: white at the top and turning into raspberry on its way to the hem. Because it matches my hair, I smile. This is like a fairytale.

    ”Next we have Mara Gobey-Hanad modeling Summer Cream,” booms whoever is talking over the loudspeakers.

    I don’t wait for whatever force seemed to move the boy, hurrying over to the catwalk instead, which is harder than I expected because my boots have turned into high heels, and I haven’t worn those in years. With a smile on my face, I stride down the catwalk in the way I’d seen people do on TV years ago, and at the end of the platform I twirl, appreciating how the rich pink fabric flows around me. As I turn and walk the other way, I wish Victor could be here with me. He, at least, appreciates a little fashion.

    I make way for the next person, hoping I can keep this dress on. On an impulse I march over to the rebellious woman and say, “See? That was fun! Why don’t you give it a try? You’re pretty.”

    We are called to be lights in the cosmos.
    May your inkwells never run dry!



    No problem! I just got back from a summer camp, so I’ve not had a whole lot of time either. What all are you up to this summer?

    Also, Rhianna’s speech was great. It was spot on.


    Mara seems like fun. She and Rhianna should get along great (rather, they won’t, but it’ll be great anyways🙃).


    “I don’t think they’re here to help you, Rhianna,” Denari said in a small voice.
    Rhianna rolled her eyes. “Obviously not.”
    Subsiding, Ari stepped back into the shadows. He had no desire to face anything carrying swords. Rhianna’s impassioned ranting faded into the background and Ari confessed that he was beginning to grow concerned. It would not be the first time Rhianna had bit off more than she could chew.
    Ari was still considering when a flare of blinding light shone around him, and he found himself out on the catwalk.
    “Here we see Denari modeling Uptown Monk.” the castle’s voice filled his ears as Ari found himself stalking down the aisle.

    “See? That was fun! Why don’t you give it a try? You’re pretty.”
    The pink haired woman was obnoxious.
    Rhianna considered her for a moment, then deliberately stretched out her pinky and poked the woman. A dark stain spread across the pale fabric of the dress where Rhianna had touched her, and the woman let out a surprised and dismayed exclamation.
    “Rianna!” Kahira snapped.
    Holding up both hands, Rhianna apologized effusively. “Sorry! Sorry! I wanted to see if you were Real, and you are, but your dress is most decidedly not . . . what on earth is Denari wearing?”
    Both Kahira and the pink haired woman turned to look at the stage. Rhianna used the distraction to mend the damage she had done.
    “Anyways,” she continued. “You might like it, miss pink hair, but surely you can see that forcing people to do something – even a harmless something – against their will is a fundamental violation of rights.”
    Denari had reached the end of the catwalk and was now making his way back towards them, an unconvincing smile pasted on his face.
    “Violation of rights or not,” miss pink hair returned. “It seems to be out of your control.”
    Rhianna’s eyes sparkled. As she started out towards the catwalk, she tossed over her shoulder, “You’re very pretty too, by the way. If you’re going to do your hair, do it right, that’s what I always say.”
    Denari slipped behind the curtain and froze in place for a moment while he attempted to regain his composure. Then he treated the two women standing there to a shy smile and said,
    “Hi. I’m Ari. What are your names?”
    Hearing him, Rhianna smiled to herself. It was just like Denari to simply ignore the embarrassment. That was not her way though. She was going to go out with a bang.
    Silky white fabric flowed across her skin, and Rhianna bared her teeth in a ferocious smile. The announcer’s voice boomed her introduction as Rhianna leapt into a dead run down the catwalk.
    “Next up, Loki Rhianna, modelling ‘Angry Goddess’.”
    Her sleeves flapped behind her like wings, her feet hardly seemed to touch the ground. Rhianna certainly felt like an Angry Goddess, and it was a glorious experience.
    Reaching the end of the catwalk, Rhianna paused and glanced over her shoulder to give the audience a dark look. She could orchestrate her rebellion without them, since they refused to join in.
    With that, she flipped off the catwalk. Her robes fluttered around her, transforming back into her normal clothes by the time she hit the ground. She raced across the hall to the door, which transformed as she ran into a steep stairway leading upward.
    No matter, she thought, and followed the stairs into the darkness above.

    Do not be anxious about tomorrow; tomorrow will be anxious about itself.


    Also, sorry. I noticed we had a theme going for the fashion show and I totally ruined it. Apologies.

    Do not be anxious about tomorrow; tomorrow will be anxious about itself.

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