What Is YOUR Story About?
- This topic has 64 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 6 months ago by .
May 27, 2020 at 10:42 am #113872
@chalice Thank youuu, friend! You’re so kind! ❤️
Your story sounds absolutely hilarious and delightful! It actually sounds similar to one I started writing a couple years ago about a girl who had to babysit her four little brothers for a week and ended up going on all sorts of absurd adventures. It was pure nonsense but quite fun to write and I kind of want to start writing it again. 😂 Best of luck on your story!!
It’s kind of my goofy/fun/lighthearted outlet since the other story I’m working on is so heavy. 😛
I do that too! I have this pretty heavy, dark story I’m writing and then I have a side project that’s fun and lighthearted. It helps my emotional state. 😄
"But how could you live and have no story to tell?" - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
May 27, 2020 at 7:48 pm #113905I feel like I’m kinda late…this isn’t my WIP, but will be after I finish my current fantasy project. I guess a quick synopsis that I made up a few days ago would be:
Micah Radcliffe is the leader of one of the gangs in Heather Flights’s underworld. However, after he refuses a deal from a mysterious drug dealer, the world which he has so intricately built around himself starts to fall apart…
There was another project I wanted to do, but I don’t know if it counts as contemporary fiction since there’s like 0.01% element of fantasy in it. It takes place in kind of an alternate world, where the main character has very subtle psychic powers. He goes to school and watches how his classmates all crumble into mental instability around him, due to society’s ‘rat race’.
"I set a melody upon the scenery I saw outside my window;
It's beginning in my spacy world."
- TKMay 27, 2020 at 9:49 pm #113911@chalice and @wolverinerm
Awesome thank you! I posted the first chapter in fantasy writers group so if you ever want to read it…
Jominkreesa! For the weirdos who know what it means! 😉 I love you guys!
May 27, 2020 at 9:51 pm #113912Wow, both of those sound very intriguing!
Jominkreesa! For the weirdos who know what it means! 😉 I love you guys!
May 28, 2020 at 8:08 am #113935My sister and I spend hours planning out, or acting out, different characters and situations. We use people and experience we know to help.☺️
That’s how my sister and I do a lot of our stories. Except it’s like we have all of our characters in one big story and kinda roleplay them to get the feel of their personalities and stuff and then we get more into their individual stories.
Sold souls and dead promises
May 28, 2020 at 10:49 am #113950@beth20 Ah thank you!
"I set a melody upon the scenery I saw outside my window;
It's beginning in my spacy world."
- TKMay 28, 2020 at 1:47 pm #113971@eden-anderson OH MY GOODNESS EDEN, I NEED THAT BOOK RIGHT NOWWWW
Ahhh I love that idea so much, I’m a musician and AGH that’s so sweet and such a great story idea.
I wanna read it!!!!!!
Spreading God's love until I can see seven billion smiles. 🙂 https://sevenbillionsmiles.home.blog
May 28, 2020 at 2:10 pm #113972My story is about a boy and a girl. 🙂 <3 (I’m hoping for dual first person pov, but we’ll see)
The boy: He’s working to overcome his grief from his grandmother’s recent death from cancer. His grandmother was an astronomer, and he loved stargazing with her and researching etc. Now he avoids astronomy altogether. His grandfather makes him go back to astronomy, so over the story, he is dealing with memories and gradually healing.
The girl: She has hearing loss and she’s come to be okay with that. However, she tries to hide it from people outside of her family because she doesn’t want to be pitied. She was pursuing a career in singing before her accident that caused the hearing loss. Now, she can’t hear well enough to pursue it and she’s learning to find something new to pursue.
Vibes: Stargazing, painting stars on the feeling, off-key humming when no one else is listening, sleepy sunlight, the sky, black hole theory, old journals, infectious loud laughter, nosy old ladies, cobwebbed corners of the mind, big curly hair to hide hearing aids, tea parties with a five-year-old, finding art in the night sky, piecing together shattered song.
I thought her death made me a void, an empty heart that needed to be filled.
But now I see that after she died, I was full of love. Full of unused love that was starving to be used. So desperate to be given away that it left me through the only way I would let it: in tiny saltwater tears tracing down my cheeks.
And that is how I heal.
I love.
Spreading God's love until I can see seven billion smiles. 🙂 https://sevenbillionsmiles.home.blog
May 28, 2020 at 4:36 pm #113981@devastate-lasting Ohhh, your story sounds like something by brothers would like. Are you leaning toward action/adventure?
Also, you said you have a story that you’re not sure is “fantasy.” I have one too. It’s in a totally different world, and different time, with different animals and things, but there is no magic/power stuff at all. Would it still be classified as fantasy?
@emberynus-the-dragonslayer Yes! Sisters are great for acting out/thinking out stories, aren’t they? We’ve got to the point where one of us can say, “Jaammmmes!” or “Dude, that’s just weird.” and we both instantly know what’s going on. But everyone around is is like, “Wait, who’s James?”
@emma-starr Your story sounds amazing! I love how you have the characters journeys already mapped out. And I love how their struggles are so “normal” but also something you don’t see all the time.😉 Hope that made sense."If I'm gonna break, I'll break like the dawn." -Nightbirde
May 28, 2020 at 4:58 pm #113982@arindown I would say while there is some action, it’s centered more around Micah and his brother’s relationship, as well as their relationship with the drug dealers. Maybe a bit more of a crime drama.
I would call that an alternate history. I myself am still looking for what genre that is not fantasy contains only one fantastical element. Otherwise I would call it drama.
"I set a melody upon the scenery I saw outside my window;
It's beginning in my spacy world."
- TKMay 28, 2020 at 5:54 pm #113987@arindown. Thanks!! :)) This is actually my first story //ever// so I’m trying to make sure my plot is good etc. I’m a poet, so I’m trying not to get too caught up in description. XD
Thank you for the encouragement!!
Spreading God's love until I can see seven billion smiles. 🙂 https://sevenbillionsmiles.home.blog
May 28, 2020 at 7:23 pm #113993Yeah that’s totally it!!
My sister and I have dozens of code words that we’ll randomly say and everyone else is clueless. 😂😂
It’s awesome!! #sisterlife. LOL
Sold souls and dead promises
May 28, 2020 at 7:39 pm #113995@devastate-lasting Well, you know what they say…better late then never! Welcome to the party! 😀
Ooh, your story sounds VERY mysterious and fun! Also scary. 😄
Heyo! Do you enjoy writing contemporary fiction? (I guess that’s a rather silly question, seeing as your part of this group. 😂) I’d love to hear about your story if you care to share! 😀
@emma-starr Aww, thanks, friend! 😍 I’m hoping it will turn out good. *fingers-crossed*Ooh, really? What instrument(s) do you play?!
YOU’RE STORY SOUND LIKE ABSOLUTE GOLD. (I was flailing on the camp nano poets thread and now you’ve got me flailing on this one too! I’m trying to be mad but I can’t. 😆) That snippet you shared…it’s so BEAUTIFUL! I want to cry now. 😭❤️❤️❤️ The grandma…and stars…and hearing disabilities…and singing…and gaahhh!! *all the feelz*
P.S. Thanks for joining the group! 😊
"But how could you live and have no story to tell?" - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
May 28, 2020 at 8:10 pm #113996@eden-anderson Haha I try not make things too scary… I’m usually very self-unaware when it comes to the content I’m writing, actually.
"I set a melody upon the scenery I saw outside my window;
It's beginning in my spacy world."
- TKMay 29, 2020 at 12:21 pm #114047@eden-anderson Oh my goodness yess! Let me know if you ever need a //snippet reader// :)))
I play piano and sing as my main instruments. I just started ukulele, but that’s more of a for-fun side thing. 🙂 Do you play any instruments??
THANK YOU. *happy crying* That means a lot to me!! I’m a poet trying to write a story and that’s just very //stressful// sometimes. 😀 (but also so fun!!!)
the crazy thoughts going through my head as I write:***
who needs scenes with any action when you can just have scenes with characters alone brooding in an aesthetic setting?
why can’t the internal monologue just be the entire story?
telling is fine. showing is for YA writers with forgettable prose.
how do dialogue tags work hmmm yeah i’ve been doing them wrong this whole time
why is plotting so stressful
is this just flash fiction from my life experience with other characters as me?
how many scenes have I finished? twenty? twenty-five?
computer: 1 scene completed, not including random snippets for thirty.
my brain: LIES
***my subconscious is a crazy person and its sole purpose is to provide momentary entertainment and then be squashed with reality
Spreading God's love until I can see seven billion smiles. 🙂 https://sevenbillionsmiles.home.blog
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