
MBTI Roll Call!!

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    Howdy, folks.

    So…there are a lot of people on this site, yeah? And I don’t know all of you, much less your MBTI types, so drop it down below and maybe share a bit about how you see your type. What stereotypes regarding your specific type do you find annoying, and which ones are right?

    I’ll go first.

    I’m an INTP-T. I dislike how this type is portrayed as always loving science and math, and I wholeheartedly agree with the unfortunate reality that INTPs are masterful procrastinators.

    I’m tagging @daeus-lamb, @kate, @ethryndal, and @snapper to get the conversation rollin.

    INTP. Writer of fantasy and sci-fi. Wannabe artist. Anime geek. Merakian.

    R.M. Archer

    I’m an INFP-A. I don’t know the types particularly in-depth, so I don’t really have much to comment about mine. But I’m right on the line between INFP and INFJ, and I’m not so sure I’m as introverted as the test says. Over the past year or so I’ve been finding I often get more energy from spending time with people than spending time by myself, even though I’m fully comfortable being by myself.

    Speculative fiction author. Mythology nerd. Worldbuilding enthusiast. Singer. Fan of classic literature.

    Taylor Clogston

    I’m an INFJ. I kind of feel this might be a backward way of looking at it. Your MBTI is more or less the set of stereotypes that are true about you, right? =P

    Anyway, I don’t know of many stereotypes for my, err, type. It’s definitely true that I can usually trust my gut, that I’m very slow to form relationships but that they’re incredibly meaningful for me. I guess maybe I’m on the fence between F and T, because I definitely put a lot of stock in rationality even if I also put a ton of stock in emotion. Different methods for different situations, right?

    Sarah Baran

    I am an INTJ, and have nothing bad to say about them.

    *aaand that pretty much sums up the type*

    Though I rather like the sound of our stereotypes (come on, who wouldn’t want to be compared to Palpatine???)(that’s a joke, by the way), I’m much more in touch with my emotions/empathic towards others than we’re generally described as. (Yes, I joke about being heartless, but it’s only (partly) for fun.) Basically, Fi developed early. Though that’s probably just the result of growing up in a family comprised entirely of Feelers…

    Kate Lamb

    @Elizabeth INFP-A. You’ll probably find a lot of INFPs hanging around here. XD

    Stereotypes I dislike about my type… let me see. Let’s start with the one where we have no blood, only tears. Do we cry when we’re sad? Yes. Do we cry when we’re happy? Yes. Do we cry when we don’t know whether we’re happy or sad? Again, yes. Does this make us whiny crybabies who weep if someone doesn’t say good morning to us? No. Thank you very much.

    Second stereotype— we’re utterly incapable of reason or logic and/or loathe it in other people.

    Nope. Nope nope nope. To be fair, I think I’m more into debate and logic and that sort of stuff than most INFPs, but even considering that, we are all capable of appreciating it. It’s the attitudes of arrogance and insensitivity that can tend to come with it that make us push against people who are ‘only trying to be practical’.

    Crazy Cat Lady Extraordinaire: no. I hate cats. I hate dogs. I am not a pet person. At all.

    Now for the stereotypes I do fulfill…

    • Dreamer (head in the clouds twenty-four/seven)
    • Ridiculously idealistic (sees the best in everyone and everything and believes that everyone is capable of redemption and achieving their dreams)
    • Literally in love with the stars
    • Will personify (and name) any and all inanimate objects such as teacups, paintbrushes, computers, and kitchen appliances
    • Often prefers sad things to happy things, not because she’s depressed but because sad things are often more genuine
    • Has a million and one random memories of faces, moments, thoughts, emotions, and words, but literally cannot remember what she had for breakfast
    • Will dance crazily and sing at the top of her lungs as soon as she’s perfectly alone
    • Has probably written a poem for every human emotion in the dictionary
    • Understands way more about people and the way they feel about things than anybody suspects, because though she’s always head in the clouds she’s also paying more attention than you’ll ever realize
    • Bookworm
    • Cannot express emotions verbally
    • Old soul with a child’s heart
    • Easily hurt, but not easily offended
    • Timidly courageous— realizes she’s terrified of everything and forces herself to do it anyway because human experience
    • 100% more likely to believe in her friends than to believe in herself

    And… yeah. 😛 I think I got everything. XD

    Sarah Inkdragon

    INTJ and proud(but what INTJ isn’t?).

    I rather like amusing myself by playing into INTJ stereotypes, and then totally defying them in some awkward moment of personal triumph and general chaos.

    I’m also very blunt, cynical, and slightly manipulative. Yes, I’ll admit it. I can twist you to my demands and a fox could do no better. It’s also highly amusing to see people stumbling about trying to find a comeback after I utterly destroy their theory/idea/joke with one well-placed statement.

    Palpatine is awesome. Well… he’s cool. In a villainy, pale, old, wrinkled sort of way. At least he’s got a great cloak.

    Personally, I prefer Loki. He’s more my type. Even though he’s dead. (R.I.P., my old friend. May you return in Av:IW2. After all, since you’ve “died” in every movie you’re in, we have hope that your death is not real.)

    As for other INTJ stereotypes I totally rock(or not):

    • Intelligence. Yes. That’s a stereotype of the INTJ. Sometimes, it’s misguided. For example, I have a terrible sense of direction. But I’m an A+ student, I’ve got 3 years of Latin and 2 years of Ancient Greek under my belt, 1 year of German, some random French and Japanese phrases I’ve picked up, and a fascination toward anything slightly mysterious under my belt. (Two Stonehenges? Research time!)
    • Emotions. Yeah… this part’s not really my forte. We’re just going to move on.
    • Antisocial: *cough* Yeah, I’m totally not antisocial… I go to work, and the store, and work again, and to work again… *cough* *choke* Still not antisocial….
    • We’re genius’: 100% yes. Of course I am. Totally. I’m a Little Einstein! *stares at offending words* *facepalm* *goes off to plot the downfall of Little Einsteins*
    • We’re all psychopaths who plot your death: Yeah… not so much. I mean, if I wanted to kill someone, I would just poison them and blame it on a Tide Pod.
    • We’re terribly blunt and rude: Blunt? Yes. Rude? Well… that depends on whether I like you or not. If I don’t like someone, I’m not going to sugarcoat it. But I’ll still be civil.

    So there. Some interesting INTJ stereotypes to chew on. @ethryndal let’s see your’s. 😉

    "A hard heart is no infallible protection against a soft head."

    - C. S. Lewis

    Anne of Lothlorien

    I don’t take a huge amount of stock in this, not liking to ‘box people in’, but I do enjoy it. I am an INFP extremely close to an ENFP.

    Does that mean I cry a lot, have an old soul, hate conflict, have my head in the clouds, and lead with my heart not my head? Yes.

    Does that mean all I am is a mushy ball of feels that loves hearts and glitter and can’t think logically?


    I hate glitter. I love debating and logic and schedules, and I do not think only on cutesy lovey things all the time. And despite what people say about them being happy, lovey, sparkly people all the time, yes, that is mostly true, but I can also be very dark and morbid.

    So maybe I break the box, maybe I’m in it and the box is very, very large. *shrugs* Don’t really care.


    I'm short, I like words, and I love people.
    No, I didn't draw my profile pic.

    Daeus Lamb


    Best stereotype ever: on the 16 personalities website, our character gets an epic cloak and sword.

    How do I see my type: I will spare you 30 pages.

    What I dislike about the stereotype:

    I honestly dislike stereotypes in general. First, because that’s what most people think MBTI is about. *smacks head*. No, not at all. Most stereotypes are poorly balanced and easy to misinterpret. As you learn more about your type, you’ll be able to understand the stereotypes better and why they’re there, but until then they can be misleading.

    Rant over.

    Wait, it continues. I just read the 16personalities description. It’s so shallow. Appalling.

    Some false perceptions of ENFJs:

    They are strongly empathetic.


    This is actually quite true and very false at the same time. It’s an issue that needs clearing up. It’s really an equivocation on empathy. In normal usage, empathy means to deeply feel the joys or sorrows of another person, to be able to clearly feel what it must be like to be that person. If you want that type of empathy, go to an INFP or ISFP.

    ENFJ empathy is something entirely different. While an INFP or ISFP is actively empathetic, and ENFJ is passively empathetic. An introverted feeler (Fi dominant) invests themselves in someone else, putting themselves in the others shoes in the deepest sense of the word. An ENFJ does not have to choose to empathize with anyone ever. It happens without them willing it. It’s essentially like a radio picking up radio waves. This allows them to sense what everyone around them is feeling at a given moment but they do not feel their emotions to a deep level.

    The closest an ENFJ gets to Fi empathy is obsessing over helping you to the degree that they start to feel upset or, if they are carrying you on to victory, excitement. They can feel Fi empathy, but it is very uncommon.

    Best ENFJ stereotypes: coach, world shaker, perfectionist, fun-loving

    Sarah Inkdragon


    Hey, at least you have “fun-loving” in your stereotypes. I just get: May possibly plot your death if you try to call them more than once a month, and randomly gives people the death glare.

    But hey, at least I can easily amuse myself by reading Facebook debates. Or reading about people who decide to eat chicken sashimi. Sashimi=raw fish. So, yeah. Some lady decided to eat raw chicken, and when someone commented out salmonella, she goes, “I told you, it’s chicken, not salmon!”

    *flat stare*

    Lady-who-eats-raw-chicken, please don’t post any more food on Facebook. You’re insulting the intelligence of the entire human race.

    As for Tide Pods… I’m not even going to go there. Think about it: 50 years ago, people were saying that in 2000 we’d have flying cars. Now in 2018, we have to tell people to not eat Tide Pods.

    Dear people who think it normal to eat something highly toxic and damaging to your health–

    Please don’t. The aliens are looking down at us right now, wondering whether they’ll even have to conquer this planet, or if the humans will just kills themselves off from general stupidity.

    "A hard heart is no infallible protection against a soft head."

    - C. S. Lewis


    I’m an ENFP-A…and I love it. The personality test (https://www.16personalities.com/personality-types) is really accurate. Hehe. That’s all for now. 😊😆

    Kate Lamb

    @Daeus-lamb that’s a good explanation of the different empathies. I hadn’t seen it that way before.

    J. B. Stanhope


    I was wondering if some personality types that were prevalent among writers (…or at least prevalent among writers who join online forums and are into personality types…). Maybe this thread will help me figure that out. For example, I’ve noticed a lot of INTJ’s on this site, but that could just be because I notice people who have my personality type and forget everyone else’s personality type.

    I haven’t thought much about stereotypes about my personality type.

    Daeus Lamb

    @jbstanhope Fiction writers seem to be almost exclusively intuitives.

    Maya Wylie


    I’ve heard that my type is rare. I guess it’s true–I don’t think I actually know any INFJs personally other than myself. I really like the mystical, mysterious, introspective stereotype, honestly 😀 It makes me feel like an awesome, bearded mentor on a mountaintop– sort of a Gandalf-ly person. I like to think I’m helpful and give good advice.

    I both love and hate the fact that I’m hard to get close to. People can’t read me easily. People who know me well can make educated guesses, but I can still fake them out. I love it because it makes me feel safe, because no one will know what I don’t want them to. I can read people really well and they can get close to me without me having to get close to them. I hate it because I can feel alone, and like people don’t understand my feelings. I’m thankful to have some great friends who keep me from feeling too lonely and misunderstood. 🙂

    I don’t think I agree with the idea that INFJs are “extroverted introverts.” I’m 97% introverted. Sure, I come out of my shell with people I know really well. Yeah, don’t get me wrong, I can be straight-up insane around friends. But introverted doesn’t mean “quiet and shy.” I enjoy hanging out with friends. I enjoy being crazy with friends. But even with close friends, I tend to get burned out and need alone time to recharge. I’m your typical introvert who needs at least 6 hours to psych myself up to go out and do something, even with people who make me feel comfortable.

    Oh, and I’m surprised that INFJs and ENFJs aren’t paired as a dynamic best friend duo more often. A lot of my close friends are ENFJs and they’re awesome! Shoutout to @cindy 😀 @daeus-lamb, I barely know you and I already feel like we’re kindred spirits. 🙂

    INFJ | singer/songwriter | swimmer | it's an underscore, people!!

    Cassandra Hamm

    I’m an ENFP, and I don’t know that much about the stereotypes, but the descriptions have seemed to be relatively accurate. Except being observant. I am not observant at all. But, weirdly enough, I like the stereotype of being emotional. I am a very emotional person. I have faucets for eyes. And I embrace this. God gave us emotions; He is an emotional God.

    And apparently ENFPs try to be friends with everyone. That’s accurate, and I enjoy fulfilling that stereotype. Yes, I do have a ton of friends. I try to maintain close relationships with probably 50 people. I know; I’m probably going to kill myself in the process via exhaustion, but hey, it’s fun, and my empathy and need to connect with others won’t let me let any friendships go–unless they aren’t interested in being my friend. Then I back away.

    Anyway, even with my emotional roller coaster of a life, I’m so glad I’m an ENFP. 🙂

    I crush readers' souls like grapes.

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