Is this exclusively about visual art? Can I talk about opera for a second? Haha
I hope it’s alright to post this here, because I can’t get it out of my head. I recently discovered the opera Der Freischutz by Carl Maria von Weber. It premiered in Berlin in 1821, and it’s a great example of storytelling with a firm Christian worldview.
Here’s a recording of the female lead’s “Cavatina,” on a night her life is in danger. The translated lyrics are, in my humble opinion, amazing:
Though clouds may hide it,
The sun still shines in the heavens.
A Holy One reigns there,
Blind chance does not govern the world.
That eye, eternally pure and clear, looks lovingly on all the world.
For me also the Father watches,
With my childlike heart and trusting mind.
If this should be my last morning,
If he should call for me, a bride,
That eye, eternally pure and clear, still looks with love on me as well.
But there is a spirit within people, the breath of the Almighty within them, that makes them intelligent.