
Fresh Poems!

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    Post a poem that you’ve written in the past week or two!

    Spreading God's love until I can see seven billion smiles. 🙂 https://sevenbillionsmiles.home.blog


    Drought (In triolet rhyme scheme)

    I hear a rumble

    From the gasping summer air.

    Out the screen door I stumble,

    I hear a rumble.

    The rain has come, I distantly mumble.

    As I scurry back up the stair,

    I hear a rumble

    From the gasping summer air.


    Spreading God's love until I can see seven billion smiles. 🙂 https://sevenbillionsmiles.home.blog


    @emma-starr Neat! I’ve never heard of the triolet rhyming scheme, but now I want to try it. 🙂

    I haven’t finished a poem in the past week, only started one (and it’s getting some what long) but I’ll tag some poets who might have: @libby @h-jones @kb-writer


    @evelyn It’s really cool and incorporates a lot of repetition. That was my first one, which was a blast to write. I hope to write more!

    Thanks. 🙂

    Spreading God's love until I can see seven billion smiles. 🙂 https://sevenbillionsmiles.home.blog


    @emma-starr I loved your poem. 🙂 It’s something I could feel and just…relate to?  If that word explains it all!  Anyways, I really loved reading it.  The rhyme scheme and rhyming and everything has inspired me to try out triolet rhyme scheme!

    Here’s a poem I wrote this past week.  Please enjoy!  (and critique, if there’s something wrong with it!)

    Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo


    @libby Thank you so much. 🙂 I’m so glad you could relate to it! (I know what you mean!) I was reading a book on writing by Gail Carson Levine and came upon her two triolet examples that were really cool. (I’ll post them.) I was inspired to try it.

    I loved your poem!! You definitely have a gift for word choice. 🙂

    “She is unmarred
    by the opinions of
    the world, she loves
    to love and hates
    Why is she so

    I like how you pointed out she hates as well as loves. But she hates what must be hated, not a sinful hate. The whole poem had an amazing message (communicated just as well!).

    Spreading God's love until I can see seven billion smiles. 🙂 https://sevenbillionsmiles.home.blog


    Ooh!! This seems fun. Well, here’s a rough draft I am working on. 🙂 It’s not finished, but it’s the most recent thing I’ve done. And, it’s rather long. So.

    You are traveling
    To the clouds, and
    I am traveling
    To the sea; we
    Both are falling,
    Falling towards
    The place where we
    Were meant.

    But in our deepest
    Wanderings, it
    Came to be that
    Our two paths did
    Intersect, and
    I felt your gentle hand
    Brush against mine;
    Thump, thump, thump.

    And it was
    In that moment, that
    I found that though
    You weren’t my love,
    I thought that maybe,
    Maybe, you might
    Could be –
    You just might.

    And there we hovered,
    For a moment.
    You and I, held
    In the winds of time;
    It stroked your cheek,
    It felt my hair,
    We were all but
    Lost, for just a moment.

    But then it came.
    Your hand, it slipped,
    Your eyes, they turned;
    The skies above
    Were calling.
    You are your own man,
    Not mine,
    Regardless of my wants.

    Oh, how I felt a fool—
    Trying to keep you closer
    Than you were – my
    Hands just wouldn’t
    Let go of you, for
    I was afraid to
    Lose the one thing
    I felt was real.

    For you aren’t like
    The other boys, the
    Other people, wandering –
    You know yourself, and
    Know me too. I felt
    Like I could never
    Find that comfort e’er

    I felt humbled
    Underneath your
    Independent gaze,
    Undeserving of
    The happiness and
    Comfort that
    You brought to me
    That moment.

    But now it’s gone.
    I’m falling down,
    You’re falling up –
    I reach for you,
    You’re ten feet gone;
    And I can’t seem,
    Despite my hopes,
    To bring you any nearer.

    Married a blacksmith, and now frequently uses his knowledge for writing fantasy.

    K. A. Grey

    Hello, the newcomer here!  I wrote this recently.

    We seek to be subtle

    But we are blindingly obvious

    We feign boredom

    When we are dyingly curious

    We are utter fools 

    When we seek to be wise

    And in trying to speak truth

    We tell lies.


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by K. A. Grey.
    I, David

    I write poems, but they are severely unorthodox in style, unlike the awesome, systematic poems shared here, making me feel far out of my league. XD

    But you guys have some great stuff! Keep at it!



    @k-a-grey Yay! Another poet! Welcome. 🙂


    A very intriguing poem and full of a mixture of feelings, that I really think you’re doing a good job writing.

    Hey, don’t feel out of place to share poems! Feel free to join the fray and please do share!


    Okay, so lately I’ve mainly been plowing through my stack of poetry, sorting, rewriting, adding, taking away etc. I haven’t really been writing anything new, but I did have a SE friend ask me to write a poem about someone thinking about lunch but being to lazy to get up and make it and so I’ve written about a page and a half now. It’s super fun and silly. xD 😛

    Anyways, here’s a clip where the person is thinking about different kinds of foods. I’m calling the poem something like “Ballad of the Hungry Poet.” Enjoy! xD

    …Of pies and meats and sugar sweets,

    Of juicy pears in giant heaps.

    I look across the room and see,

    The kitchen shining heavenly,

    I can smell the food that sits in there,

    Hear it’s taunting call haunt through the air.



    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Evelyn.

    Hi again,

    Here’s a poem I wrote a little bit ago, but just touched up.  Please feel free to comment, share Scripture, or critique.  And please pray for me.  It’s been tough.

    I really enjoyed reading yours!  How long have you been writing poetry?

    Thank you so much!  That means a TON to me, coming from you!

    Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo


    Here’s a poem I wrote a little bit ago, but just touched up. Please feel free to comment, share Scripture, or critique. And please pray for me. It’s been tough.

    Awww Libby! <3 I’ll be praying for you!

    K. A. Grey

    @libby Oh, I don’t know.  Since last year?  I was supposed to do a poem for school.  I saw the sample they provided and thought, I can do better than that.  I’m sorry that sounds … narcissistic.

    I read your poem.  Sometimes the most broken, despairing times of our lives bring about the most beautiful songs of our heart.  I will keep you in my prayers.


    @k-a-grey Whoooa, I absolutely love your poem and actually relate to it a lot. That’s super awesome!

    Married a blacksmith, and now frequently uses his knowledge for writing fantasy.

    K. A. Grey

    @h-jones Thanks so much! I read your poem, too.  I can’t really explain why, but I like that line:

    I’m falling down,
    You’re falling up –

    Maybe I just like oxymorons…  😉

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