
Editing a Post

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  • #118487


    So, I am working on a collaborative story, and we made a details posting topic, then posted everything we had decided on. Then, a pretty major part changed and I am wanting to post it by editing it where I had originally posted it, but the edit button is gone. I’m not sure if there is a time limit. Is there anything you can do?

    It’s not a huge deal if you can’t, cause I can still post it separately.



    Life is short, smile while you still have teeth!


    Sorry, don’t know why there is two topics of the same thing.

    Life is short, smile while you still have teeth!

    Linyang Zhang

    Sorry for posting on a dead thread, but is it just me or every time I click on “Edit profile” I get redirected here?

    "I set a melody upon the scenery I saw outside my window;
    It's beginning in my spacy world."
    - TK

    Taylor Clogston

    @josiah Can you take a look at the issue Linyang described? The same thing happens to me.

    Winter Rose

    It happens to me when I try to edit a post.

    What I know in my head and what I believe in my heart are two entirely different things.


    Yes, me too. That’s odd, because I’ve edited multiple posts since this thread was created, and have not had a problem, until now.


    Life is short, smile while you still have teeth!



    Life is short, smile while you still have teeth!

    Daeus Lamb

    @melodyjoy @devastate-lasting @taylorclogston @winter_rose Sorry I missed this thread.

    There is a time limit on editing posts. However, as a moderator, I have the ability to edit a post at any time, so if it’s important you can always tag me and ask me to edit a post.

    Could one of you take a screenshot of what you mean by clicking “edit profile”? I’m not sure I know what you’re referring to.

    Linyang Zhang

    @daeus-lamb If I click on any of the links where I’ve circled red, it takes me here.

    "I set a melody upon the scenery I saw outside my window;
    It's beginning in my spacy world."
    - TK

    Linyang Zhang

    "I set a melody upon the scenery I saw outside my window;
    It's beginning in my spacy world."
    - TK



    Also if I try to edit a post:

    Life is short, smile while you still have teeth!

    Kylie S. Pierce

    I’m having trouble with this too.


    "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.

    Joelle Stone


    Quick question. Are the Word Wars still going, and when do they normally start? I subscribed a few months ago and haven’t heard anything since. :/

    Daeus Lamb

    @joelle-stone Yes! They are. They start the first Monday of every month. Though…occasionally I miss a month. What do you mean you subscribed?

    Joelle Stone


    Ah, that might be it. The most recent post is from 2 months ago, and I wasn’t sure if that was a glitch on my end. 🙂

    I subscribed by clicking the “Subscribe” button in the top-ish right-ish corner of the page right after you click on the Word Wars thread.

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