
Character Story

Forums Fiction Characters Character Story

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  • #104159
    Veraza Winterknight


    Thanks. I think I’ll just sit back and watch for now, but maybe I’ll join later, if possible.

    Emberynus The Dragonslayer

    @kayla-skywriter @thewirelessblade  @urwen-starial  @dakota  @esmeralda-gramilton  @naiya-dyani  @sam-m

    Could you guys also put in the doc whether your character will be joining the government side or the rebellion? 🙂 Thanks

    Sold souls and dead promises


    @emberynus-the-dragonslayer Okee dokee! I’m working on it . . .

    Psalm 119:11
    Your word I have hidden in my heart,
    That I might not sin against You.


    Okay, I’m done.

    Psalm 119:11
    Your word I have hidden in my heart,
    That I might not sin against You.

    Naiya Dyani

    @emberynus-the-dragonslayer How many characters would you say the limit should be per person? XD

    Hearts are like matter--they can be beaten down, torn, and burned, but they cannot be destroyed.

    Emberynus The Dragonslayer

    @naiya-dyani LOL! 😆

    Whatever you think you can reasonably handle!! 😆

    Sold souls and dead promises

    Thomas (CrØss_Bl₳de)

    One, to make things easy.

    *Forum Signature here*

    Abigail Rebekah


    Oooh…this looks soo cool. Great idea xD

    I love the sound of it but can’t promise to definitely take part in it 🙂

    I think a kidnapping sounds really cool btw

    ~ Laugh. Drink Coffee. Smile. And Write ~

    Emberynus The Dragonslayer


    *frowns darkly* I have more than one! I just haven’t posted them yet!


    Thanks! I’ve been wanting to do something like this for a while!

    Sold souls and dead promises

    Naiya Dyani

    Guyssss. . . can I have some help choosing who to bring into the story? Because while I love all my characters. . . (*glares at Gerik*). . . well, most of them, I can’t include them all. XD Here’s the basic gist of the seven I’m juggling and what they would be like in the story:

    Grace Hammond (rebel): Sixteen, fairly tall & slender, long blonde hair, sharp green eyes
    Is a very practical person, rather serious, INTJ. Was very close to her ENFP father, a healer, before he died; her life goal is now to become a healer herself. Is fiercely loyal; if you hurt one of her friends, you had best watch your back. Is a rebel because she sees the government as impractical.

    Kiet Hulsaba (undecided): Sixteen, a bit short, kind of messy black hair, green eyes; character appearance is slightly based on real-life Japanese
    Is a very sunny yet shy person, INFP. Loves cats and writing songs. Although pleasant to all, he is careful who he trusts because of his past. Prone to temporary panic attacks if something randomly brings back difficult memories. Orphaned; only other family member left is his twin brother Nyel. His life goal is also to become a healer, but for different reasons than Grace. Is battling out what the right thing to do is regarding the rebels and the government.

    Nyel Hulsaba (neutral): Sixteen, looks almost exactly like Kiet
    Very taciturn person, rarely opens his mouth except to mutter some acerbic comment. Went through similar experiences to Kiet, but responded very differently. Doesn’t take a side with the government issue, at least for a while, because he simply doesn’t care–or at least appears not to.

    Tai Jion (rebel): Seventeen, a little lanky, shock of reddish-blond hair, amber eyes
    Is a mischievous jokester, maybe ENTP. Hides a lot behind his constant flow of jokes; lost family in traumatic events. Loves his dog, Kalahni. Says he joined the rebels because it sounded cool. Whether or not that’s his real motive remains to be seen.

    Dari Kioko (rebel): Fifteen, average height, blond hair, green eyes
    Maybe ISFJ??? Fairly laid back except around Tai, whom he “keeps in check”. Their banter leaves Kiet laughing in the corner. Doesn’t like to cause any conflict, so sometimes keeps quiet when he should speak up. Is a reluctant rebel because while he doesn’t like to create trouble, he also doesn’t want to risk alienating his friends.

    Kedori Mezora (government): Fifteen, slightly below average height, mop of brown hair, blue eyes, deaf
    MBTI: unsure. Maybe INFJ?? A bit shy as a result of not always being well accepted, since he’s deaf. Strongly values the friends he has now. Lives with his aunt now that both his parents are gone. Loves studying and learning because it helps him feel close to his mother, who tried to educate him on her own even though the school wouldn’t take him in his hometown. Is on the government side because he doesn’t believe in the rebel cause, even though it hurts him to oppose his friends.

    Gerik Taragai (rebel): Sixteen, kind of tall and broad-shouldered, blond hair, green (?) eyes

    MBTI: unsure. He’s kind of a jerkface. Picks on Kedori, also bullies Kiet, but actually downright hates him because the tribe Kiet is from. . . well, ya know, backstory. Not an excuse, though. Rebel; could make for some interesting conflict depending on which side Kiet picks.

    Thank you guys. . . @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @dakota @urwen-starial @kayla-skywriter @thewirelessblade @esmeralda-gramilton @whoeverelseinonthisthreadbecausei’veforgotten

    Hearts are like matter--they can be beaten down, torn, and burned, but they cannot be destroyed.

    Emberynus The Dragonslayer


    Grace, Kiet, and Tai would be good. If you can handle three?


    Sold souls and dead promises

    Emberynus The Dragonslayer

    @kayla-skywriter @thewirelessblade  @urwen-starial  @dakota  @esmeralda-gramilton  @naiya-dyani  @sam-m

    *does a happy dance* my charries are finally in the doc!! 😀🎉🎉🎆🎆

    Sold souls and dead promises

    Naiya Dyani

    @emberynus-the-dragonslayer Yay!

    Yeah, I think I could do three, just alternate who all I use depending on context. . . but gah, I’m having trouble. . . I know I want Kiet in there, but. . . I’m considering doing Kedori and Gerik with him instead? Because Gerik could cause some really interesting conflict (yes I’m evil) and so could Kedori’s stance. . . plus there’s the fact that I think it was Kayla that has a dog that can understand ASL, which I’d have Kedori’s sign language subscribe to for this.

    I don’t know, I don’t just want to pitch your suggestions, though! 😅

    Hearts are like matter--they can be beaten down, torn, and burned, but they cannot be destroyed.

    Emberynus The Dragonslayer


    I considered suggesting Gerik, I just wasn’t sure. But hey- whatever you want. I’m cool with anything as long as your characters aren’t magical and they don’t act inappropriately or cuss.

    Sold souls and dead promises

    Emberynus The Dragonslayer

    @urwen-starial What do you think?

    Sold souls and dead promises

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