
Character memes

Forums Fiction Characters Character memes

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  • #107436
    Esmeralda Gramilton

    Cynth: I just realized “never” is a contraction of “not ever”

    Aliyr: And “blush” is a contraction of “blood rush”.

    Anja: Also “Studying” is a contraction of “Student dying”.

    Aliyr: *looks shocked*

    Anja: *calmly takes book out of Aliyr’s hands, closes it, and places on the table*

    Anja: *smacks book of the table and into the lake*

    Anja: Student. Dying.

    Aliyr: *looks forlornly at the lake* Well, if that’s the case, I’ve never studied. . .


    Merlye: Did you hear? Some idiot tried to fight that fire dragon up in the mountains.

    Zarin, covered in burns: Well, maybe the dragon was being rude.


    Kayti: Okay, everyone, you have five minutes left to finish your costumes before the judging!

    *Five minutes later*

    Kayti: Okay, Xineta, I don’t even know what that is.

    Kayti: Oh, Zarin! Going as yourself, maybe? Very scary.

    Zarin: Um, it’s actually a-

    Kayti: Well, would you look at this! *runs over to Merlye* Here’s our winner!

    Merlye: I didn’t even dress up.

    Kayti: Don’t kid yourself. That’s the best idiot costume I’ve seen in a long time!

    I wonder what I was thinking whenever I re-read my old, well-loved stories

    Urwen Starial

    Jin, holding an antique bottle: Is this whiskey or perfume?

    Kirat: *grabs and chugs the entire bottle*

    Kirat: It’s perfume.


    Kidnapper on the phone:We have your son.

    Rhioe: I don’t have a son???

    Kidnapper: Then who just asked for chocolate milk with a straw and made us cut the crusts of his PB&J?

    Rhioe: O.o *gasps* oh my gosh you have Kirat!


    Playing scrabble

    Kirat: I’ll put my “A” down to make “A”

    Jin: I will add to your “A” to make it “AT”

    Rhioe: I’ll add to your “AT” to make “RAT”

    Kenem: I will add to your “RAT” to make “BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC”

    Kirat: *flips game board*


    Jin: *without looking up from book* What did you do?

    Kirat: Nothing!


    Kirat: Except that.

    *another explosion*

    Kirat: And that.



    Kirat: Hello and welcome to my video blog, today I’m reviewing hair products.

    Kirat: *Sprays hairspray into his mouth*

    Kirat: I can tell you right off the bat that this one isn’t very good.


    Kenem: You said you had nothing to do with that prank. Are you lying to me?

    Kirat: That depends on how you define lying.

    Kenem: Well, I define it as not telling the truth. How do you define it?

    Kirat: Reclining your body in a horizontal position.



    Kenem: Get outta here before I kill you.

    Kirat: Absolutely.


    At Disneyland in the spinning teacups

    Kenem: Absolutely refuses to get on at all.

    Jin and Rhioe: Spinning a little and talking.

    Kirat: Flies past them spinning as fast as he can and screaming.

    “Tears sparkle like fallen stars, the world at our fingertips, We didn’t know, It wasn't happiness.

    Naiya Dyani

    @anne_the_noob14 *can’t decide whether to say “thank you” or “I KNOW RIGHT I LOVE HIM TO PIECES”* *decides to make Kiet answer instead*

    Kiet: *stumbles in* *blushes like crazy and hugs random cat tighter* *whisper apologizes to cat* Umm. . . thank you? *laughs nervously*


    also i’m dying

    stop being so funny XD

    lessee if I can remember the ones I came up with


    Tai: what’s brown and sticky


    Tai: a stick

    Dari: remind me why we’re friends


    Tai: Kiet is my best friend, I would never do anything to hurt him

    Also Tai: Hey lets put hot peppers in Kiets soup when he isn’t looking it’ll be hysterical


    Dari: This is an awful situation, how are we going to get out of it?!?

    Tai: *whips out blueprint of an elaborate machine that will solve the problem*

    Kiet: O.o How did you make that??? No offense but you’re terrible at math. . .

    Tai: *stretches and cracks knuckles* What can I say? The only reason I don’t do it in school is because it’s boring then.

    Grace: quit bluffing, I saw you asking Kedori for help in the corner when you thought we weren’t looking

    Hearts are like matter--they can be beaten down, torn, and burned, but they cannot be destroyed.

    Kayla Skywriter

    Okay, my turn to steal some.

    Kidnapper on the phone: We have your son.

    Lloyd: Which one?

    Kidnapper: The one who just asked for chocolate milk with a straw and made us cut the crusts of his PB&J?

    Lloyd: *gasps* oh my gosh you have Lonan!


    At Disneyland in the spinning teacups

    Rhoda: Absolutely refuses to get on at all.

    Lloyd, Pembe, and Altan: Spinning a little and talking.

    Tawny, Azahar, and Phoenix: Flies past them spinning as fast as they can and screaming.

    Lonan: Was dragged along against his will and somehow ended up with Tawny. He’s screaming so loud.

    How we chose to fight is just as important as what we fight for

    Esmeralda Gramilton

    Okay, might have done this one before, but I don’t remember, so I’m doing it:

    Zarin: Hey, Xineta? I have an idea.

    Xineta: A good idea, a bad idea, or a Zarin idea?

    Zarin: A Zarin idea. c’mere, I’ll explain it.


    Xineta: Who wants to play truth of dare?

    Contessa: Sure, why not?

    Kayti: Okay!

    Merlye: I guess. . .

    Zarin: I’ll go first. Merlye, truth or dare?

    Merlye: *without hesitation* Dare.

    Zarin: *hiding laughter* Go jump and tough the doorway.

    Merlye: *walks over and looks up at the doorway, probably four feet about his head* I hate you.

    I wonder what I was thinking whenever I re-read my old, well-loved stories

    Livi Ryddle

    @urwen-starial *grins* I love them XD Kirat is a whole mood with his “Because it was a stupid decision, I elected to ignore it.”

      *heart explodes cause he’s so cute* *makes the heart eyes face while trying to restrain self from smothering Kiet in hugs*



    Ok okokok I gotta do these:


    Gwen, to Greyl: Did you hear about that idiot who tried to fight that dragon? So dumb.

    Dharin, covered in scratches, burns, and bruises: Maybe the dragon was being rude.

    Gwen: … Like I said, so dumb.


    Playing Scrabble:

    Werrley: I will play this A to make “A”

    Stilton: I will add onto your “A” to make “AN”

    Gwen: I will add onto your “AN” to make “CAN”

    Dharin: I will add onto your “CAN” to make “VOLCANO”

    Greyl: I will add onto your “VOLCANO” to make “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis”

    Dharin: *flips table*


    Stilton, playing his lute: Dharin, what did you do?

    Dharin: Nothing!


    Dharin: Except that.

    *another explosion* *entire population of the city stampedes past window, waving swords and holding posters of Dharin’s face with an arrow stuck through it*

    Dharin: And that.


    Stilton: *starts humming It’s a Beautiful Day*


    At amusement park:

    Werrley: *rides the Ferris wheel over and over*

    Dana: *argues with the guy at the “pop a balloon” stand*

    Stilton: *complains to anyone who will listen that the people in charge of the playlist at the merry-go-round picked every single song that someone edited to be played without the sharps and flats that it should have*

    Gwen: *rides a roller coaster once and is sick for the rest of the night*

    Dharin: *can ride every single spinny and dizzy-fying ride over and over without batting an eye* *tries to get Gwen to “Try it one more time! It’ll be fun!”*

    Greyl: *didn’t want to go but got roped into driving everyone* *ends up 100% enjoying himself* *eats way too much cotton candy* *has the most fun with the bumper cars* *and still insists on complaining about this “whole stupid park”*


    Dharin: What’s brown and sticky?

    Gwen: A stick. Duh.

    Dharin: *looks at bottom of his shoe* I’m pretty sure this isn’t a stick, but ok.



    Werrley: Stilton is my friend and I would never do anything to hurt him.

    Also Werrley: *puts gelatin in Stilton’s coffeepot*(see note at end) *at a restaurant, puts shrimp in Stilton’s iced tea* *puts hot peppers in Stilton’s soup*

    Werrley: I love him. He’s my best friend 😀

    (Note: My granddad actually did this once. In his office’s break room one evening, he put gelatin in the coffeepot, and the next morning when his coworker went to pour the left-over coffee down the drain, the coffee was literally coffee Jello. My granddad said that he was sitting in his office and he heard from down the hall his coworker yell “MILTON, WHAT THE HECK”)


    Kidnapper on phone: We have your son.

    Gwen: I don’t have a son??

    Kidnapper: Then who’s this who is making us cut his PB&J into Darth Vader helmet shapes and give him chocolate milk in a Millennium Falcon collectible mug with a lightsaber-shaped straw?

    Gwen: Oh my gosh they have Dharin!!


    Kidnapper on phone: We have your bard.

    Stilton: Lol no you don’t. I’m the bard.

    Kidnapper: No, I’m serious. He’s your bard. He only knows one song and he sings it flat.

    Stilton, getting annoyed: No, I’m serious. I’m the bard. And not all bards only know one song and sing it fl-

    Kidnapper: Then who is this who keeps singing “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow” over and over?



    Poor Merlye XD   ‘s’okay, I’m short too, Merlye 😛

    “Enough! Be quiet! I can’t hear myself think! I can’t hear my teeth chatter!"

    Naiya Dyani

    @urwen-starial Gonna alter this one:

    Kidnapper on the phone: We have your son.

    Grace: I don’t have a son???

    Kidnapper: Then who’s acting like my partner’s personal counselor over here while petting a stray alley cat?

    Grace: Oh my gosh, you have Kiet

    Partner in the background: Can we please keep him a little longer?

    Grace: *realizing she now has the upper hand* Yes, for a fee of $100 an hour.

    Kiet in the background: Grace, no, they don’t have much money, and he really needs someone to talk to, and–


    Grace: *blinks because she’s never seen Enna Sora so fired up before*




    Tai: *drops a can of frosting on his head*

    Kiet: *confuzzlement*

    Tai: Cinnamon rolls need frosting

    Kiet: *goes red* You guys seriously think I’m a much better person than I am inside. . .


    Hearts are like matter--they can be beaten down, torn, and burned, but they cannot be destroyed.

    Urwen Starial

    *Has taken several different scenes from movie and smashed them together to make meme*

    Kirat: What the heck of a pickled monkey?!?!

    Jin: Language!

    Kirat: *stares at Jin*

    Jin: Sorry, it just slipped out.


    Jin: What the heck-

    Kirat: For gosh’s sake watch your language! You hypocrite!

    Jin: That’s not going away ever is it?

    *Even later*

    Kenem: What the heck Kirat?

    Rhioe: Kenem, Jin doesn’t like talk like that.
    Kirat: Yeah, Kenem, watch your language! 🙂

    “Tears sparkle like fallen stars, the world at our fingertips, We didn’t know, It wasn't happiness.

    Livi Ryddle

    @naiya-dyani *screams* TOO CUTE TOO CUTE TOO CUTE TOO CUTE <3 <3 <3 <3

    XD I love it!

    “Enough! Be quiet! I can’t hear myself think! I can’t hear my teeth chatter!"


    @urwen-starial @naiya-dyani @anne_the_noob14 @esmeralda-gramilton @kayla-skywriter

    You guys are hilarious!! 🙂 *while typing this, Alan, Jack and Micheal are doubled over laughing, Dayton is either snorting or rolling her eyes every other minute, Megyn, Stella, Joe and Jim are smiling significantly at each other and laughing occasionally, and Rob, who is standing behind everyone else, can’t help but smile.*

    Since we’re allowed to steal memes ( which is good ‘cuz I’m no good with on-the-spot humor) I’ll try this out-

    Kidnapper on the phone: We have your son.

    Rob: “I’m unmarried and never had a son. But thank you for calling!” *lowers phone and whispers to Joe* “Call 911”

    Kidnapper: He says he’s your son

    Rob: “Mistaken.” *scribbles number on a napkin nearby*

    Kidnapper: Than who’s this guy who tries to do a handstand while tied up!”

    Rob: *slaps hand against his forehead* MICHEAL!!!!

    Psalm 119:11
    Your word I have hidden in my heart,
    That I might not sin against You.

    Naiya Dyani

    I should be asleep, but instead, I’m making memes.


    Kiet gets hurt apart from the others and taken to the hospital:

    Grace: *strides in* Give me the name, address, and greatest weakness of the person responsible

    Kedori: *signing rapidly to nurse* Quick, get some fresh hot cinnamon rolls, a fluffy blanket, and a troop of no fewer than nine cats! 

    Tai: *bursts into the hospital room* IF YOU DIE I’M GOING TO KILL YOU

    Dari: *hyperventilates* ARE YOU OKAY WHAT HAPPENED!?!?!

    Kiet: *blinks* *shifts slightly under a mass of tubes* It wasn’t that big a deal, guys. . .

    Grace: Then it shouldn’t be a problem to tell us what happened.

    Kiet: *blushes awkwardly* Um. . . well, it started when I saw a cat by the side of the road, but I was driving, and I accidentally bumped the fender of the car in front of me, and the driver got road rage, and–

    *ten minutes of explanation later*

    Dari: *blinks*

    Kedori: *goes pale*

    Tai: *goes intensely red because Anger (TM)*

    Grace: *is creating a hit list*

    Nurse: So he’ll have to stay until we’re sure his liver’s going to be all right, but after that his legs, arm, and ribs should heal up just fine at home.


    Tai: *is chatting at the side of Kiet’s hospital bed about a prank he played on their teacher while tossing his fifth soda can of the hour up and down*

    Grace: *is giving him The Look (TM)*

    Kiet: *lets out a tiny whimper*

    Tai: *jumps up and throws can across the room* *catches it the instant before it hits Kiet’s IV bag* WHAT’S WRONG ARE YOU OKAY DO YOU NEED MORE PAIN MEDS

    Kiet: I’m okay. . . *winces again*

    Grace: Don’t be an idiot, I’ll call the nurse

    Kiet: But I don’t want to cause extra trouble for anyo–

    *one minute later*

    Nurse: On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?

    Tai: *still freaking out* TEN!!!

    Grace: *gives him a deadpan look* She’s asking Kiet.

    Kiet: *super tiny shrug* I don’t know. . . maybe a nine. . .


    Kiet: Maybe it’s closer to an eight!!!!!!


    @anne_the_noob14 Figured I’d tag you since you like Kiet 😊


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Naiya Dyani.

    Hearts are like matter--they can be beaten down, torn, and burned, but they cannot be destroyed.

    Urwen Starial


    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! He’s gotta be okay!!!! TELL ME HE’S OKAY!

    XD XD

    *takes several minutes to calm down*

    <b>Karaoke night</b>

    Kirat: *picks most annoying song ever and forces everyone to sing, so it’s stuck in everyone’s heads the rest of the night* *Everything is awesome or Catchy song, prolly Baby shark too.*

    Jin: *picks an instrumental so he doesn’t have to sing* *It’s quiet uptown*

    Rhioe: *picks happiest song she can think of* *Everything is awesome, tween dream remix*

    Aarin: *picks a rap song that no-one can sing because the rap is so fast* *Guns and ships*

    Kenem: *doesn’t even show up but can hear them singing from the next block over*


    “Tears sparkle like fallen stars, the world at our fingertips, We didn’t know, It wasn't happiness.

    Naiya Dyani

    @urwen-starial XD Yup, those are your characters!

    *hides* You don’t want to know what’s happening to him in my book right now, then. . .


    Tai: *glances both ways down the hallway* *steps back into hospital room* Okay Kiet, coast’s clear, let’s go!!

    Grace: What are you doing??

    Tai: *whips out wheelchair he stole from another room* Wheelchair races! Let’s go, quick, before the nurses come back!

    Grace: NO


    ***also the pain meds thing was inspired by an actual person I knew, she was amazing***

    Hearts are like matter--they can be beaten down, torn, and burned, but they cannot be destroyed.

    Urwen Starial


    😂 No it’s fine, I actually want to know what your story’s about! I love your characters already!

    “Tears sparkle like fallen stars, the world at our fingertips, We didn’t know, It wasn't happiness.

    Naiya Dyani

    @urwen-starial 😀 I don’t know whether to say “thanks” or “I love them too”! I’ll just go with both. 😉

    Well, my one-sentence explanation on my marathon page is pretty vague, so. It starts with Grace and her mother moving in with her uncle and cousin (Dari) in the mountains after her father dies. She meets his two friends (Kiet and Tai) and ends up getting pulled into some crazy stuff surrounding them. Kiet especially. See, to the north of the mountains she lives in, there are two groups of tribes, the Jirkana and Sirakani. The Jirkana are peaceful, but the Sirakani are pretty awful people. However, Kiet is from a Sirakani tribe, and another boy in the village (Gerik) hates Sirakani. So things build up and go haywire. 😉 And I’m having tons of fun with backstory mystery (or at least I hope it feels mysterious to people).

    That probably sounded pretty convoluted. :/ Oh well. I do my best. I hope the plot sounds better put together in the actual book.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Naiya Dyani.

    Hearts are like matter--they can be beaten down, torn, and burned, but they cannot be destroyed.

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