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    It was a lotta work but I mean I literally just started the first draft like ‘I have no clue what I’m doing I have no clue where this is going, oh look I can do this here there and there and-looky there I still have no clue what I’m doing XD’.

    LOL, that’s familiar XD It’s actually hilarious when that happens because my brother (Not a writer, but he’s the first person to read everything I write because he’s awesome.) will come with suggestions. They’re good, but often very complicated, historical and requiring a lot of setup. My standard response is “I know what I’m doing! Oh, wait, I don’t.” XD

    Ha you too!?! I spent so much time on psychology it freaked Mom out, but yeah, neuroscience is what I’m looking for more than psychology. I love the different ways the brain works like the left brain right brain functions and noise cross-over to physical sensations and the different nobes in the brain that completely change your way of thinking! *sheepish grin* fellow neuroscience nerd here <3

    IKR! It’s the coolest thing! My dad is actually also really into neuroscience, and we’ll have detailed, irrelevant discussions about it XD And my whole family is fascinated by psychology, so that sparks cool conversations XD

    Like, one of the most interesting things I’ve noticed is what’s literally called ‘right brain mode’ though you can also just call it ‘in the zone’. When your brain starts using the right side of the brain to process information, you literally feel different. I don’t know how to explain it, but I think you know what I’m talking about. I’ll usually get it while I’m drawing, drafting, or listening to music.

    You completely lose track of time, and everything except your project sort of… blurs? And when someone calls your attention back, it literally feels like waking up with very little memory of creating the thing. XD It’s an actual neurological thing, and when we discussed it, my mom (Also an artist) immediately got what I meant while my more analytical dad was just kind of “???” Anyway, cool stuff XD

    How many different kinds of synesthesia are there?

    There are more than eighty kinds since anything can be connected to anything else. But you have (At least) grapheme-color (Letters and numbers have color), and chromesthesia (Sounds have color).

    A’s probably red because a says ‘aah’ as in apple and apples are red XD. Nooo w is purple and v is…actually it can’t decide whether it’s brown or black…(w shouldn’t be pronounced ‘double u’ it should be pronounced ‘double v’!)

    Yeah, I have no idea how that works, but I totally agree on ‘double-u’. That’s just plain wrong! English is the only language I know that does that XD

    Lol Faye sounds funny! That’s be an interesting setting to work with, do you have normal animals or invented animals or classic fantasy animals there?

    It’s a pretty regular world actually, except for the different cultures. It doesn’t have fantasy animals, weather, or any stuff like that.

    Yeah, I love how Faye is actually funny in a really different way than Liorah. Liorah is snarky and sassy while talking to people, that’s just how she works. She’s confident enough that she’s comfortable with using her voice and making people listen to her, and she isn’t worried about hurting anyone’s feelings if she thinks they deserve it.

    On the other hand, Faye, (My smol, precious cinnamon roll!) is extremely shy, nice, and dedicates most of her existence to ‘don’t rock the boat’. (That’s one of her worst flaws) She’s kind of self-deprecating and ironic, but only in narration, and even that is in a really sweet, innocent way. Liorah’s remarks will sometimes get downright mean.

    Faye’s also really good for shoving into amusing circumstances. Like, one time when she was running away from someone (Don’t ask XD) her first reaction was taking off her shoes and hurling them at her pursuer. And she trips over her own feet at least five times and loses a shoe in the mud, so she has to hop back on one foot to retrieve it. *Cough* Not drawn from real experiences. Never! *Cough* Faye is really good for that kind of comedy. because Liorah just does dumb, embarrassing stuff naturally and isn’t the least bit embarrassed about it.   

    All that to say it has a hysterical narrative!

    Oh, I actually read the first Wingfeather saga book! You’re totally right, the narration had me laughing several times, as did the names. (Dark sea of Darkness and Gnag the Nameless come to mind XD)

    I loved Inkheart because it had a very clear ‘emotional narrative’ (a term I made up) that described as much as possible in a way that directed to the themes and the key elements of the story. It was about someone who could read books to life so the villain was described so clearly ‘skin as white as parchment’ etc etc and the author would describe things in a way like the real world was in conflict with the magical, poetic prose she used to describe everything that came out of the books but described the characters from the ‘real world’ in a deep POV so like the descriptions seemed to have an internal conflict of their own that really reflected the themes and it was just really soulful and interesting.

    Oh, that’s so cool! I’ve never read it but the narration sounds really cool! I have a weakness for poetic prose, as long as it doesn’t sound pretentious and unnatural. I’ve actually been practicing that with Faye’s voice, since she’s very dreamy and metaphorical, so I can go all-out on the poetic prose XD

    One of my favorite authors for prose is Katherine Rundell. Her prose is pretty simple, but she has a way of saying things that are really striking, or really funny. Her books also have spectacular aesthetics and the coolest characters. I’ve read Rooftoppers and the Wolf Wilder, and I loved both!

    Another one, Shadow of the Bear, was really clear and simple in its narrative. It didn’t linger on descriptors but it have a nice aesthetic. Although it was set in New York, the descriptions lingered on whim and otherworldliness during thematic/intense scenes. So even though it was a ‘modern’ story with a ‘modern’ setting it really worked with its fairytale retelling (of Rose Red and Snow White).

    Oh, I actually just checked that out and it looks really cool! I have a weakness for fairytale retellings (done well). I enjoyed the Lunar Chronicles, and though it isn’t my all-time favorite, I still enjoyed it. Do you recommend Shadow of the Bear?

    Oooooh that’s a winner! *makes note to keep up with novels you read as they sound very very interesting*

    Thank you! That’s a fantastic compliment! XD

    That is such an awesome technique I’m so glad somebody’s done that! My sister and I were once talking about like write a story or play a video game where you’re the villain but you don’t know it until the end!

    IKR, that was like the coolest thing! I actually didn’t catch on until like… 75% in. But after that, it was glaringly obvious. I think what I loved about that (And generally messing with the good guys/evil guys dynamic) is that it really upsets your preset notion of ‘The good guys are always the POV characters’.

    I think this can be carried too far, obviously, it’s still important that right and wrong aren’t blended together. But I feel like really often, the ‘good guys’ will do genuinely awful things that we just kinda accept because they have the good guys label.

    I’ve seen and heard people (especially Christians) go on rants about “The books nowadays!! You can’t tell who’s good and who’s bad!! They aren’t teaching right and wrong!!”

    But I don’t think that’s entirely accurate. First of all, the market has changed. Characters who are perfect in every way used to be a thing in the Victorian age, under the mindset of teaching morals like ‘good is rewarded’. *Cough* Henty heroes *Cough*

    But perfect characters are… boring. Like, really dull. And they don’t accurately portray the struggles people go through, even good people. Like, I can’t say I’ve ever been inspired by a perfect Henty hero. Like, never, but I have been inspired by flawed, messed-up characters who are constantly failing but keep scraping themselves together and keep going. And like how villains used to be pure evil, but that isn’t interesting or realistic either.

    People who do horrible things often have reasons why they do that, and even good people and heroes make mistakes and do dumb things, and fall and bleed for their mistakes.

    Like, I feel like all the writing advice on this site has a really good mindset on how to write Christian fiction, so I won’t repeat everything they say.

    Still, I feel like hero/villain dynamics fall into that category. It would be awesome to read about a character who does things for a reason they believe to be good and it gets darker and darker and about halfway, the character just realizes what they’ve done and redeems themselves. Like, that would be so cool to read!!

    And… it just occurs to me that I described Paul from the Bible, exactly. Well, that was a coincidence, but I mean, I’ve only seen that done once and that was in a thinly-veiled (Not very well executed) allegory of Paul’s life. Still! Cool!

    To summarize that huge, uncalled-for, excited, ranty thing I just did: Hero/villain dynamics have a ton of potential that isn’t used that often. Thank you for coming to my Ted-Talk XD


    Without darkness, there is no light. If there was no nighttime, would the stars be as bright?

    Arindown (Gracie)


    If anyone wants to do an art trade, I think I may have some extra time this week.😉

    I’ll probably do it in a style similar to this (this is one of my OC’s, Erik😎).

    "If I'm gonna break, I'll break like the dawn." -Nightbirde

    Arindown (Gracie)


    I realized that I never drew Felicity for you.😭 After all those beautiful collages you sent me.

    I’ll try to work on it this week.

    How’s your writing going?

    "If I'm gonna break, I'll break like the dawn." -Nightbirde

    Anne of Lothlorien

    @arindown Hey! To be honest… I haven’t been on here in soooooo long and I forgot all about the art. *major facepalming* I really should spend some more time on here and meet all the new people.

    You can take your time with Felicity, no rush! Especially since I forgot about it anyways. XD XD

    Writing is going slow, but steady. I’ve been focusing more on short stories and poems lately. I’ve submitted three or four poems to SE, which were all turned down, unfortunately. 🙁 I suffered a set-back recently though… my computer crashed and burned!! *cue dramatic wailing* I’d just backed up my files at the beginning of the month, but I still lost some graphic art, a few poems, and worst of all, half of a short story called ‘The Music Cabin’. I’d just finished it and really liked it, and now I have to re-write the second half. And you know that nothing is as good the second time around writing it. *dismal moans* But it couldn’t be helped, so… once more into the breach, dear friends!

    I'm short, I like words, and I love people.
    No, I didn't draw my profile pic.

    Arindown (Gracie)

    @anne-of-lothlorien Aww. That is so sad. I couldn’t imagine.

    My sister helped me make some writing commitments to get my novel done, so that’s good. I should be finishing the 1st draft in a few months.

    Maybe you could post some of your poetry on the forums. I’m sure some of the newer people would love to meet you, but I know how life goes. XD I’ve been on SE a little more because we’re in lockdown, and I’m a little bored. XD

    Keep up the good work. (my emoji’s won’t work, so…)

    "If I'm gonna break, I'll break like the dawn." -Nightbirde


    They’re good, but often very complicated, historical and requiring a lot of setup. My standard response is “I know what I’m doing! Oh, wait, I don’t.” XD

    Lol! Exactly the same for me I started co-writing with @rusted-knight cos his first draft was so intriguing and it had the structure and he has all the complicated, historical setup and reference to work with.

    Like, one of the most interesting things I’ve noticed is what’s literally called ‘right brain mode’ though you can also just call it ‘in the zone’. When your brain starts using the right side of the brain to process information, you literally feel different. I don’t know how to explain it, but I think you know what I’m talking about. I’ll usually get it while I’m drawing, drafting, or listening to music.

    Yes! I’ve heard that one (and felt it). I am soooooo right-brained in a more left-brained family and I’ll do something new that’s artistic or crafty and they’ll be like “FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE LETTER!!!” and I’ll be like “I’M RIGHT-BRAINING HERE THE INSTRUCTIONS DON’T HELP ME SO JUST HOLD YOUR WAFFLE!!!!!” except, since I have the spine of a chicken nugget I don’t actually say that XD. I seriously will do projects like follow the instructions carefully to make something that looks horrible and nothing like the picture and then go back and just free hand (right-brain) it and make something completely different and pretty. And then. Somehow two hours pass!!!And I have no clue how I did anything.
    This happens a lot XD.
    Oh have you heard about DNA memory? It’s really cool like sometimes if someone has a transplant or something they’ll get a couple of the memories or attitudes of the organ-donor. Or like, some cases when somebody’s shot in the head and suddenly they acquire this crazy skill. Did ya know the mind actually does have an eye-shaped organ right on your forehead?

    There are more than eighty kinds since anything can be connected to anything else. But you have (At least) grapheme-color (Letters and numbers have color), and chromesthesia (Sounds have color).

    Whoa that’s a lotta kinds (I seriously read the word ‘eight’ like twice before I noticed the y). That’s cool!

    Yeah, I have no idea how that works, but I totally agree on ‘double-u’. That’s just plain wrong! English is the only language I know that does that XD

    Lol my Mom, after years of us, was like; it never even crossed my mind to question all these rules until I had kids. But like, who decided on double-u?! And English is like the only language that has contests to reward people who spell correctly!

    I love how Faye is actually funny in a really different way than Liorah. Liorah is snarky and sassy while talking to people, that’s just how she works. She’s confident enough that she’s comfortable with using her voice and making people listen to her, and she isn’t worried about hurting anyone’s feelings if she thinks they deserve it. On the other hand, Faye, (My smol, precious cinnamon roll!) is extremely shy, nice, and dedicates most of her existence to ‘don’t rock the boat’. (That’s one of her worst flaws) She’s kind of self-deprecating and ironic, but only in narration, and even that is in a really sweet, innocent way. Liorah’s remarks will sometimes get downright mean.

    Aw Faye…*(yeah that’d be one of my worst flaws too ‘don’t rock the boat’)*
    Oh yeah! I’ve thrown my shoe before! *for years Mom had to keep reminding me to wear shoes outside lol I hate shoes. A lot.* I love how while running from someone she still hobbles back on one foot to grab her shoe!

    Oh, I actually read the first Wingfeather saga book! You’re totally right, the narration had me laughing several times, as did the names. (Dark sea of Darkness and Gnag the Nameless come to mind XD)

    Lol ikr! But I haven’t finished it yet don’t tell me what happens!

    One of my favorite authors for prose is Katherine Rundell. Her prose is pretty simple, but she has a way of saying things that are really striking, or really funny. Her books also have spectacular aesthetics and the coolest characters. I’ve read Rooftoppers and the Wolf Wilder, and I loved both!

    Ooh cool!

    Oh, I actually just checked that out and it looks really cool! I have a weakness for fairytale retellings (done well). I enjoyed the Lunar Chronicles, and though it isn’t my all-time favorite, I still enjoyed it. Do you recommend Shadow of the Bear?

    Yeah the Lunar Chronicles (at the least the first two books which is all I’ve read XD) had a great aesthetic but Cinder and Prince Kai just seemed too ‘dream girl/dream boy’ to me, I didn’t mind Wolf and Scarlet so much with that but both ships felt underdeveloped and neither of them was actually love but romantic attraction. I feel like her theme on manipulation was interesting but a little confused like the author hadn’t decided what she believed about it herself but then maybe it was just building for the next books. But it had such a fascinating setting I could almost see it in Manga ya’know? And the plot idea was cool and intriguing. It was nice, but I feel like she could’ve layered her theme more it was a great theme to look at and I wasn’t all-in on the ships but I’m not a particularly romantic person there XD.
    I would absolutely recommend Shadow of the Bear, which is really funny cos it has most of my ‘turn-offs’; girly girls, characters who make stupid decisions, high idealism, and romance (gag-reflex, although I would like to make a distinction between romance and shipping cos I love ships I just can’t stand impractical gushiness). But it pulled it off without being preachy or dream-character stereotyping. Half the story is between the lines if you blink you’ll miss it, like the author herself is trying to protect her younger audience from her own themes. Also I loved Rose and Fish, but Fish doesn’t get much screen-time in the first book (Fish is awesome). I liked that the two sisters each were very different with different strengths and weaknesses that were used to compliment each other instead of pitting one sister against the other. The characters really made the story I had so much fun reading about them, it had such a sweetness to it without being stupidly cliché, also did I mention I loved Rose and Fish!

    I think this can be carried too far, obviously, it’s still important that right and wrong aren’t blended together. But I feel like really often, the ‘good guys’ will do genuinely awful things that we just kinda accept because they have the good guys label.

    See I once watched this cartoon called Megamind that followed that theme lol it was pretty good although not particularly deep but it was pretty funny! But it addressed how the good-guy/bad-guy label gave the superhero (the antagonist) a free-pass for everything while the supervillain (the MC) never got a free-pass for anything growing-up and just decided to roll with it.

    Characters who are perfect in every way used to be a thing in the Victorian age, under the mindset of teaching morals like ‘good is rewarded’. *Cough* Henty heroes *Cough* But perfect characters are… boring. Like, really dull. And they don’t accurately portray the struggles people go through, even good people.

    Henty heroes. Yep, that’s exactly the problem. If you ever try to actively search for ‘Christian literature’ they’re basically all perfect, flawless Henty heroes with feel-goody plots and pretty cliché themes. I consider movies like Person of Interest or the Giver to be more the substance of actual Christian fiction because it has moral thought-proving themes that aren’t preachy.
    And it’s not even accurate! If you even glance over saints’ lives those people are freaking crazy, they break all social convention! And it was realistic, saints had to rebuild and rebuild and fall and get up there’s no such thing as a genuine Henty hero in real life! (unless he’s like either a narcissist or a person so insecure he wouldn’t break any convention or risk anything against peer pressure).

    Like, never, but I have been inspired by flawed, messed-up characters who are constantly failing but keep scraping themselves together and keep going. And like how villains used to be pure evil, but that isn’t interesting or realistic either.

    See, people who write that stuff are the most uptight people in existence (coming from someone who has tried the ‘perfect’ standard). It’s a very deep-rooted insecurity and one of the devil’s most powerful tools to convince people that ‘perfect’ is this picture-perfect completely-conformist never-fail-safe state of nothing. But it’s not, it’s the write-kill mindset for Christian fiction!

    Still, I feel like hero/villain dynamics fall into that category. It would be awesome to read about a character who does things for a reason they believe to be good and it gets darker and darker and about halfway, the character just realizes what they’ve done and redeems themselves. Like, that would be so cool to read!!

    Hero/villain dynamics are definitely not brought to their full potential a lot. Like, if the villain ‘converts’ say then suddenly everything’s perfect and on the flip-side if he never ‘converts’ he just stays pure unidentifiable evil. Way too extreme just another stereotype. One of the things I loved in the Person of Interest series was that several of the villains never changed but we still found ourselves rooting for them just as often as we screamed against them, and it had such a slow-burn subtle redemption arc for a couple of the characters but none of the characters stayed through the entire series on the straight and narrow. Even the one character we had full and utter confidence in his moral compass relapsed every so often. It was beautiful…although the last two seasons had some stuff.

    I completely lost track of this conversation…XD. Just to say I want heroes and villains to be treated as characters first!

    To be a light to the world you must shine in the darkness.



    Lol! Exactly the same for me I started co-writing with rusted-knight cos his first draft was so intriguing and it had the structure and he has all the complicated, historical setup and reference to work with.

    LOL, it must be tricky to get the two styles to match up XD But I can see that the combination will be spectacular!

    Funny story, I was once loosely planning an idea but I couldn’t figure out how to make it practical, so picture this: I just went up to my brother like, “Hey, I was wondering…. how would you plan an assassination? Theoretically and historically, I mean.” The worst part is that he wasn’t even surprised. I guess he’s too used to me by now. XD

    Yes! I’ve heard that one (and felt it). I am soooooo right-brained in a more left-brained family and I’ll do something new that’s artistic or crafty and they’ll be like “FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE LETTER!!!” and I’ll be like “I’M RIGHT-BRAINING HERE THE INSTRUCTIONS DON’T HELP ME SO JUST HOLD YOUR WAFFLE!!!!!” except, since I have the spine of a chicken nugget I don’t actually say that XD.

    LOL, I too hath the spine of a courageous chicken nugget XD That’s just the best way of putting it, though XD
    I’m right in the middle between left-brain and right-brain. I read the instructions, then adapt them. My mum has exactly the same attitude towards instruction as you XD

    Oh have you heard about DNA memory? It’s really cool like sometimes if someone has a transplant or something they’ll get a couple of the memories or attitudes of the organ-donor. Or like, some cases when somebody’s shot in the head and suddenly they acquire this crazy skill. Did ya know the mind actually does have an eye-shaped organ right on your forehead?

    Yes!! I heard about that! It’s both creepy and cool at the same time! I once read about a girl who was in an accident and then she started writing upside-down and mirrored constantly. A couple of years later, she bumped her head hard and started writing normally again. Honestly, it’s so cool that stuff like that can happen!

    Aw Faye…*(yeah that’d be one of my worst flaws too ‘don’t rock the boat’)*

    LOL, definitely me too! Faye is probably one of the characters I relate to the most!
    Literally, the funniest thing is when you put her and Liorah together. Liorah scares the daylights out of her, unintentionally XD And Liorah is like… ten inches taller than her (Faye is only 5 feet smol) so anytime they go somewhere poor Faye has the “Wait for me, I have little legs!” scenario.
    Faye is having some cool character development though! I have a plan, but like… loosely. I’m not sure where it’s going.

    Oh yeah! I’ve thrown my shoe before! *for years Mom had to keep reminding me to wear shoes outside lol I hate shoes. A lot.* I love how while running from someone she still hobbles back on one foot to grab her shoe!

    The ‘losing shoe in mud and hopping back to get it’ and ‘shoe throwing’ are two separate occasions XD At that point Faye is wearing wooden clogs though, so if you actually hit someone with it, you’ll definitely stop them XD

    Fun fact: I had to figure out if you could aim accurately while throwing clogs, and how far they would go. Did I google this, like a normal person? Of course not! I took mine and did some experimentation for scientific reasons. XD In case you were wondering, they’re heavier than they look, but they hit hard and right on the mark. Only hay bales were harmed XD

    Yeah the Lunar Chronicles (at the least the first two books which is all I’ve read XD) had a great aesthetic but Cinder and Prince Kai just seemed too ‘dream girl/dream boy’ to me, I didn’t mind Wolf and Scarlet so much with that but both ships felt underdeveloped and neither of them was actually love but romantic attraction. I feel like her theme on manipulation was interesting but a little confused like the author hadn’t decided what she believed about it herself but then maybe it was just building for the next books. But it had such a fascinating setting I could almost see it in Manga ya’know? And the plot idea was cool and intriguing. It was nice, but I feel like she could’ve layered her theme more it was a great theme to look at and I wasn’t all-in on the ships but I’m not a particularly romantic person there XD.

    I totally agree with all the points! I feel like she wasn’t committed to her theme, so it wasn’t as deep as it could be. She was sort of vibrating between a few themes. (Yeah, I’ve done that too XD)

    I see what you mean about the ships! They were definitely more attraction than actual love, though I’d say they developed nicely through the last books.

    My favorite ship was Wincin/Jacinter (Nobody can decide on what that one was called XD) I feel like they were the only ones who actually developed feelings for each other over years of friendship instead of insta-love.

    Cresswell was… okay. I liked the dynamic between them and Thorne got a nice bit of character development, but I wouldn’t say I was entirely on board. These ships both sail in the latter two books, so you probably don’t know what I’m talking about XD It isn’t spoiling though, since it’s really obvious who will end up together XD (Thank goodness for no love triangles!)

    Wolflet was okay, but it felt really rushed. Like, they kissed three days after they met. It fits with Scarlet’s personality, but it still wasn’t my favorite. And you’re right about Kaider, it felt kinda too perfect, especially in the first books. I think it got better in Winter (the last book) because they were actually trying to develop a good relationship and trying to understand each other. Still, not my all-time favorite ships. They were kinda cute now and then, but I wasn’t too invested in the ships.

    One thing I did like was how the relationships were distinct and worked with the character’s personalities.

    Yeah, the setting was awesome! I like how she developed it, too!

    This is more personal taste than anything else, but the plot felt really overcomplicated. Like, I was constantly losing track of sub-plots, and it really stretched the length of the books out. (Winter was over 800 pages!!) I feel like it could have done with a little simplification, but I’m the kinda person who likes straightforward, focused plots XD

    I actually really liked the friendships and characters individually! I feel like they have interesting, distinct personalities and pretty good development. Cress, Winter, and Wolf were my favorite characters, though I liked all of them.

    romance (gag-reflex, although I would like to make a distinction between romance and shipping cos I love ships I just can’t stand impractical gushiness)

    Oh, goodness, YES! “You’re in the middle of an action scene! I don’t care that his eyes are really blue!! That’s irrelevant!!” Or even: “You described the darker blue dot in his left eye seven times in the last hundred pages! Get. Over. It.” It annoys me whenever the plot comes to a standstill so the characters can go on and on about how much they adore each other. I don’t like it when romance gets shoved in somewhere just because they can!

    I would absolutely recommend Shadow of the Bear

    Awesome, I’ll check it out!

    See I once watched this cartoon called Megamind that followed that theme lol it was pretty good although not particularly deep but it was pretty funny! But it addressed how the good-guy/bad-guy label gave the superhero (the antagonist) a free-pass for everything while the supervillain (the MC) never got a free-pass for anything growing-up and just decided to roll with it.

    OOh, that’s such a cool concept!

    Hero/villain dynamics are definitely not brought to their full potential a lot. Like, if the villain ‘converts’ say then suddenly everything’s perfect and on the flip-side if he never ‘converts’ he just stays pure unidentifiable evil. Way too extreme just another stereotype. One of the things I loved in the Person of Interest series was that several of the villains never changed but we still found ourselves rooting for them just as often as we screamed against them, and it had such a slow-burn subtle redemption arc for a couple of the characters but none of the characters stayed through the entire series on the straight and narrow. Even the one character we had full and utter confidence in his moral compass relapsed every so often. It was beautiful…although the last two seasons had some stuff.

    Oh, that sounds like they did that really well! I’ve always found redemption arcs very cool when done well, but it often feels rushed.

    Now we’re (kind of) on the topic of ships, what is the best one you’ve read about/watched?
    Okay, my favorite is kind of unexpected XD Both couples in Signed, Sealed, and Delivered are the cutest and best-written ships I’ve seen in a really, really long time. That show in general is spectacular, honestly! The writers really know what they’re doing. It’s Christian, but it’s not at all preachy or obvious. It’s kind of a background influence to the series, but you can really see it coming through.

    It’s a Hallmark series, but it doesn’t shy away from darker themes and bittersweet endings, and it handles them well!

    The characters in that series!!! I honestly can’t describe how awesome they are! The characters are quirky, fun, and really well-developed. They have a lot of depth, and the relationships work great. Also, the romance isn’t stretched out or rushed, it’s just right. And it doesn’t take all the screentime, the general plot keeps going as well.
    The photography, set design, costume design, writing, everything basically, is awesome!

    Okay, I’ll stop now, but it was awesome. There wasn’t a single disappointing episode and it honestly had me in tears a few times, although I don’t cry easily with movies. (Hachi was an exception and should not be counted. And Where the Red Fern Grows. Apparently, dog movies are my weakness XD)

    Without darkness, there is no light. If there was no nighttime, would the stars be as bright?


    LOL, it must be tricky to get the two styles to match up XD But I can see that the combination will be spectacular!

    It’s actually like oddly easy; @rusted-knight’s strengths are my weaknesses and reverse so like he wrote this great structure this clear concise plot and I’m basically complicating it with extra character/emotional depth and he’s got all the historic know-how and I write the script and he keeps it on the plot and gives me the practical/historic means and designs in-depth aircraft/shipscraft for me to draw-in for the comic sketches with a lotta realism. So like, you’d think we’d be stepping over each other’s toes but it’s actually been really smooth so far kinda like a mutual respect for each party’s area-of-expertise. So it’s been pretty fun so far.<3

    so picture this: I just went up to my brother like, “Hey, I was wondering…. how would you plan an assassination? Theoretically and historically, I mean.” The worst part is that he wasn’t even surprised. I guess he’s too used to me by now. XD

    LOL! My mom was making soap and I was like ‘with your soap recipe and all do you have enough lye to destroy a body?’ and Mom–not even fazed–was like ‘oh no, if I buy in that much bulk it’ll flag the police a little.’ ‘What if it’s inhaled, like that looks like pudding right there?’ Etc. But like all my siblings are writers too so that makes for some pretty interesting dinner conversations XD.

    though XD I’m right in the middle between left-brain and right-brain. I read the instructions, then adapt them. My mum has exactly the same attitude towards instruction as you XD

    See, I have to be a bit left-brained to survive my very left-brained family but I am not naturally in the middle there. Some instructions are…mostly fine most I just hurl out the window as suggestions.

    Yes!! I heard about that! It’s both creepy and cool at the same time! I once read about a girl who was in an accident and then she started writing upside-down and mirrored constantly. A couple of years later, she bumped her head hard and started writing normally again. Honestly, it’s so cool that stuff like that can happen!

    Cool! That’s way happier than the example I heard, like, this donor committed suicide and then the person who received his organs ended up killing himself in the exact same way *shivers* some of those are cool and some are creepy XD. But like people can be shot right through the head and survive and those stories are like ‘How are you not dead!?!’ And like, man! Neuroscience is both crazy cool and crazy creepy!

    Literally, the funniest thing is when you put her and Liorah together. Liorah scares the daylights out of her, unintentionally XD And Liorah is like… ten inches taller than her (Faye is only 5 feet smol) so anytime they go somewhere poor Faye has the “Wait for me, I have little legs!” scenario.

    Lol, that’s so cute! Faye’d definitely be a contrast to Liorah!

    Fun fact: I had to figure out if you could aim accurately while throwing clogs, and how far they would go. Did I google this, like a normal person? Of course not! I took mine and did some experimentation for scientific reasons. XD In case you were wondering, they’re heavier than they look, but they hit hard and right on the mark. Only hay bales were harmed XD

    Why google when you can test it lol?!
    Aw man and all I have to throw are just sneakers! You must have some pretty good aim! Poor hay bales, their unjust execution will be remembered as a cruel inhumane crime for bales to come 😛

    Wolflet was okay, but it felt really rushed. Like, they kissed three days after they met. It fits with Scarlet’s personality, but it still wasn’t my favorite.

    See I loved Wolf but I wasn’t a hug fan of Scarlet, but it was still pretty interesting for their characters. Maybe if there’d been an instant attraction and all but the ship dropped to friendship, that would’ve worked considering how sheltered Wolf had been to be attracted to anybody who was even halfway nice to him. And then maybe reship as they develop idk, it was a good romance not a great ship.

    Oh, goodness, YES! “You’re in the middle of an action scene! I don’t care that his eyes are really blue!! That’s irrelevant!!” Or even: “You described the darker blue dot in his left eye seven times in the last hundred pages! Get. Over. It.” It annoys me whenever the plot comes to a standstill so the characters can go on and on about how much they adore each other. I don’t like it when romance gets shoved in somewhere just because they can!

    Lol ikr!

    Now we’re (kind of) on the topic of ships, what is the best one you’ve read about/watched?

    Best ships…

    Uhhh, actually I have a really hard time shipping any set of characters…I liked Fish and Rose but more as complimentary characters than a ship, I liked Mr. Darcy and Lizzy from Pride and Prejudice mostly because he like roasted her every time he tried to flirt with her lol, both of those though I just have a thing for slow-burn ships I’m tired of the first kiss I want the other relationship milestones too; first problem to work thru together, first real leap of trust, proposal, first months settling to marriage, first kid I’m so off topic…
    I…actually don’t have a 100% on-board ship…idk…

    To be a light to the world you must shine in the darkness.



    So like, you’d think we’d be stepping over each other’s toes but it’s actually been really smooth so far kinda like a mutual respect for each party’s area-of-expertise. So it’s been pretty fun so far.<3

    That sounds so awesome! That means you have the best of both worlds and it’ll be spectacular! Wow, I can totally see how amazing that’ll be!

    My older brother isn’t a writer, but we read a lot of the same books and like the same genres. (It’s awesome to have someone to discuss the books with) and he’s always the first person to hear what I’ve written. His reactions are perfect because they’re extremely genuine so whenever I hear him go “Oh!” or “Ouch…” I’ll know I achieved what I intended. Also, he often sort of explains the subtext back to me, which is awesome because I know if I got my point across properly.

    LOL! My mom was making soap and I was like ‘with your soap recipe and all do you have enough lye to destroy a body?’ and Mom–not even fazed–was like ‘oh no, if I buy in that much bulk it’ll flag the police a little.’ ‘What if it’s inhaled, like that looks like pudding right there?’ Etc. But like all my siblings are writers too so that makes for some pretty interesting dinner conversations XD.

    LOL! (Filing that bit of information away XD) I often ask my mum pretty suspicious sounding questions, because she has a medical background, so it’s often like. “How much blood would you lose if the cut is like that?” or “Would this need sutures?” and even stuff like “Could poison cause paralysis?” Yeah, it gets a bit weird sometimes XD

    Cool! That’s way happier than the example I heard, like, this donor committed suicide and then the person who received his organs ended up killing himself in the exact same way *shivers* some of those are cool and some are creepy XD. But like people can be shot right through the head and survive and those stories are like ‘How are you not dead!?!’ And like, man! Neuroscience is both crazy cool and crazy creepy!

    Oh, yes! I heard that one too! Yeah, it’s fascinating!!

    Why google when you can test it lol?!
    Aw man and all I have to throw are just sneakers! You must have some pretty good aim! Poor hay bales, their unjust execution will be remembered as a cruel inhumane crime for bales to come

    LOL! I just hurled it in the vague general direction, but they fly really nice and straight! I did kind of lose one in the hay bales for a few months, but I found it again, so that isn’t an issue XD In case you were wondering, it’s possible to yank off a clog while running and hurl it at a target, but you do have to slow down some. This is only when you can actually run on clogs, which takes practice and way too many twisted ankles before you master it XD

    See I loved Wolf but I wasn’t a hug fan of Scarlet, but it was still pretty interesting for their characters. Maybe if there’d been an instant attraction and all but the ship dropped to friendship, that would’ve worked considering how sheltered Wolf had been to be attracted to anybody who was even halfway nice to him. And then maybe reship as they develop idk, it was a good romance not a great ship.

    Wow, that would have been so much better! And it would have made a lot more sense for Wolf too since he just didn’t have friends before that. One of my favorite things about Wolf is how he scares the daylights out of everyone the first time they meet him but he’s actually really shy, it’s a really funny contrast XD

    both of those though I just have a thing for slow-burn ships I’m tired of the first kiss I want the other relationship milestones too; first problem to work thru together, first real leap of trust, proposal, first months settling to marriage, first kid I’m so off topic…

    IKR! I really love the friends-to-lovers trope, when characters seem to already love each other but like, as friends, and then the love just sort of changes, Idk, I really love that XD I’m kind of tired of characters who completely skip the friendship stage, it seems kind of unnatural.


    Without darkness, there is no light. If there was no nighttime, would the stars be as bright?


    My older brother isn’t a writer, but we read a lot of the same books and like the same genres. (It’s awesome to have someone to discuss the books with) and he’s always the first person to hear what I’ve written. His reactions are perfect because they’re extremely genuine so whenever I hear him go “Oh!” or “Ouch…” I’ll know I achieved what I intended. Also, he often sort of explains the subtext back to me, which is awesome because I know if I got my point across properly.

    That’s great! It’s awesome to get a good reader for your book and big brothers are the best!

    In case you were wondering, it’s possible to yank off a clog while running and hurl it at a target, but you do have to slow down some. This is only when you can actually run on clogs, which takes practice and way too many twisted ankles before you master it XD

    Lol! That is so cool! If I ever have a character wear clogs that must be somewhere in the story. (Also notes clogs are as bad as heels XD)

    One of my favorite things about Wolf is how he scares the daylights out of everyone the first time they meet him but he’s actually really shy, it’s a really funny contrast XD

    IKR! He was a great character, and so cute!

    I really love the friends-to-lovers trope, when characters seem to already love each other but like, as friends, and then the love just sort of changes, Idk, I really love that XD I’m kind of tired of characters who completely skip the friendship stage, it seems kind of unnatural.

    Exactly! Like how do they think this relationship will work without a solid foundation?! I’d never ever wanna date someone until I’d bonded with him as a friend for at least a year.
    Oh random question; do you ever notice different ways your prayer life affects your writing or your themes?

    To be a light to the world you must shine in the darkness.



    That’s great! It’s awesome to get a good reader for your book and big brothers are the best!

    LOL, definitely! Though, it keeps proving to me that it’s impossible to write realistic sibling relationships because nobody would believe it. XD My brother and I have an inside joke where we only call each other by wrong names. The names vary, but they’re always ridiculous and have no reason behind them. He’ll frequently refer to me as ‘Sheep’ and I call him ‘Pete’ (That’s not his name. That doesn’t even remotely resemble his name in any way shape or form.) I don’t know when this started, it’s an instinctive thing by this time XD

    Lol! That is so cool! If I ever have a character wear clogs that must be somewhere in the story. (Also notes clogs are as bad as heels XD)

    LOL! Like, I’m talking about the modern clogs (Google calls them ‘Swedish clogs’) that have leather tops, but I think the same thing applies to the old-fashioned ones. And yes, they’re exactly as bad as heels! Mostly because they have like a three cm platform and a five cm heel, so they’re pretty high. They’re oddly comfortable though?! Like, they’re better than boots because you can put them on quickly, they dry fast, and I think they float. (Which is important since the Netherlands is essentially a massive mud puddle.) And if you kick something with traditional clogs, you don’t hurt your feet and they’re perfect for wearing when you’re working with horses because if they step on your feet, you literally won’t feel anything XD You do sound like a horse when you’re walking on concrete or any hard surface XD I’ve tried to sneak up on people on clogs and it’s an awkward and painstaking process XD

    I just waxed poetical about clogs. This is an entirely new level of Dutch XD Anyway, if you do want to use it, it was common in lots of countries among the peasant class because they’re so practical and last really long.

    Exactly! Like how do they think this relationship will work without a solid foundation?! I’d never ever wanna date someone until I’d bonded with him as a friend for at least a year.

    Exactly! It’s become a standard that ‘leading lady’ and ‘leading guy’ become a couple. So much so that any relationship is expected unless blatantly disproved. Some authors try to keep their options open for way too long which leads to a lot of ‘will-they-won’t-they’ which I find deeply annoying.

    Oh random question; do you ever notice different ways your prayer life affects your writing or your themes?

    Fabulous question! I’ve found that it very often goes both ways, like, if I’m writing about a specific theme and I’m really getting into a character’s fears and lies and stuff like that, I’ll often go like “Huh, why do I know this? This feels familiar…”And then I’ll often figure out either a lie that I used to believe or still do.

    And it’s kinda a weird feeling when something happens and you go like “Wait a minute, this person is acting like ‘Character’! Hmmm…” (I never know if I was unconsciously basing that character off the person or if I just noticed it because of that.)

    And sometimes I feel like He’s really telling me something, like, my story ideas, and songs I discover, and people I meet all point to one specific thing, and often I’ll end up writing about that, just to figure it out. Writing really helps me work through stuff because you get perspective. Like, you have to see the bigger picture and you’re really close and somehow not too close anymore, all at the same time. And you can’t skim over anything. You have to figure it out in-depth.

    Now and then, everything will somehow tie together and it’s both cool and a little scary because you’re really sure what you need to write. While doing the dishes, I accidentally figured out a theme and three character arcs in one swoop this morning. And immediately realized that’s something I have to work on too. That happens a lot. XD

    How about you? That was a really cool question and I’d love to hear how that is for you.

    Without darkness, there is no light. If there was no nighttime, would the stars be as bright?


    Though, it keeps proving to me that it’s impossible to write realistic sibling relationships because nobody would believe it. XD My brother and I have an inside joke where we only call each other by wrong names. The names vary, but they’re always ridiculous and have no reason behind them. He’ll frequently refer to me as ‘Sheep’ and I call him ‘Pete’

    LOL I call @rustedknight ‘Buddy’ and I never even thought it was weird until new people were like ‘ummm…who’s Buddy?’ And it’s so funny the sort’ve ‘code’ you can talk in with your siblings like an almost telepathic link.

    This is an entirely new level of Dutch XD Anyway, if you do want to use it, it was common in lots of countries among the peasant class because they’re so practical and last really long.

    Ooh I didn’t know all that. That’s cool!

    It’s become a standard that ‘leading lady’ and ‘leading guy’ become a couple. So much so that any relationship is expected unless blatantly disproved. Some authors try to keep their options open for way too long which leads to a lot of ‘will-they-won’t-they’ which I find deeply annoying.

    IKR! I can get why you’d have them both in a leading role so like it’s not ‘oh this random chick we don’t even care about really,’ but there’s so much else you can do!

    Now and then, everything will somehow tie together and it’s both cool and a little scary because you’re really sure what you need to write. While doing the dishes, I accidentally figured out a theme and three character arcs in one swoop this morning. And immediately realized that’s something I have to work on too. That happens a lot. XD How about you? That was a really cool question and I’d love to hear how that is for you.

    Ikr, writing is really holding a coded mirror to yourself! I’d always see these patterns with my characters that I thought were unrealistic and then I’d look closer and it was really authentic if I peeled back the conscious effort to make my style ‘pretty’ or ‘correct’. I feel like writing ripped layers of my soul apart to my core.
    I’d say writing as profoundly affected my prayerlife. I find myself writing rather prayerful scenes like the conflict is what my soul is struggling with and I came to love God more by writing and to see more answers to the constant ‘why am I still hurting?’ The process of having to show weakness and strength, struggle and complicated emotions on a page through other characters really helped me turn off my internal filter that said I shouldn’t feel these things so I won’t register it.
    And everything tying together is definitely creepy/cool! Like I don’t even plan half my writing I just be like; ‘ok my subconscious mind: fix it and report please…WHAT YOU MEAN WE’RE WRITING THIS?!?’ And ‘WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THAT BEFORE I WROTE THE FIRST DRAFT?!?’ But it’s both scary and amazing, I’ve been terrified by the things that bubble out of my mind and comforted by the change and realization it forced.

    To be a light to the world you must shine in the darkness.



    LOL I call @rustedknight ‘Buddy’ and I never even thought it was weird until new people were like ‘ummm…who’s Buddy?’ And it’s so funny the sort’ve ‘code’ you can talk in with your siblings like an almost telepathic link.

    Yep, I’ve completely given up on writing siblings totally realistically, since it wouldn’t make any kind of sense XD

    IKR! I can get why you’d have them both in a leading role so like it’s not ‘oh this random chick we don’t even care about really,’ but there’s so much else you can do!

    Exactly! Like, there are seldom just two main characters, they usually each have a sidekick. Why do the sidekicks always stay single? I mean, there’s so much more potential than just the MCs getting together.

    Ikr, writing is really holding a coded mirror to yourself! I’d always see these patterns with my characters that I thought were unrealistic and then I’d look closer and it was really authentic if I peeled back the conscious effort to make my style ‘pretty’ or ‘correct’. I feel like writing ripped layers of my soul apart to my core.
    I’d say writing as profoundly affected my prayerlife. I find myself writing rather prayerful scenes like the conflict is what my soul is struggling with and I came to love God more by writing and to see more answers to the constant ‘why am I still hurting?’ The process of having to show weakness and strength, struggle and complicated emotions on a page through other characters really helped me turn off my internal filter that said I shouldn’t feel these things so I won’t register it.

    That’s amazing! I get something similar sometimes, then it’s just like: “Wow, that character’s actions are so messed up… Oh. I do that.” XD It’s kinda scary because most of the time I didn’t even realize I did that. I don’t know, I guess it’s just easier when you can essentially split yourself up into smaller pieces and judge each one separately. XD

    I mean, each of my characters has some part of me in them, I guess. It makes them easier to write XD Though, seeing the different elements of my personality annoy each other on-page is weird. XD What can I say, writing is weird XD

    I can honestly say that writing scares me sometimes. It’s just like… Who am I to write about this? There’ll always be someone else who said it better, and I’m sure I’ll get it wrong. That’s usually the point where I just go, “I’m not going to publish this anyway. Nobody’s going to see this.” It somehow makes me feel a bit better XD

    And I kind of feel that it helps me be less judgemental about people since you have to write characters really honestly and you can literally see that they have blind spots and prejudices and insecurities that nobody else knows about. And when people confuse me I literally just think of them as I would of my characters and that somehow helps me sort stuff out.

    And everything tying together is definitely creepy/cool! Like I don’t even plan half my writing I just be like; ‘ok my subconscious mind: fix it and report please…WHAT YOU MEAN WE’RE WRITING THIS?!?’ And ‘WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THAT BEFORE I WROTE THE FIRST DRAFT?!?’ But it’s both scary and amazing, I’ve been terrified by the things that bubble out of my mind and comforted by the change and realization it forced.

    Totally! And then you get to rewrite it completely! YaY! So MUch FUn! XD

    Actually, I don’t really mind rewriting. Since I already wrote it once, I kinda know what I’m going for as opposed to figuring it out as I write. But when I switch back to a first draft, it’s so frustrating because it’s so much less polished. I actually kinda like editing, except for the part where you have to delete stuff you worked really hard on because it isn’t important to the plot.

    Without darkness, there is no light. If there was no nighttime, would the stars be as bright?

    Naiya Dyani

    Hey! I was sure I’d posted this but somehow it didn’t register. . .?

    I’d be willing to do a sketch or two for people! I’m not as good as some people on here but I can draw stuff lol. Here’s a sample of my art:

    Hearts are like matter--they can be beaten down, torn, and burned, but they cannot be destroyed.

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