
Assistance to the Door, Please!

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  • #150392

    Hey peeps! Been a looooonnnngggggg time since I’ve been on here, and I’ve decided to leave because I’m never present anyway.

    But… (lol) I dunno how to leave. Aka, quit my account.


    Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. -JRR Tolkien

    Brian Stansell

    Dear Olivia ( @olivia),

    I wish you would stay.  I understand life gets busy.  I understand that there may be other sites you wish to explore.
    But I want you to know that there are writers, young and older, from many different places and backgrounds who may need to hear what you alone can share or say.  Each of us needs encouragement.  God has given each of us and you too a special and unique gift and stories to tell.  You are invested with God’s spark to provide light to others who need to hear what you have learned and are learning.  This community is like a family here.  If you still want to go, we will miss you, little sister.
    I am much older, so the term “little” is not a diminutive term, but one of recognition that there is a truth in your tag line:
    Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. -JRR Tolkien

    You are chosen to make a difference.
    God Bless!


    Brian Stansell (aka O'Brian of the Surface World)
    I was born in war.
    Fighting from my first breath.



    Hey Olivia!! I’m with Mr Stansell, I wish you wouldn’t go 🙁

    If you do, I understand and I wish you the best in your writing life and life life.

    We’ll miss you! God bless

    Be weird. Be random. Be who you are. Because you ever know who would love the person you hide.



    That was pretty encouraging to hear. 🙂 I may stay now because of it, but I’ll explain my situation a bit more so you understand why I was intending to leave.

    I enjoy writing, I really do, but I’ve realized over the past two months that writing is not something I want to pursue with a great deal of time because it’s only a hobby. Not to say it’s bad to hone a hobby (I certainly don’t think so!), but I find writing takes up a lot of time and effort, when I would rather be doing other stuff, especially since I’ve now realized I don’t want to write for my career in the future. I finally realized that I much prefer to read what my friend (she’s a writing and author) is working on and help her with editing/brainstorming/etc. I find a lot more joy in that, so I’ve decided to quite novel writing in order to help her, because it’s a win win for both of us!

    But you do have a point that everyone has something to say to those they interact with, and I’m no exception. While I’ve decided to end my novel writing hobby (at least for the moment, though I don’t expect to start again, really), I still write poems occasionally and songs as well. Songs are my way of really expressing myself, and I love music a ton, so it’s great. I will for sure continue to do those two things, and I guess I can share them. I haven’t really that much before, but I suppose I can, because that’s the main way I express myself with words. I love words, I just use them different than many others, in that I write songs mostly instead of stories/novels. But music is in my veins, so of course I prefer music and songs. 🙂

    Anyway, all that to say, I guess I will stay, because although I’m going to stop noveling (that should totally be a word!), I’ll still continue writing songs and poems. So thanks for your word of encouragement/advice!

    (And I knew you didn’t mean ‘little sister’ in a diminutive way. Though you could mean it in a literally way, because I’m on the short end of the spectrum as far as height goes. 😛 Haha)

    Yes! I love my tagline! Partly because it’s great ’cause it’s about hobbits and they’re great (along with JRR Tolkien), but also because it’s so true in real life too! Whether it’s stature, age, or social status, a ‘little’ person can make a huge impact in the world!

    Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. -JRR Tolkien



    Aww, thanks. 🙂 I feel sorta like it really is a family now (@obrian-of-the-surface-world) with you guys telling me not to go. Haha

    Lol, I love how you say ‘writing life’ and ‘life life’, because I totally know what you mean. 😉 They’re sorta separate worlds for me too, haha.

    But ya, I was just gonna leave because of the reasons I gave in the above post (^) to Brian, but I’ve decided to stay also for the reasons in the above post (^). 😉

    Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. -JRR Tolkien

    Brian Stansell

    Olivia (@olivia) I am so very glad to hear this!

    It is not only novel writers that need input, but we need the voice of readers here too.  You are a gifted creative.  Do not think just because your preferences are not in story writing, that they are in any way less than.  Poetry and music are essential art forms that are powerful ways to express wonder, beauty, and concepts.  God gives us the idea of being part of a spiritual body in which every part is essential and no one part that functions in a certain way should think of themselves as more important or more useful than the other.

    As a novel writer, I desperately need the perspective from a poet to tell me what images and illusions are evocative of emotions and feelings that need to be part of a scene.  Cadence and rhythm are something musicians understand intuitively, and so your strengths in that help inform us prose writers what is lacking in our writing.  You have some many meaningful ways to contribute that story writers need and can benefit from.

    Poets and musicians and lyricists are storytellers.  This cannot be denied.  Your gifts are flames to brighten the darkness.  Your voice is essential.  What God shows you, others need to hear.  That is why you are gifted.  For expression to shine forth God’s glory in the ways that delight you.  God places those desires in you for poetry and music to be enjoyed in fullness, but also to help refine us who need to hear the expression in the ways you are gifted to deliver them.  Novel writers need your perspective.

    If a novel writer, does not learn from a poet, their writing is flat and stilted.  If a novel writer does not learn from a musician the quality of keeping a beat, or adding the sense of hearing to the interplay of the notes of characters and the environment’s harmony with mood, we cannot enliven a scene and make it sing.  It becomes discordant to the reader’s inner hearing.  Your gifts are essential.  Please, please, please do not diminish the strengths and aptitudes God has gifted you with.  We need your poetic voice. We need your ability to craft music.  You belong here as an essential part of this body.

    Here is a scripture that comes to my mind, just now:

    But now [are they] many members, yet but one body. And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary: And those [members] of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely [parts] have more abundant comeliness. For our comely [parts] have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that [part] which lacked: That there should be no schism in the body; but [that] the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. [1 Corinthians 12:20-26 KJV]

    Brian Stansell (aka O'Brian of the Surface World)
    I was born in war.
    Fighting from my first breath.



    Yup, I fully agree with the different parts of one body but all working together and no part is any better than another!

    And ya, it’s true that although I’m dropping novel writing, I can still be of help to others, and I believe there are other poets on here that I could share ideas with and such. Granted, my poems aren’t like planned out or anything. They just sort of happen, in the moment. Like previously, if I wanted to write a bit quick before going to bed, I’d pull out a paper and pen and write a quick poem. So I’m not super great at making my poems flow because I don’t put that much effort into them, but I’m sure I could still help with editing and such, since I do read a lot. Reading is definitely my favourite hobby (with maybe the exception of music/singing…)

    I totally agree with what you’re saying about poets and musicians and novelists all needing each other. I wasn’t meaning we don’t or that my gifts are any less important. I know that each gift is equal in ‘status’. Thanks for reminding me that I can still be an inspiration to others, though. It’s a great thing to keep in mind throughout life.

    Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. -JRR Tolkien

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