
Reply To: I WANT to plot, though! IS THIS OPTIMAL?

Forums Fiction Plotting I WANT to plot, though! IS THIS OPTIMAL? Reply To: I WANT to plot, though! IS THIS OPTIMAL?



Heya Natalie, it’s Rose again!

 I’m positive I’m undiagnosed ADHD, but whatever. Would ADHD make a difference in optimal writing method choices?

Well, short answer, yes XD I’m neurodivergent myself, and it DEFINITELY affects the way I write and my process. On the ADHD front let me drag Cath out of the shadows… @this-is-not-an-alien you know more about this than I do, dear human tornado. Any advice?

For me, discovering my writing process is a combination of trial and error, and stealing friends’ processes and Frankensteining them together into something functional.

For the problem you have, in how much detail do you outline? Do you think it might help to outline very loosely? Like, just the major plot points of three-act/fifteen beat? That way you can still pants in between that, but you have a goal.

Is boredom the main reason why you get stuck, or is it more of a not knowing where to go?

Also, take heart, this is a continuing process of figuring out what works. I don’t think you ever reach optimal writing process, it necessarily has to shift and change with the seasons!

Here’s a video that might help you! It’s about figuring out your writing process, and it might have some good advice.

All he sent back was, “I think the answer to your question is ‘butt time’.” In other words, put your butt in the chair and get to work.

He’s always told me it’s really as easy as that … Butt in chair. GET TO WORK! He said I know everything I need to know. I’m just spending way too much time NOT writing.

Honestly, it’s very good advice. It’s the way I managed to finish my first book XD Just push through, and you will be able to manage it!

Without darkness, there is no light. If there was no nighttime, would the stars be as bright?

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