
Reply To: For Those Who Don’t Get It & Those Who Do

Forums Poetry Poetry Discussions For Those Who Don’t Get It & Those Who Do Reply To: For Those Who Don’t Get It & Those Who Do

Tenshi Chispa

Thank you, Brien Stansell (@obrian-of-the-surface-world) for responding.

“Sometimes a poetic allusion can be obscure or not be as accessible from culture to culture. This may be related to limited exposure through education, or background.”
“Some who like a rhythmic pulse in their music preferences may have difficulty with poetic forms that don’t tend to have a clearly defined tempo or meter … Some may think poetry can be silly, and others think it is inspiring and memorable.”

I did not think about that, but it is true. Cultural understanding is often the bases for the metaphors & symbolism we use. I was reading something that mentioned tree shaking, I think, as an image of fear. But where I am, there is almost always a gentle breeze, so what I had was more like peaceful dancing.
In that sense, it is a matter of exposure, not just to poetry, to things outside of one’s personal every day, right? Also, one needs to be aware of how things connect to one’s life.

Looks at my music playlists… (Both silly & inspirational stuff).



“Some professors in colleges and universities may go off and do their own thing, or pluck out some obscure works that they have preferences for, and neglect teaching what was once considered “classical literature.” … Some people are very right-brained, and some are left-brained and their preferences do not allow much tolerance for the other side.”

I had that experience of a teacher overanalyzing. Looking back, I am sure he had good intentions. He was just excited & rushed for time. But, because he told us the “answers” instead of letting us think it through, I felt like poetry was not for me. I was frustrated & confused.



“People react to it in different ways for so many reasons and may respond or not respond to it, depending on what they a dealing with or struggling with on any given day… Trust Him and let it flow as an expression of gratitude to The One who gifted you.”

Recently, I have been thinking about the idea that writing is about having a conversation rather than expressing my voice. It is much more fun since I do not have to feel like I need to work all the answers in for my readers.
As a reader, the “conflict of interpretation” makes more sense this way. I can accept the author’s intentions. I do not have to like it or approve, but I see that this is their side. Then I can apply it to my world, not force my application as the “actual interpretation.” It leaves things more open for conversation.

I like this point you made. I used to (& maybe still do) sweat about it with my [not poetry] WIPs. God has been working with me on it.
Thank you!

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