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K. A. Grey

Might as well be one more female on this thread…

  @lonathecat   Um, so, I was just a passive observer of this thread until this conversation became pretty heated so if I may be allowed to offer my thoughts? Because sometimes it helps to hear a third perspective?

First off, Mr. Stansell, I have to agree with Lona that you may have misconstrued the meaning of the passage you referred to. While God does expect the man to be a provider of the home, I think Lona Cat is right in saying that the particular passage you pointed out is not referring to a “strong man” in a literal sense. While this may be drawing from a real life example of a physically strong man defending his home, that is not the point of the passage.  It’s about spiritual warfare, and Jesus is using an illustration to get his point across, not necessarily that men must physically defend their home.

I do agree about what you said that men should be the head of the home and that women should submit to the husband’s authority.  But going as far as to say that a man needs to be physically strong is a bit of a stretch.  Are they, normally? Generally yes, but it’s not necessarily a physical requirement.  However, Scripture does place a lot of emphasis on the spiritual requirements for the male head of the house, but I won’t go into that here.

Also, gotta admit, when you went into the whole “skeletal design of a woman accommodates carrying a child in their womb, etc., etc.” thing, it felt kinda condescending. True for the most part, but unnecessary and condescending.  Which Lona also expresses, though somewhat snarkily😉  Unnecessary because it doesn’t really add much to your argument, condescending because we already know those facts.

God has put males in the role of spiritual headship in a home.

Bingo! I do agree with that.  Although it does seem (correct me if I’m wrong) that Lona may have taken offence that you seem to imply that women are less spiritually discerning and more gullible than men?  I hope that’s not what you meant by “silly women,” just that silly women exist, but either way the way you worded this…

There are silly women.  Get over it.  There are stupid men.  You might as well get over that too.  I will not pander or soft-sell the scripture just to tip-toe over sensitivities that may be more modern-cultural acquired than arise from sincere humble study of the Word.

Oof. That’s a bit strong.  I get where you’re coming from, but ouch? I think there’s just misunderstanding on both sides of the issue, but anyway, moving on..

the definition of a Godly man is not a big, strong, gun bearing fellow. It is a humble, meek, self-sacrificing man who provides for his family.

Yes, Noah, I love that!

Masculinity, as well as femininity, were created by God and if you have a problem with either, you need to take it up with The Designer, because your real problem is with Him. Guys want to be tough.  It is only women who try to shame them for it.

Sorry, but Lona clearly stated that this wasn’t an issue she had, so I don’t see why this is necessary? In fact, it sounds really close to sounding like a personal attack.  I’m sure you’re not trying to be vehement, just standing up for your beliefs, which is great! But the fact is, that you did sound harsh at times.

Maybe I’m intruding though, and if I am, I apologize, I just hate to see people argue and it get nasty….  Also it’s 2:45 in the morning where I am so…. what I say may or may not make sense and if it doesn’t ignore me, I’m just rambling now. Signing off!

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