Forum Guidelines
1. Be constructive. This is a forum focused on storytelling; look for ways to help other members. Never demean, insult, or give unhelpful criticism to another user.
2. Be involved. The forum is a community, and a community can only exist if its members are active in reaching out and helping each other. Don’t be afraid to comment or share your work. We love when you’re involved.
3. Stay focused. We love lightheartedness and friendship, but we don’t want this forum to become another distraction from your writing. Please refrain from posting anything that would waste your own or others’ time, and try to keep discussions centered on the topic of storytelling. Spamming is prohibited.
4. Be uplifting. Foul language is strictly forbidden. We want to honor God in everything we do, so all our words should be edifying. When in doubt, side with being conservative or ask an admin.
Do not post any story, image, or video that could be considered obscene or excessively gruesome. Only post images you would be comfortable with a young child viewing. Our primary goal should be to reflect the light of Christ, not the darkness and bondage of not knowing Him. Stories posted on the forum should meet our submission guidelines. Stories that do not meet our submission guidelines may be linked to as long as adequate content warnings are given.
5. Be considerate. Tagging members is allowed, but please only tag members who are relevant to the current discussion. You may tag up to 12 members in a post, but you must obtain permission from one of our moderators to tag more people than that.
6. Don’t self-promote. We don’t allow users to advertise their own services unless the natural course of the conversation prompts it (e.g., someone asks for a good cover designer, so you mention your cover design gig). We are happy, however, for active members to share about the books they’ve recently released in a friendly, non-pushy manner.
By creating an account on our site, you agree to follow these guidelines and uphold these standards at all times.
If the Story Embers team sees a violation of these rules, they will issue a warning. A second offense will result in a month-long suspension from the forum. A third offense will result in permanent expulsion. The Story Embers team reserves the right to permanently expel any member at any time.
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